President | Paul Boeckman |
Vice President | Mike Creech |
Vice President | Denise O’Neil |
Secretary | Jean Pummill |
Treasurer | Roland Rapp |
President Elect | Sarah Umbreit |
Immediate Past President | Joan Cordonnier |
Past Presidents’ Representative | Karl Frydryk |
One Year Term | Two Year Term |
Karen Charnesky | Andy Higgins |
Dennis Dockins | Greg Hoffbauer |
Jim Mogan | Erin Laurito |
Steve Rau | Bob Myers |
Deb Saunders | Paul Stull |
Our club is administered by a Board of Directors comprised of a President, President-Elect, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, another past president and up to 10 Directors. This board is responsible for managing the activities of the club, making decisions on donation requests, and setting the direction of the club. The president, as the Executive Officer of the club, presides over monthly board meetings. All club members are invited to attend board meetings, but only those on the Board of Directors are eligible to vote on any actions taken by the club.
Elections for the next Optimist year are held annually at a club meeting in the spring. Directors are elected for a two year term while officers are elected for a one year term.