Donation Request

Mission of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club

As a friend of youth, our mission is to provide positive programs and activities to benefit youth in the local and surrounding communities to help them grow and prosper as future leaders

Is My Organization Eligible for a Donation?

Please take a moment to review the following eligibility qualifications and guidelines to determine whether or not your request is eligible for a donation from the Centerville Noon Optimist Club.

We award funds to a full spectrum of organizations and educators that serve the youth in our community. The programs we consider for discretionary support are located primarily in Centerville-Washington Township and surrounding areas, but we will also consider requests for needs in surrounding counties and townships.

If your organization’s mission doesn’t fit ours or serve our locality please see this page for other service organizations.

Donation recipients should:

  • Fit our mission statement
  • Fit one of these categories:
    • Organization that is recognized as a tax-exempt or non-profit.
    • Educator with a project benefitting students.
    • Individual with a community project, such as a student needing help to fund their Eagle Scout project.
  • Benefit the youth local to Centerville-Washington Township or surrounding communities

We generally do not provide donations for:

  • General organizational operations and ongoing programs, operational deficits, or reduced or lost funding.
  • Individuals (exceptions would be a teacher requesting supplies for their classroom, or student requesting money for a project to benefit their school or community)
  • Fundraising drives for individuals
  • Political activities
  • Endowment funds
  • Publications, scientific, medical, or academic research projects, or research papers
  • In addition, multi-year commitments are rarely considered

Steps to Apply

  1. Ensure that you and/or your organization are eligible to apply (see above)
  2. Review CNO’s Guidelines for Donation Requests (see above)
  3. Submit an online Donation Request Form using the button below. The Form provides CNO with an overview of your funding request and the documents needed to support that request.