
CNOtes are blog articles about weekly Tuesday noon lunch meetings and monthly CNO 2.0 evening meetings.

Centerville Education Foundation, David Garel

It is the mission of the Centerville Education Foundation to generate and distribute financial resources and other resources for enrichment programs and projects aimed at enhancing and increasing educational opportunities for students, faculty, and staff in the Centerville City Schools.
Read the article to learn more about how CEF is helping students and teachers in our schools.

Centerville Education Foundation, David Garel Read More »

Great Ohio District Governor of Optimist International Bill Stone

Today we heard from our own member, Bill Stone, who is now the Governor of the Great Ohio District of Optimist International. He gave an inspiring speech and the full text of it is in the article.
Today was the first meeting with Beth Duncan as Centerville Noon Optimist President running the meeting. She is going to be great!

Great Ohio District Governor of Optimist International Bill Stone Read More »

2022-23 Officer Installation and Awards Presentation Dinner

Beth Duncan was welcomed as the 55th President of CNO. New board members and vice-presidents were installed this evening. Optimist of the Year was announced as well as Rooke of the Year. This was a great night to celebrate the past year and to look forward to the next 2022-2023 Optimist year.

2022-23 Officer Installation and Awards Presentation Dinner Read More »

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