Optimist Junior Golf Championship Qualifier

Logo Junior Golf

2025 Ohio South Qualifier Tournament

June 10 – 11, 2025

(2 day, no cut qualifying event)

Heatherwoode Golf Club

88 Heatherwoode Blvd

Springboro, OH 45066

Age Divisions

Boys 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-18

Girls 10-12, 13-14, 15-18

Winners/ qualifiers go to “The Optimist”  at Doral Resort  (Miami, FL)

One of the top premier Junior Golf Tournaments in the world. A unique opportunity for junior golfers from around the globe. The Optimist is unique from all tournaments. Junior golfers and family enjoy golf, parent-child tournament, off-course activities, meals and housing all on one property.

More than 50 qualifying tournaments, Optimists reach out into their own communities to involve children in the game of golf. Each year 5,000 junior golfers, ages 10-18, participate in Optimist sponsored events. The top 700 junior golfers advance to the Optimist International Junior Golf Championship each summer.

We have 23 spots open for participants in our tournament to advance to the International Championship! Our local business sponsors and Optimist Clubs will pay the International Championship entry fee for the top qualifying winners in each of the 7 age brackets, a $670 value!

Questions about the Optimist Ohio South Qualifier or about the Optimist International Junior Golf Championship?

300 Junior Golf Questions