
CNOtes are blog articles about weekly Tuesday noon lunch meetings and monthly CNO 2.0 evening meetings.

Oratorical Contest – Week #1

Since it was established in 1928, the Oratorical Contest has become the longest-running program sponsored by Optimist International. Our contest is named in honor of former Optimist member Margaret Barclay. She cared deeply about bringing out the best in kids and in living the Optimist Creed. She spent 40 years in public education and retired in 2000 as Principal at Magsig Middle School. While Margaret passed away in 2010, it is a pleasure to see her memory being recognized in this way.

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Ricki Pepin – Your American Heritage – A Patriot’s Primer

Knowing your history and heritage is important. HIstory education gives youth their identity. James Madison (founding father and author of the constitution) said, “Conscience is our most sacred property.” The presentation focus on using primary source documents to help listeners discover for themselves the heritage our founders gave us when they wrote and established American law and government.

Ricki Pepin – Your American Heritage – A Patriot’s Primer Read More »

Charlotte McGuire – Ohio Board of Education

McGuire is the representative of Ohio District 3 of the State Board of Education representing the counties of Butler, Darke, Miami, Montgomery, and Preble counties. She brings more than 40 years of government and nonprofit leadership experience to the State Board of Education. Her campaign has always been about every child has the inherent ability to succeed regardless of zip code or circumstances.

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Terry Welker – Big Art

Welker is an architect/sculptor from Dayton, Ohio. He received his Master of Architecture from the University of Cincinnati. He makes large scale suspended public art and temporary installations across the United States. As an arts advocate and frequent Pecha Kucha presenter, he challenges audiences to “see” the world in new ways.

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Amy Moeder – Community Tissue Services

Moeder came today to share what Community Tissue Services is and what they do for the world. Their mission is about extraordinary people transforming “the gift” to save and enhance lives. They are a full-service tissue bank providing authorization, donor eligibility, recovery, processing, storage, labeling, and distribution services. They distribute to 23 countries worldwide.

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Erik Oberg – USO – Wright Patterson AFB

Oberg began his employment with the USO in September, 2019. As Programs Manager, he oversees the operation of the facility and the delivery of programs which seek to boost the morale of service members and their families stationed at WPAFB and around the Miami Valley. He engages dozens of USO volunteers and helps raise funds to support USO activities.

Erik Oberg – USO – Wright Patterson AFB Read More »

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