Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award 2023, Arleen Petty

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Teacher: A multi-tasking educational rockstar who lives to inspire and loves to encourage.  They’re kind of a big deal.

Almighty God,

As the school year is coming to an end, we gather to recognize exceptional teachers. Our educators take on a higher calling and are often taken for granted, overlooked, and underappreciated. We thank you for this opportunity to show our love, support, and appreciation for those in our presence.



  • Beth Duncan announced that the Optimist Kids Day in the Park will be at Delco Park on August 5, 2023. They need volunteers. Sign up on the website here.
  • Debe Dockins announced that the first ever Centerville Noon Optimist Youth Recognition Night will be held at 7 PM on June 13, 2023. It will be an evening dedicated to honoring students winning awards, contests or scholarships from CNO in the past Optimist year. It will be a dessert and appetizer reception followed by individual recognition for each honored student. Sign up on the website here.
  • Erin Dickerson announced that the Fishing Derby will be held on June 3, 2023. They still need more volunteers. There are several jobs and many that do not require fishing skills. You do not have to touch a fish or worm unless you want to. Sign up on the website here.
  • Beth Duncan announced that the Dorwood Optimist club is having a fishing derby on June 10, 2023. See details here.

Volunteer Opportunity

7/17/2023, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic. Sign up on the website here.

Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award

Beth Duncan introduced CNO member Gary Anderson, who is a retired teacher and principal from the Centerville School District. Gary introduced the CNO, “Bringing out the Best in Kids” award for educators.

Criteria To Be Considered for The Award

  • The candidate should have a minimum of ten years involvement in community service with youth in the Centerville-Washington Township community.
  • The candidate should currently work in, or be retired from, the field of education.
  • It is preferred the candidate have some experience with Centerville Noon Optimist Club projects and/or activities.

Arleen Petty, Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award Recipient

This year’s recipient is Arleen Petty, the school counselor at Hadley E. Watts Middle School in Centerville City Schools.

Gary Anderson, the chair, thanked the “Bringing out the Best in Kids” committee members: Joe Madden, Gary Smiga, Frank DePalma, and the late Will Cale.

Gary then introduced Arleen’s husband, Tony Petty and daughter, Taylor Ellington.

Then he introduced guests from the Centerville City Schools: Lillie Walsh (ELA teacher at Watts), Angi Tillinghast (Speech Therapist at Watts), Brian Miller (principal at Watts), Jon Wesney (District Superintendent) and Dan Tarpey (Assistant Superintendent and Director of Human Resources).

Gary Anderson met Arleen Petty when she started working at Centerville City Schools in 2004. Originally, she worked at the School of Possibilities. She has been at Watts for over a decade.

From Gary Anderson:

Arleen Petty’s unwavering dedication and passion for bringing out the best in kids has made a positive impact on their lives. She not only supports students, but she is there for staff and families as well. Her compassion shines through every interaction, fostering a sense of trust and understanding invaluable to student growth. Her influence will undoubtedly have a lasting effect on their future success!

Arleen oozes empathy and compassion. She is exactly the type of educator our school should recognize.

The Centerville City School District spends the second least per student on administration out of all of Ohio. At Watts there are 760 kids and Arleen Petty has been the only counselor. Watts Middle School is thankfully getting a second counselor starting soon.

The world is different. The classrooms and parents are different. Our community is doing a lot of things right. We need to show appreciation for our teachers, not just when there is a levy to get passed.

Lillie Walsh, Author of Arleen Petty’s Recommendation Letter Spoke

Hello, my name is Lillie Walsh and I teach English at Watts Middle School. For the past decade and a half Arleen Petty has been the sole counselor at Watts.

She gives our students positivity, confidence, and the strategies to successfully manage the middle school years. Because of her, our students are able to thrive in every way possible. She is always there to talk with students about their grades, help them with their family and friend issues, and guide them through the vast landscape that is middle school.

She has an appointment system to ensure she sees those with the most urgent issues right away, she solely takes care of scheduling our more than 200 8th graders for high school every year, and takes care of our staff of 80+, counseling us when we need it.

For the past two years she has mentored an intern, who has become amazing and her growth shows Arleen’s complete dedication to improving students’ lives. Arleen Petty truly embodies all aspects of an educator who sees the full picture of every child she encounters. No one makes the Watts Middle School community safer, more welcoming, or a better place for Centerville kids to grow and learn.

You can read Lillie’s recommendation letter here.

Arleen Petty Acceptance Speech

I did social work for fourteen years before coming to the City of Centerville School District.

I was told when I started at Centerville in 2004 that I would retire from this school district. I had my doubts, but here I am. I have fallen in love with students, families and the community.

After eight years, I was offered the position at Watts that combined my passion for counseling and social work.

Landing at Watts is the best thing. The staff is wonderful.

My husband Tony is wonderful. My daughter, Taylor, has a master’s in social work.

Thank you all for allowing me to be here and share this honor.

I am a volunteer teacher with my husband teaching 4- to 7-year-old children martial arts. The kids are called the “Wee Warriors.”

Working with kids is in my blood.

Thank You to Our Educators and Veterans

Gary Anderson concluded with, “Thank goodness for our educators and our veterans!”

About the Plaque Arleen Petty Received.

The permanent plaques are on display in the front foyer at the Centerville City Schools Central Office on Virginia Avenue.

Arleen Petty’s plaque reads:

Presented to, Arleen Petty
“Bringing out the Best in Kids”
In recognition of your dedication to the youth in our community
Awarded by Centerville Noon Optimist Club, May 23, 2023.

Click here to see a photo of the plaque.

About the Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award

Begun as an “Achievement in Education” Award in 2003, this award was renamed to honor Centerville Noon Optimist’s Margaret Barclay’s theme for her year as Optimist Ohio District Governor. The award honors adults who work, or have worked, in the field of education.

There have been 22 recipients, including public and private school administrators, principals, and teachers from elementary, middle, and high school. After reviewing the letters of recommendation, the Committee selected the person we are honoring today.

Complete List of the Bringing out the Best in Kids Award Recipients

A permanent plaque is on display in the front foyer at Centerville City Schools Central Office on Virginia Avenue with the names of all the recipients:

  • 2003, Gary Anderson                    
  • 2004, Frank DePalma                                                
  • 2005, Eileen Booher & Mary Stahley
  • 2006, Joe Madden
  • 2007, Paula Paprocki
  • 2008, Margaret Barclay
  • 2009, Gary Smiga                                                            
  • 2010, Will Cale                                                 
  • 2011, Pat Kinzig
  • 2012, Sandy Vogt
  • 2013, Deb Crump
  • 2014, Kathy Beck
  • 2015, Matt Somerlot
  • 2016, Michael Dalton
  • 2017, Sherry Kim
  • 2018, Jason Whited
  • 2019, Matt Szozda
  • 2020, Kim Crasto
  • 2021, Theresa Replogle
  • 2022, Jackie Vollmer
  • 2023, Arleen Petty

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Angie TillinghastProgram
Arleen PettyProgram
Brian MillerProgram
Colton DickersonAndy Diockerson
Dan TarpeyProgram
Frank WeikelRoin Tinnerman
Katie RiceJerry Stahley
Lillie WalshProgram
Matt GoekeChris McAlpine
Nancy HensenJackie Powell
Nora DickersonAndy Dickerson
Raymond InaedeHarry Bossey
Taylor EllingtonProgram
Tony PettyProgram

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Dr. Charles OppermanJesse Gaither1st Reading
John CurranJoan Cordonnier2nd Reading
Mark MetzgerDebe DockinsInduction

Happy Bucks

Roberta Taylor$2, Grandson graduated from Centerville High School. He will be attending Sinclair and majoring in Sociology.
Roberta Taylor$2, Granddaughter has been promoted to Sergeant in the Army National Guard. She has also been accepted into the computer program at Case Western University.
Rachael Goetz$20, Daughter just graduated from Miami University with a BS in Business, a BA in Theatre, and a minor in French. She is looking for a job in the film industry. 
Gary AndersonGrandson graduated from Mason HS in Ohio and Granddaughter graduated from Weddington HS in North Carolina.
Debe DockinsHonoring her favorite veteran and dad, Col. Bob Tashjian, USMC (retired). He did three tours in Vietnam and one in Okinawa. He just turned 92. Semper Fi!
Bill Stone As of today CNO has 17 net additional members for this Optimist year. Let’s make it 17 more.
Charlie TappHarry Bossey brought a friend from Nigeria as a guest.
Charlie GoodwinToday is Grey Haired Grumpy Old Man Day.
Gail AikenGrandson graduated from Centerville High School.
Karen CharneskyFlags on her street were beautiful to see this morning.
Andy HigginsDaughter is going to be in the Veterinarian program at OSU this fall.
Stan FronzagliaCelebrating 57th Wedding Anniversary with Joyce.
Debby MooreGrandson, Aidan Brinkerhoff, graduated from Centerville High School and daughter,Sarah Brinkerhoff, graduated from Penn State with a BS in Human Resources.

Sergeants at Arms

Harry BosseyHas refused for twenty years to provide a photo for the CNO member directory.
Bill StoneTried to get president Beth fined for listing the wrong birthdays. He didn’t realize there is no meeting next week and that is why the  extra names were mentioned during the meeting.
There were three hidden patriotic cards under seats todayThe winners paid a fine and were asked to introduce a veteran for Memorial Day.
Sam RoutsongHad a card and introduced Stan Fronzaglia.
Bob BurkmanHad a card and introduced Troy Young.
Tim ClemmerHad a card and introduced Don Kelley.

Membership Anniversaries

Jerry GerhardsMay 23, 20212
Mary Ann MacKenzieMay 23, 20194
Bob ClementsMay 25, 200518
Paulette NovakMay 25, 200518
Amy BarkerMay 26, 200815
Debe DockinsMay 26, 200914
Bob BurkmanMay 31, 200320
Carol BurkmanMay 31, 200320
Wayne ChristieJune 1, 198835


Jim MarkerMay 23
Mindy HoffbauerMay 24
Claire KerrMay 26
Cameron LangerJune 1
Kristen MarksJune 2
Larry LarrimerJune 4
Mike CordonnierJune 4
Cindy HarrisJune 5
Dick StevensJune 5

CNO Donations – 2013 through April 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes the Club received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here