Noon Meeting News – November 14, 2017 – Christmas Tree Lot Presentation

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, some of us are like tea bags , we have to be put in hot water to see how strong we are. So thank You for friends and companions who offer a hand when we are in need. Comfort when we are sad and words of encouragement when we mess up. As Optimist we are blessed with such friends. Since we have no gold to give and love must make amends. Please ,Lord makes us worthy of our friends. Amen!

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Today’s Speaker

Vice President Greg Griffin talked to CNO about the upcoming tree lot. He showed a Christmas Tree lot video, and spoke about how our tree lot has become a family tradition for many of our customers. This Saturday, November 18th, 8AM, ALL HANDS ON DECK, we will unload nearly 1,000 trees. Last year we sold out in 16 days, this year it is believed we will sell out even more quickly. EVERYONE is assigned to work the tree lot, so show up for as many shifts as possible. We are looking forward to another great season. MERRY CHRISTMAS.


Member Birthday
Bryan Link November 14
Diane Mescher November 16
Russell Hulbert November 19

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Katie Hurst November 14 11/14/2013 4
Reba Hurst November 14 11/14/2013 4
Art Hung November 16 11/16/2001 16
Tim Clemmer November 16 11/16/2001 16
Larry England November 17 11/17/1994 23
Nancy Lehren November 17 11/17/1994 23
Julie Cochran November 19 11/19/2009 8
Beth Lybrook November 20 11/20/2016 1
John Kalaman November 20 11/20/2016 1
Jon Fox November 20 11/20/2000 17
Marilyn Becht November 20 11/20/2016 1
Paula Kalaman November 20 11/20/2016 1

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Rick Talda Beth Lybrook 1st Reading
Rhonda Meeker Mike Bevis 1st Reading
Nancy Anderson Jack Anderson 3rd reading
Sonny Singhvi Greg Fay 3rd reading
Mercedes Franklin Jesse Gaither 3rd reading
Shelby DiPasquale Jack Anderson 3rd reading
Ryan Fay Greg Fay 3rd reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Steve Campbell Welcome back
Ted Humphrey Scott Langer award

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Nancy Lehren Member of great CNO club for 23 years and scholarship awardee doing well at OSU
Greg Griffin THANKS Tim Clemmer and Mike Fanelli for helping to put away badges after scanning last week
Laurie Poeppelman Thanks for cards and sympathy
Blanca Ortiz Will be with family in Mexico for 2 weeks and Abbey Credit Union offering free meals to veterans
Jesse Gaither 8 year old daughter announced shes now all grown up
Debe Dockins Thanks to judges, over 675 essays judged
 Art Hung For winning the 50/50 last week
Patricia Kuhlman Daughter Jordan’s wedding was beautiful
Joan Cordonnier Play at CHS and cards of sympathy
Beth Lybrook Her newClub Inductee (Rick Talda) and great Social Committee
Judy DeMarco Took grand kids and kids to Disney World, had a great time.