Noon Meeting News – September 5, 2017 – Chuck Thokey – The Importance of Mentoring

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, the joy of living in harmony with you is our greatest pleasure. Seeking pleasure is an all consuming activity in our daily run through life. When bad things happen or our pleasure is removed too many resort to substitute pleasures; Food, drink & pills. These are only temporary and further use leads to addiction. Have us realize when trouble comes our way that prayer is our best solution. You have a junk yard large enough to
hold all our troubles. By placing them with you it gives our mind time to rest so we have the time to listen to our heart. In other words Lord don’t let us squat on our spurs. Amen!

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Cheryl Dowd Joan Cordonnier
Liz Haley Bob Lawson
David Herman Jesse Gaither
Mary Jo Lawson Bob Lawson
Bryan Link Jean Pummill
Chuck Thokey Speaker

Today’s Speaker

Bob Burkman introduced our speaker, Chuck Thokey. His inspiring story begins with his diagnosis of Educable Mentally Retarded in junior high.  Now days it is referred to as ADD (attention deficit disorder). Chuck shared that most successful sales people and business owners are ADD. Some of Chucks successes include working in experimental aircraft for Lear Jet and in sales for Bath-fitter.  Chuck emphasized the importance of mentoring in this success. He sees the “disability” of ADD as a gift. He shared that he has trouble sleeping, writes everything in notebooks, and has difficulty staying focused. He has been a successful professional speaker for 6 years.


Member Birthday
Roberta Taylor September 07
Karl Frydryk September 08
Joshua Schierloh September 11
Sam Pfabe September 11


Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day # Years
Gail Aiken September 8 24
Jeff Papanek September 9 3
Robert Bargmeyer September 9 3

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Bryan Link Jean Pummill 3rd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Don Kelley Left his shoes at Stones summer party
David Ladd Wearing same shirt as Bob Burkman, therefore impersonating a sergeant
Bill Stone Doing AOF flag retrieval at 11PM, in lightening and dredging Ohio River without Coast Guard permission
Greg Griffin Wearing a counterfeit shirt
Tom Novak Over 1800 AOF flags, no fine
Chuck Dickerson Missed 2 flags on his AOF route
Denise Green Absent too long

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Myron Rheaume 21 years cancer free
Gail Aiken For Bill’s donuts hurricane relief efforts
Donna Huss Lost footing and fell, Mike Bevis came to rescue but didn’t put car in gear
Tom Novak 120 AOF helpers
Dan Beck 3rd grandchild due in January
Chuck Dickerson 47th anniversary with wife Jane