CHS Cast of Cinderella Performed, Election Process Concluded

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer


We wish we had a fairy godmother to give us glass slippers, help us find our prince or princess charming, and make our dreams come true.  We forget that you are in control and have a plan for us.  Help us to trust in you and in what you have in store for us because it is greater than any fairytale we could ever imagine. 



  • Beth Duncan announced that the 2nd Annual Washington Centerville’s Got Talent in-person FINALE of the top 10 will be held in the Central Theater at Centerville High School on 5/4/2022 at 6:30 PM.
  • Mike Bevis, chair of the Golf Committee, reminded us that the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022. The committee is making progress for sponsorships but could use your help with obtaining additional sponsorships.
  • Bob Lawson announced he needs several volunteers to help with two upcoming fishing events, Family Adventure Day on 5/14/2022 and Castle Fishing Day 5/16/2022. Use the member calendar on the website to sign up to volunteer for these events. The Castle is expecting that 20-40 of their members will show up and they will need a lot of one-on-one help.
  • Jerry Stahley announced that the Junior Golf Tournament will be on June 6, 2022. Contact Jerry Stahley to volunteer to help.
  • Greg Griffin announced that the first in person Easter Egg hunt in three years was held last Saturday. It was a great success. See special section below for more details and a list of people to thank.
  • Greg Griffin announced that he and Pat Behn have chaired the Easter Egg Hunt event since 2015. They are looking for their replacements and will chair it one more year so their replacements can shadow them. Let Greg or Pat know if you are interested in running this popular event.

Committee Meetings

  • 5/18/2022, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic 2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

Community Events  

  • May 15, 2022, 1 PM – 4 PM, Safety on Wheels at Miami Valley South Hospital parking lot. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • June 4, 2022, 8 AM to 12:30 PM, Fishing Derby at RecPlex. To volunteer use the member calendar here.

Social Events

  • May 20, 2022, 6 PM, Dinner then Bunco at Chappy’s. Must sign up and pay by 5/17/2022. Signup using the member calendar here.

CHS Theatre Students, Cast of “Cinderella”

Debe Dockins introduced Jason Hamen, the CHS Director of Theatre Programming who introduced the cast of the CHS production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella. Hamen joined the CHS Theatre staff in the 2015-2016 school year after a decade as an educational theatre teacher, director and designer.

The cast performed several songs for us from Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella. Their production is based on the 2013 Broadway show and the title character is named “Ella.” The students were wonderful. You should go and see the show at CHS!

Hamen said the show is a beloved story that may be shared across generations. Ella is ultimately successful because of her hope, strength and kindness.

This is the first spring musical since 2019’s Fiddler on the Roof!

You can view the “Cinderella” playbill from this page. The cast names of today’s performance are on the playbill.

The musical will be performed at the CHS Performing Arts Theatre at 7:30 PM on Friday and Saturday April 22-23, 2022, and April 29-30, 2022. All tickets are $15.

Important Information Regarding Tickets for CHS Shows

Tickets will be sold online (by credit card) only.  Anyone who wishes to purchase a ticket at the door may do so at a kiosk inside the Performing Arts Center lobby.

Student Activity Passes and Golden Elk Passes will be accepted at the door. 

Tickets may be purchased here.

Thank You

Thank you, Jason Hamen. for bringing your young performers to today’s lunch and sharing their talents with us.

Successful Easter Egg Hunt

Pat Behn and Greg Griffin would like to thank all that helped with the 2022 Easter Egg Hunt

The event was held April 16, 2022, at Oak Grove Park.

By Pat Behn,

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped make our return to an in-person Easter Egg Hunt such a SUCCESS!!   It felt really good to be back again in person with our regular tradition.

  • A BIG thank you to Jerry Stahley for picking up and taking back our signage from the Storage unit, along with the traffic control vests and the megaphone.
  • Mike Bevis for picking up LOTS of prizes (Easter Baskets) from my family room, which go with the Golden Eggs – Thank you Mike for your kind efforts.
  • Bill Stone for allowing us to use his PA system – much needed for giving out instructions to the crowds.
  • BIG THANK to our “darling Easter Bunny” – our own Donna Huss!!
  • Members of the Top Optimist Club, for helping stuff plastic eggs AND for helping handout additional candy at the Easter Egg Hunt.
  • Thank you to the Univ. of Dayton Optimist Club for their help in stuffing 3,000 eggs for us.
  • PLUS – Washington Twp. Sherriff Dept, Officer Fields, who helped keep us all safe, and orderly getting out of the park – along with the help of Evelyn Griffin and Jim Mogan!!
  • Kristen Marks & the CWPD for giving us such a wonderful venue – we already plan to be back there in 2023!
  • Nancy Lehren and the Childhood Health & Wellness committee for the donation of 3 Build-a-Bear bunnies for the gold egg prizes!!
  • AND – to my partners in crime, Greg Griffin & Evelyn Griffin!!  Greg & I have chaired this event since 2015 – with Evelyn’s much welcomed help – plus, she also keeps the two of us “straight.”


Pat Behn

2022-2023 Officers and Board of Directors Nominations for CNO

Jean Pummill, CNO Secretary, reported that the nomination committee of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club, comprised of past presidents, the current president and incoming president have nominated the following members for the Optimist Year 2022-2023:

  • President Elect: Joan Cordonnier
  • Vice Presidents: Patrick Arehart and Paul Boeckman
  • Board of Directors for 2-year terms: Mitch Bodenmiller, Andy Dickerson, Rachel Goetz, Art Hung, Carol Smerz
  • Board Members with 1 year left to serve: Diane Arehart, Brandon Barrett, Katie Calloway, Bob Glavin, Evelyn Griffin
  • Past president representative: Mike Bevis
  • Gary Hansen will serve as the Immediate Past President
  • The incoming president chooses the Treasurer and Secretary. Roland Rapp has been chosen for Treasurer and Jean Pummill for Secretary. They are both currently serving in those positions.

This is the 4th week of election season. During the meeting a motion was passed to accept the nominees as suggested by the nominating committee. This concludes the 2022 election process.

New Events Calendar is Active on CNO Website

The member calendar which allows volunteers to sign up is active on the website. It works easily on both mobile and desktop devices. There are public and member calendars on the site.

There is a QR code you can use at the bottom to share the calendars with other members and the community.

Things you can do with the calendars

  • View upcoming lunch and CNO 2.0 speakers.
  • Sign up to volunteer for community events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Bike Rodeo. After you sign up the software will offer to add the event to your calendar.
  • Sign up for social events such as Euchre tournaments and soon the annual dinners for officer installation and holiday party.
  • The community can use it to learn about events like the Bike Rodeo, Fishing Derby and Tri-star Soccer. If they sign up we can send reminders of the events.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Kelly KemptonMike Bevis3rd Reading
Deborah MooreMike Bevis3rd Reading
Rick HartleySteve Rau1st Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Claire KerrBeth Duncan
Janet LaskenBob Bargmeyer
Lucy SanchezArt Hung
Rick HartleySteve Rau
Terry LewisBob Collins

Happy Bucks

Jerry StahleyJunior Golf program committee is doing great.
Bob LawsonHis wife had very succesful surgery.
Art HungBike Centerville’s partnership with our Safety on Wheels event will really help with promotion.
Don KelleyGranddaughter finishing her doctoral with a post doctoral at Stanford.
Joan CordonnierLiked seeing the CHS Performance of Cinderella at today’s lunch.

Sergeants at Arms

Jerry StahleyHis and Mike Bevis’ trucks look very similar. Jerry got into Mike’s truck and tried to dirve, but it wouldn’t start!
Kelly KemptonBeing an overchiever.
Joan CordonnierLost her glasses at the Easter Egg Hunt and had several people helping her look for them. Her glasses were on the dash of her car.
Debe DockinsLost her badge while wearing it.
Bob BurkmanForgot to collect the money from the sergeants last week for the bank deposit.
Bob DuffySitting at the birthday table when it was not his birthday this month. He is a repeat offender, but he pays his dollar.
Roland RappNot sitting at the birthday table when he had a birthday this month. Roland said he would have, but Bob Duffy took his spot at the birthday table.
Tom YoungNot sitting at the birthday table when he had a birthday this month.

Membership Anniversaries

Stan FronzagliaApril 19, 199923
Vida McDowellApril 19, 199923
Mark PetreApril 22, 199626
Donna HussApril 24, 201210
Dr. Dan PassidomoApril 25, 200715


Dennis DockinsApril 27
Ray HussApril 29
Jeff BuschApril 29
Brandon BarrettApril 30
Lynne ReillyMay 1
Abby BranhamMay 1

CNO Donations – 2013 through March 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes were received this week.

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here