Noon Meeting News – September 12, 2017 – Cynthia Fraley – Washington Township Rec Center

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father most of us try to avoid failure like the plague. Yet, where does our experience come from if not from failure? Failure then becomes the small price we pay for experience. We are all like tea bags. We have to be put in hot water to see how strong we are. Although some of us have to steep longer than we care to admit. It’s Your way of testing our will and preparing us for greater achievements of the future. Thank you for being there when we are in need, for guiding us in our purpose. May we never let yesterday’s problems destroy the joy of today. Amen!

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Today’s Speaker

Our speaker was Cynthia Fraley, senior recreation supervisor of the enrichment center at Washington Township Recreation Center. She explained that Rec West which serves seniors and anyone over 55 is part of Washington Township Rec Center. Rec West celebrated its 2nd year of operation since being moved from Hithergreen. Rec West now has 1,950 members and is proud of its diversity of programs. Fitness, art and craft, games, discussion clubs, history and continuing education are just some of the classes offered. Senior assistance and meals are also offered. Local business  participate as service providers. Woodland Lights, an annual Christmas Holiday event covering 8 acres also depends on sponsorships. Slides accompanied her talk.


No birthdays this week


Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Shawna Hatton September 13 09/13/2016 1
Sue Brubaker September 13 09/13/2008 9
Dean Heyne September 14 09/14/2016 1
William DeShurko September 14 09/14/2016 1
Lindsey Cline September 16 09/16/2016 1
Frederick Pfeiffer September 17 09/17/2013 4

New Member Readings and Inductions

No Readings or Inductions this week

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Sandy Stevens Keeping husband, Dick Stevens, away from CNO too long
Cherie Gentry Lame duck as term as District Governor nearly over
Larry Lynde Lame duck as CNO president
Evelyn Griffin Ohio Pin missing from Bob Burkman’s badge
Gary Aiken Not paying attention
Gail Aiken Golf sign missing

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Debe Dockins Oct 7th Ghost Walk, nearly full
Bob Bargmeyer Thankful to CNO  for his wife Anna’s flowers
Chris Mc Alpine His wifes successful surgery and the flowers from CNO
Gail Aiken Successful Kalaman golf outing
Don Kelley 34th anniversary with wife, Sandra
Pat Behn Sister and brother in law survived hurricane in Florida
Myron Rheaume Pat Behn lame duck as Lt. Governor
Monty Zinck Family in Florida survived
Cynthia Fraley ( our speaker) For a great CNO club