
CNOtes are blog articles about weekly Tuesday noon lunch meetings and monthly CNO 2.0 evening meetings.

Dennis Grant – United Rehabilitation Services

Under Grant’s leadership, URS has dramatically expanded the scope of services offered and tripled the number of clients and families serviced. Because of COVID-19, they created a Virtual Tour of URS. No guests are being allowed inside the building. Studies have shown that people with disabilities have twice the chance of getting COVID-19 and as much as 10 times higher chance of it resulting in death. When Ohio fully reopens you are encouraged to come for an in-person tour.

Dennis Grant – United Rehabilitation Services Read More »

John Zimkus – Warren County Historical Society and Golden Lamb

Ghost stories are very popular. Many people believe in an afterlife in heaven or hell. Part of the reason ghost stories are popular is that they seem believable because the stories have similarities to other beliefs you have, like an afterlife. Instead of a heaven off earth, spirits stick around where they existed in life. There are many more theories.

John Zimkus – Warren County Historical Society and Golden Lamb Read More »

Janet Piechocki – Hobart Welding

Welding is a great career path. There is currently a huge shortage of welders and it is getting worse. It is estimated that 200,000 to 400,000 jobs in welding are currently unfilled. HIWT helps graduates find jobs. They hold 3 job fairs each year. The ROI for attending HIWT is higher than even the most prestigious of colleges. A recent study lists HIWT as 19th in ROI out of 4,500 post high school learning institutions.

Janet Piechocki – Hobart Welding Read More »

Club Day

President Debe Dockins and immediate Past President Greg Griffin discussed and shared videos about the 2019-2020 year. Highlights of the recap were: Passing of the Gavel Video that ends with an SNL parody of Debe receiving the gavel; awards presentation for 2019-2020 year; highlights of the previous year video.

Club Day Read More »

Officer John P. Kalaman and Robert J. O’Toole Awards Presented to Our First Responders

Each year one award is selected for the City of Centerville Police Department and one award is selected for the Washington Township Substation of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. Nominations are accepted from the peers of those eligible. All employees of the department are eligible, not just police officers.

Officer John P. Kalaman and Robert J. O’Toole Awards Presented to Our First Responders Read More »

2020-21 Officer Installation and Awards Presentation Dinner

On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 6:30 PM, instead of our normal lunch Zoom meeting, we had a great online event to celebrate the past year and to look forward to the next Optimist year. This is the end of the Centerville Noon Optimist presidential year for Greg Griffin and we welcomed 2020-2021 President Debe Dockins! New board members and vice-presidents were also installed this evening.

2020-21 Officer Installation and Awards Presentation Dinner Read More »

Dr. Tom Henderson – Superintendent of Centerville City Schools

Henderson’s presentation was titled “Elks Back to school, Centerville City Schools 2020-2021.” He remembered on 3/11/2020 he was at a convention and the participants watched the Governor’s announcement on TV that K-12 schools would be closed for 4 weeks It became evident the online classes would be longer than 4 weeks and that the schools buildings would be shut down. There were a few people in each building making sure the buildings had no issues and to make sure maintenance issues were handled.

Dr. Tom Henderson – Superintendent of Centerville City Schools Read More »

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