Noon Meeting News – January 17, 2017 – Bringing Soap Box Derby Back to Dayton

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, each day we are given a blank canvas. A new day to paint with a brush filled with the paint we call emotions. When we put our brush to the canvas we leave a permanent picture. The control we have over the emotion that is on our brush, will it reflect your love or the anger of the devil. In retrospect we look back with pride or in shame to our painting.
The paint brush of our mouth is the one that causes us the greatest emotional happiness and distress. We pray Lord for your continued guidance and love for us. So keep your arm around our shoulder and when appropriate your hand over our mouth. Amen!

Click here to see all the photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Donna Carter Barbara Santo
Kendal Dynes Barbara Santo
Sally Fell John Horner
Ted Santo Barbara Santo

Today’s Speaker

Today’s speaker was Sally Fell from the Soap Box Derby Rally. She is trying to reinstate a location in Dayton to have races again, especially due to the history Dayton has with the Soap Box Derby. In 1933 a Dayton newsman, Myron Scott, came across a group of kids racing their homemade cars and was inspired to create an event where young boys could get together to do this and race against one another.

Soap Box Derby was born in Dayton, though later moved to Akron where there was a permanent track built and that is where the championships have taken place each year since.

In one of the very first races, even though a girl won 2nd place, girls were not permitted to race in the event until the 70’s. Today there is a 50/50 participation from both girls and boys. The Soap Box Derby is a great tool that children and teens can use to learn many traits and build lasting friendships. They are currently teaming up with engineers from UD and are looking for mentors and sponsorship from the Dayton area.

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Birthdays This Week 



Barbara Santo January 17
Myron Rheaume January 20
Gary Smiga January 21
Todd Kelchner January 24
Martha Jackson January 25
Daniel Passidomo January 26

Membership Anniversaries

Name Month Day Year # Years
 Susan  Thomsen January 14 1997 19
 Mike  Cornelius January 19 2016 1
 Gary  DeMarco January 19 2016 1
 Stephen  Gallagher January 19 2016 1
 Mike  Yoder January 22 2014 3
 Jeff  Kujawa January 22 2015 2

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Lynne Reilly Phather Phil 3rd Reading
Deb Ulrich Mike Bevis 3rd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member(s) Infraction
75% of the Members in Attendance Anybody who does not have a birthday in January, February or March

Happy Bucks!

Kelly Stone So happy for her daughter who is now expecting her 3rd baby (Grandchild #6  for Kelly and Bill)
Joan Cordonnier Happy to be back at a Tuesday Optimist Club Meeting