New Member Application

Optimist roundrel logo next to "Optimist International" written in blue letters. Below that it says "Optimist Club of Centerville-Noon" in black letters.
950 New Member Application


Member status or reason for leaving the club if no longer a member.
Enter date inducted
Enter date of first reading
Enter date of second reading
Enter date of third reading
Enter date of board approval
Approximate last day of membership
Home Address
Home Address
Zip Code
If applicable.
Membership Type
Only the Application Fee is due today. You will be billed later for your membership.
Examples include woodworking, database, crafting. This can help us find areas where you can help.

Maximum file size: 8MB

Our member handbook includes headshots of members.

Youth Contests

Please Indicate your interest in the following:
coordinate with teachers, publicity and judge
recruit participants, publicity and judge
coordinate with teachers, publicity and judge
coordinate with teachers, publicity and judge
coordinate with teachers, publicity and judge

Member Related

Please Indicate your interest in the following:
identify theme, publicize and organize events
assist in recruiting and retaining new members
contact media with newsworthy information regarding the club
organize monthly meetings, arrange speakers and attend evening events
provide still pictures and video of club meetings and events
identify and arrange speakers for weekly meeting
prepare room for meeting and assess fines
prepare content for social media platforms, plan social media strategy
website, directory, communications and data management
website, directory, communications and data management

Youth Activities

Please Indicate your interest in the following:
provide support to children at Dayton Children’s Hospital
buy supplies, stuff eggs, advertise and coordinate event
registration, concession stand and back office
assist with decorating trails, act as trail guide
set up games, help kids play and tear down after
distribute materials and assist with Rodeo
set up/tear down, session assistance
registration, set up stations and guide kids through basketball challenges
registration, set up stations and guide kids through soccer challenges
provide support to children struggling with mental health issues

Community Outreach

Please Indicate your interest in the following:
5K run registration, course set up and staff result stations
July 4th – plan, set up, take down and staff event
recruit members and coordinate donations to central office
assist with selecting scholarship recipients, act as mentor to students
attend meetings and support college club
liaison with elementary, middle & high school Optimist clubs


Please Indicate your interest in the following:
provide local area residents with US Flags for holidays
contact sponsors, register golfers and staff event
coordinate sale of Christmas trees
If you do not know anyone in the club just leave blank and we will pair you with someone.
Completed application must be accompanied by $60 application fee.
Individuals who have committed offenses against children may be denied membership and/or have their membership revoked.

Centerville Noon Optimist “No-Solicitation” Policy
As a club who serves as a Friend of Youth, we want our volunteer members to be focused on
helping kids – free from business solicitation of any kind. Therefore all CNO Members are
specifically prohibited from contacting other club members for business solicitation purposes.
Your application for membership affirms your acceptance and compliance with this policy.

This covers initial expenses like 3 lunches at Yankee Trace and name badge.
Method of Payment

Future Ideas

Tech Area

Turn on so payment is not asked for