Centerville Education Foundation, David Garel

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer


We are being pulled in so many different directions at the same time by our families, by our jobs, by our communities, by our passions.  We can feel surrounded by chaos.  Help us to pause and take a moment to embrace the chaos, to learn from it, and appreciate the blessings from which that chaos flows.



  • Beth Duncan said that next week 10/18/2022 is national dessert day. She said feel free to bring a dessert to share at lunch.
  • Beth Duncan announced the Diaper Drive Contest with the Rotary Club. In a joint effort and friendly competition each club will try to collect the most diapers for For details of the contest read here. The challenge runs from 10/8/2022 through 10/22/2022. One in three U.S. families struggle to provide enough diapers to keep a baby or toddler clean, dry, and healthy.
  • Gail Aiken announced that Mike Cordonnier and his kids did such a great job on the Haunted Trail. The high school kids were amazing and showed up with their own drills.
  • Mike Bevis announced that there is a new marketing committee and are accepting new members. They are working on unified messaging for the public and are collecting names and emails to add to Constant Contact for emailing.
  • Louise Hahn said we should vote for your favorite art at the show at Woodbourne Library.

Social Events

Sunday October 23, 2022, 1:30 PM, Tom’s Corn Maze in Germantown, afterwards the social moves to dinner at Bennett’s Publical Family Sports Grill in Miamisburg. You can register online here.

Happy Birthday Dav Bremer

Today was Dav Bremer’s birthday. President Beth warned guests how bad the singing was going to be. Leading us not in unison or harmony was Charlie Tapp. Charlie said, “Since today’s guests were told how bad we are at singing let’s make it really good!” Well, I guess we cracked the code. Charlie was not asking for good singing. Nope he was saying make it as rotten as eggs thrown on Halloween. I mean we stunk! It was perfect!

Have a great year Dav Bremer!

David Garel, Centerville Education Foundation

Debe Dockins introduced David Garel, the President of Centerville Education Foundation (CEF).

For over 20 years, Dave has been deeply connected to Centerville City Schools. His three boys have all grown up in the system and have uniquely different experiences reflecting the culture of diversity in our community. As the current President of the Board, he is tasked with developing and supporting growth fiscally and the delivery of services including our Annual Hall of Fame Banquet and some new events soon to be announced. His big goals are to continue developing and acquiring talented people with a passion for excellence in education. If you’re interested in participating or learning more about what we do, please email Dave.

Dave has been in the financial service industry for many years. He and his wife, Michelle have been active in supporting all the activities their boys have been involved in, including Theater, Destination Imagination, Hockey, Cross Country, and most recently Soccer, Football and Forte! He is excited to be serving with CEF and welcomes suggestions and feedback on ways we can help connect our community, alumni, and educators.

David has a connection to CNO. Bob Collins is his father-in-law.

View David Garel’s slide deck here. In the slide deck are several pictures of students using the items obtained through classroom grants from the CEF.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Centerville Education Foundation to generate and distribute financial resources and other resources for enrichment programs and projects aimed at enhancing and increasing educational opportunities for students, faculty, and staff in the Centerville City Schools.

About the Centerville Education Foundation

The Centerville Education Foundation provides Classroom Grants to teachers and scholarships to students. They recently started having the public donate and their yearly budget has grown from $10,000 to $30,000.

The work of the CEF is administered by a board of trustees, all members of the community and all volunteers. The trustees work closely with the Board of Education and the superintendent.

At the Hall of Fame Banquet put on by CEF each year teachers present how they used grants they received. Additionally, they recognize achievement by students, meritorious service by faculty and staff, and contributions of education advocates.

Classroom Grants from Centerville Education Foundation

  • Students now have access to quality picture books that represent our diverse community and allow students to enjoy minority authors. All Are Welcome Here!
  • Remember Etch-A-Sketch? Students are now using them to explore the intersection between art, math, and science and at the same time, developing their fine and gross motor skills.
  • In collaboration with the park district, two outdoor classroom spaces were created, which allow students to enhance literacy, math, and science learning in an authentic manner.
  • Spanish students can check out books from the new mobile Spanish library, allowing them to grow and improve in Spanish language and culture.
  • Each year, students write and perform a mystery podcast, with sound effects and commercials. With a new divider screen, the performers are hidden from view, adding realism.
  • Sensory supplies and equipment were purchased to create an environment for students to learn self-regulation techniques and partake in sensory exercises.
  • To build on the enthusiasm of the school-wide Read-a-Thon, a new set of grade-level appropriate books were purchased and students had access to them for their at-home reading.

What Differentiates Centerville City Schools from Neighboring Districts

What differentiates Centerville versus Kettering or Oakwood? A standard answer is always Curriculum, Community, and the Kids.

CEF is helping provide opportunities for teachers to make deeper connections to students that goes above and beyond standard teaching and teacher-student interactions. This is especially important for disadvantaged youth. The more these deeper connections happen, the better off the student is. Even a single deep connection can affect the entire life of the student. This has a ripple effect in the community that helps repeat the cycle. All of this helps produce more adults that raise their children in a positive way and increases those that want to help their community.

When kids have these connections, feel comfortable and want to learn that puts them ahead of the norm.

David remembers a coach when he was a kid that paid for him to go to a summer sports camp. He knows this coach changed his life and the coach and David are both part of the ripple effect spreading to others.

How Can You Help?

The Centerville Education Foundation is looking for:

  • Community members willing to share their talents to serve as trustees
  • Scholarships and grants from businesses and memorials
  • Monetary donations


David said, “Thank you for having me today and remember E-P-N-D (Elk Pride Never Dies)!”

Thank You

Thank you, David Garel, for educating us about the work of the Centerville Education Foundation.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Jon WesneyJesse LightleInduction
Troy YoungBeth Duncan2nd Reading
Judy A. TellisMike Bevis2nd Reading
Berneta DaleyMike Bevis2nd Reading
Lisa MaciejewskiEmily Duke & Gail Aiken2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
David GarelSpeaker
Fadi IbrahimDebe Dockins
Frank RobertsonDavid Duncombe
Josh SmithMike Bevis

Happy Bucks

Nancy LehrenMike Brubaker went and retrieved Build-a-Bear gift cards and took them to her at Build-a-Bear in Beavercreek after she forgot them.
Sue BrubakerBob Lawson did an amazing job organizing the CNO storage facility at the park.
Sandy StevensHusband Dick’s new heart valve surgery went well – should be good for at least 10 years.
Ellie ParkerHas artwork in an art contest on display at the Woodbourne library.
David DuncombeHad a great visit with an old friend who is US Airforce Sergeant Major Retired.
Bob MyersElaine Gigliotti Long was a guest today and they went on a double date 50 years ago with their dates.

Sergeants at Arms

Andy DickersonCut in front of the food line
Erin DickersonCut in front of the food line
Jean PummillCut in front of the food line
Karl FrydrykWearing shorts
Larry LyndeWearing shorts

Membership Anniversaries

Dennis DockinsOctober 16, 20211
Anne KohlsOctober 16, 20211
McKenzie MorinOctober 16, 20211
Jackie PowellOctober 16, 20211
Becky KeeganOctober 12, 20184
Keith MeyerOctober 16, 20139
Jean PummillOctober 17, 201210


Dav BremerOctober 11
Steve CampbellOctober 11
Sue JesseeOctober 14
Donna RobinsonOctober 14
Wes CleavesOctober 15
Craig DringOctober 16
Renee GlennOctober 17

CNO Donations – 2013 through September 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see this Week’s Thank You Notes

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here