Washington Centerville Public Library, Liz Fultz and Bill Menker


  • Gary Hansen announced that Avenue of Flags will be putting out flags for Veteran’s Day on November 9 and retrieving on November 15. Please contact Tom Novak if you can help with either of these days. They need a lot more volunteers.
  • Christy Gariety, Adopt-a-Family co-chair, announced that she and Sue Jessee are accepting $50 gift cards at CNO lunches and on Christmas Tree Delivery Day (Nov 20) with activation code receipts from Kohl’s, Target, or Walmart to be given to families this holiday season. The cards need to be received by 11/29/2021. You may also mail the gift cards with the activation receipts and a note stating, “From Centerville Noon Optimist Member”, to Centerville Schools, Adopt A Family Program, 111 Virginia Ave, Centerville OH 45458. Email her if you send a donation.
  • Greg Griffin announced the tree lot will be open November 26. The shifts all end by 8 PM each evening. Please show up for your assigned shifts to help with one of your club’s major fundraisers.
  • Greg Griffin said we need lots of help on Saturday, November 6, to unload trailers and set up the Christmas Tree Lot in preparation for Saturday, November 20, when we need all hands on deck for tree delivery day!
  • Debe Dockins said thank you to Patrick and Diane Arehart for hosting the Wine and Beer Tasting last Saturday night. There were 32 at the party enjoying drinks, cabbage rolls, cherry cake, and cheesecake (all the C foods). It was delicious. Special thanks to Jerry Stahley for setting out the tables and chairs. It was a great event!
  • Mark Metzger, the Recreation director at the RecPlex, said that they had a great time helping with the Haunted Trail event a couple of weeks ago. He thanked CNO for choosing RecPlex for the event and for putting on the Fishing Derby each year.

Committee Meetings

  • 11/15/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Paul Stull honored by Centerville-Washington Foundation Community Founders Event

Debe Dockins, a board member of the Centerville-Washington Foundation (CWF), announced, that CWF honored Dr. Stull at their annual Founders Event on 10/7/2021. As part of that recognition, CNO is presenting Dr. Paul Stull the Optimist International President’s Citation for member achievement. Thank you, Paul, for your service to the Centerville Noon Optimists!

About Dr. Stull

Dr. Stull has been a community volunteer for more than 50 years, primarily known as a loving veterinarian with the Suburban Veterinary Clinic. Besides CNO, Paul has volunteered his time to the Washington-Centerville Public Library as a board member, Centerville-Washington Park District, Centerville Police and Montgomery County Sheriff’s office, Aullwood Audubon Center, Homeland Security Advisory Committee and the Miami Valley Council Boy Scouts of America.

Dr. Stull has been a member of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club since January 1, 1970 and he is the longest currently serving member of CNO.

You can watch the video Debe Dockins and others made to honor Dr. Stull that was shown today and at the CWF Founders Event here. The video is interesting and funny. Be sure to watch it through the big finale at the end.

Washington-Centerville Public Library

Debe Dockins introduced Liz Fultz and Bill Menker from the Washington-Centerville Public Library. Their presentation was called, “Building on the Past, Preparing for the Future.”

About Liz Fultz

Liz Fultz is the Director at the Washington-Centerville Public Library. Liz Fultz began her career at the library in 1996 in the Reference Department. She has held various roles before becoming the Director in 2019.

Liz has a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Kentucky and a Bachelor of Business degree from Morehead State University. She is the Oratorical Contest co-chair for the Centerville Noon Optimists. She and her husband Mark have two children and reside in Washington Township.

About Bill Menker

Bill Menker is the Patron Services Manager at Washington-Centerville Public Library. Born and raised in the Dayton area, Bill earned his Bachelor’s in Business Economics from Wright State University and has a Masters in Library & Information Science from Kent State University. He started at WCPL in 1999 as a Reference Librarian, eventually becoming the Adult Services Team Leader and then assuming his current role in 2019. Bill lives in Clayton with his wife, Mindy, two kids, Emily and Justin, three dogs and two cats. He is an avid maker (blacksmithing is his latest passion) and outdoorsman. Bill is a volunteer search and rescue technician and wilderness first responder with Ohio Special Response Team. He is also a Centerville Rotarian, but please do not hold that against him.

About Washington-Centerville Public Library

The library is a School District Library tracing its roots back to 1810, seven years after Ohio became a state.

The support of the local community is a key part of the library’s success. It is the 15th most used library in Ohio. Adjusted for population it serves the library is the second most used.

Over its 211 years the buildings, like the collection, have evolved. The 2018 renovation and expansion of Woodbourne Library was paid for by saving money for the previous 20 years. The meeting rooms have been used more than expected because of COVID, so the renovation being complete was great timing.

With more use of the digital collection, there are fewer in person visitors. However, the in-person usage of the library is now different, the patrons that come to the library stay longer.

Read more about library statistics here.

You can view their presentation slides here.

Robust Collections

  • 1.3 million items are checked out annually
  • More than 30,000 new items are added each year
  • The collection reflects patron wants and needs: This has expanded to electronic books and services; In 2016, 12% of checked out items were digital and in 2020, 30% of checked out items were digital

Patron testimonial, “Thank you for your part in my children’s love of reading. Every week I have the joy of bringing them a bag full of gifts for them to dive into. You provide these gifts, which has helped to ignite their love for reading.”

-S. Puckett

Engaging Programs

  • Multiple programming formats are now available
  • Programming supports job seekers; this includes personal networking
  • STEAM/Early literacy focus supports formal learning

Patron testimonial, “We moved here from Vietnam about a year ago and my son and I are still learning how to speak English. We’ve been attending the virtual story times, and it’s really helped my son learn the language. Now his English is better than mine!”

–Mom attending virtual story times

Responsive Services and Helpful Staff

  • Contactless services appreciated by patrons include self-checkout and curb-side pickup
  • Mobile app provides convenience: you can check out items with your phone, renew and reserve items
  • Remote learning support continues

Patron testimonial, “I just found out that you now have a new machine called EZScan. I used it to scan 35 pages and was amazed you charge nothing to scan documents. Staples charges $1/page. This is a great service you offer. Thank you for your great staff that are always so helpful and kind.”

-David W.

Outstanding Facilities

  • COVID-19 has changed visiting habits
  • Patron and Staff safety are a priority
  • Facilities adapted to meet changing needs

5-Star Library

  • Consistently high rankings among libraries nationwide
  • 15th busiest library in Ohio
  • 95% of local residents believe the library adds to quality of life

Patron testimonial, “I am just constantly impressed by your staff and the selection and variety of books and media you carry. Thank you so much!”

-Heidi L.

Patron testimonial, “Thanks again for all you do. Said it before and will say it again. We have THE BEST libraries here in Centerville.”

-Wendy G.

Library Funding

  • Current 3.0 mills operating levy expires in 2022
  • A levy renewal request is on the November 2, 2021 ballot – it does not ask for new taxes
  • Private funding/grants fund special projects
  • Since 2011 they have secured more than $750,000 in grants and private donations

Responsible Library Spending

From 2016 to 2020, library spending has remained flat. Savings have come from more self-check machines and the outsourcing of the processing of new materials. Cumulative operating expenditures over the previous 10 years are just under $65 million. If library spending kept up with inflation the amount would have been $69.5 million.

Sources of Library Funding

  • 66%, Local Tax Levy
  • 31%, Ohio Public Library Fund (PLF) – the PLF amount is volatile due to budget cuts and periodic downturns in the economy
  • 3%, Other (donations, grants, late fines)

Various Collections

The library’s collections have evolved over time. Besides things you expect like books, and magazines there are many other items.

Additional collections include:

  • Maker Kits (Each kit comes with everything you need to get started with your new skill and taking them home is completely FREE)
  • Launchpads for Kids (tablet computers preloaded with learning apps and games)
  • Read Alongs (These unique audiobooks for kids are professionally narrated and include speakers, headphone jack and audio controls permanently attached to the inside of a hardcover book)
  • Educational Audiovisual
  • Audiobooks
  • Movies and Music

Thank You

Thank you, Liz Fultz and Bill Menker, for talking about our community library.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Dennis DockinsDebe DockinsInduction
Tom YoungDebe Dockins2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Bill MenkerProgram
Mark MetzgerDebe Dockins

Happy Bucks

Joe MaddenExtremely happy that Paul Stull owns a suit.

Sergeants at Arms

Gary HansenLast week’s meeting ran late by 5 minutes.
Roberta TaylorPaid for a 50/50 ticket with a dollar bill that was obviously laundered.
Christy GarietyWearng a Christmas themed headband to lunch before Halloween.
Gary AndersonNo  one knew he was missing from the previous week’s meeting.

Membership Anniversaries

Charlie GoodwinOctober 28, 200813
Jessica KingOctober 28, 200813
Karen SirmansOctober 28, 200813
Mike BrubakerOctober 28, 200813


Brent RichburgOctober 28
Bob BargmeyerOctober 29
Suzanne WertsOctober 30
Cheryl ReichelNovember 1
Deb SaundersNovember 1

CNO Donations – 2013 through August 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes the Club Received this Week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.