Humane Society of Greater Dayton, Ashley Schmitt

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Excerpt from an email shared by Joe Madden:

Once all the villagers decided to pray for rain.  On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella.  That’s FAITH.

When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know you will catch them.  That’s TRUST.

Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set the alarms to wake up.  That’s HOPE.

We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future.  That’s CONFIDENCE. 

We see the world suffering, but still we get married and have children.  That’s LOVE.

On an old man’s shirt was written, “I am not 80 years old; I am sweet 16 with 64 years of experience.”  That’s ATTITUDE.

Lord, May we walk through each day filled with so much faith, trust, hope, confidence, love, optimism, and such a positive attitude that everyone we meet with know and see it.  Amen.

Results of the Visual Arts Contest

There is a special post in CNOtes available now to view the Visual Arts Contest Entries and Winners for 2022.


  • Gary Hansen said that our recent donation to Centerville City Schools libraries prompted the children to send us hundreds of thank you notes. It was amazing when he dumped a large bag of the notes covering a 6-foot table. We doubled our donation from previous years from $400/school to $800/school. Funding by the state was cut a couple of years ago and not restored.
  • Tom Novak announced that Avenue of Flags needs volunteers to do spring flag sleeve checkups. They also need more delivery volunteers. They really need flag friendly vehicles like trucks and mini vans.
  • Gary Hansen announced that you can vote for your favorite photos from the 2022 CNO photo contest at Woodbourne Library through 5/16/2022. The vote will select the People’s Choice award. It takes about 15 seconds to use your phone to pick your top photos.
  • Brian Nolan announced that more volunteers are needed to help with two upcoming fishing events: The Family Adventure Day on 5/14/2022 and Castle Fishing Day on 5/16/2022. Use the member calendar on the website to sign up to volunteer for the events.
  • Paul Boeckman, chair of the Bike Rodeo, said volunteers are needed for 5/15/2022. Use the member calendar on the website to sign up to volunteer for the event.
  • Gary Hansen announced that he is looking for chairs, committee members and volunteers for the following events:
    • Centerville Merchant Market (May 22)
    • Big 6 Gaming Table at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15)
    • CHS Handouts Booth at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15)
    • Americana Parade Float (July 4)
  • Mike Bevis, chair of the Golf Committee, reminded us that the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022. The committee is making progress for sponsorships but could use your help with obtaining additional sponsorships.

Committee Meetings

  • 5/18/2022, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic 2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

Community Events

  • 5/14/2022, 11 AM to 4 PM, Fishing Event at Family Adventure Day at RecPlex. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 5/15/2022, 1 PM – 4 PM, Safety on Wheels at Miami Valley South Hospital parking lot. To volunteer use the member calendar here. The event is also known as the Bike Rodeo.
  • 5/16/2022, 11 AM to 3 PM, Fishing Event for “The Castle” members at RecPlex. The Castle is expecting that 20-40 of their members will show up and they will need a lot of one-on-one help. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 6/4/2022, 8 AM to 12:30 PM, Fishing Derby at RecPlex. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 6/6/2022, All Day, Junior Golf Tournament, Volunteers are needed, contact Jerry Stahley and/or use the member calendar here.
  • 7/18/2022, All Day, the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022.  To volunteer use the member calendar here.

Social Events

  • May 20, 2022, 6 PM, Dinner then Bunco at Chappy’s. Sign up and pay by 5/17/2022. Signup using the member calendar here.

Humane Society, Ashley Schmitt

Mike Bevis introduced Ashley Schmitt, the Corporate Relations coordinator at the Humane Society of Greater Dayton. She has been with them since 2016.

View Ashley’s slide deck here, “Improving the lives of people and animals in the Miami Valley.”

Ashley urges everyone to visit the shelter to see firsthand how adorable these pets are and to learn more about their mission and how you might help or adopt a pet. If you like you can walk dogs, play with cats and cuddle rabbits.

The Humane Society has a Furry Skurry 5k at Eastood MetroPark on Saturday May 14, 2022 and they are looking for more participants.

About the Humane Society

  • It was started in 1902 and it is a no-kill animal shelter
  • They help pets and people in the Miami Valley
  • They keep animals for as long as it takes to find their forever home
  • Most of their animals come from kill-shelters (1.5 million pets are euthanized in kill-shelters across the US each year)

Adoptions and Services

  • 2000 pets/year are placed in forever homes
  • They help reunite lost pets with their owners
  • Before being placed in forever homes all animals are healthy and up to date on vaccines
  • Dogs, cats and rabbits are spayed/neutered
  • Dogs and cats are microchipped

Only Animal Shelter in the Area that Works with All Types of Animals

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Rabbits
  • Reptiles
  • Birds
  • Hamsters
  • Horses
  • Pigs
  • More

While they will help with all types of animals, they do not adopt out wildlife.

Only Animal Shelter in the Area with Licensed Humane Agents Working 7 Days per Week

  • Cases against all types of animals are investigated
  • Under Ohio Revised Code they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law
  • Humane Agents are mandated reporters of child abuse
  • Most investigations start with tips from the community
  • More than 500 cases of animal cruelty and neglect were investigated last year

They don’t always press charges. Sometimes a pet owner needs to be educated on how to take care of their animals. For example, one lady was underfeeding the pig her mother left her when she passed away. They noticed it was under weight. She admitted she didn’t know what she was getting into and they taught her how to care and feed for the animal properly.

Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR)

  • The Humane Society offers low-cost spaying /neutering services to the community for feral cats
  • Depending on the city, surgery is offered for as low as $5 or even for FREE
  • This process helps control the cat overpopulation problem in our community
  • Note that the goal is not to eliminate all feral cats as cats help with the population of mice
  • Cats can reproduce after 6 months of age and can have multiple litters of kittens each year
  • They offer TNR workshops
  • Cats have their ears tipped to indicate they are sterile, so they don’t need to be taken in again

Low-Cost Vet Services

Services are provided to anyone and fees are based on income level. The Humane Society is the first veterinary hospital with a fee structure like this in the Miami Valley. This helps keep loved pets in their homes. Some families are afraid to go to standard veterinarians because of cost. This service has reduced the number of pet surrenders to the shelter.

The Humane Society recommends that if you can afford it, that you should continue to use regular area veterinarians. They are not trying to compete with them.

Available Services include

  • Spaying and Neutering
  • Dental cleanings
  • X-rays
  • Vaccinations
  • Microchipping
  • Infection treatments

They are Independent and Receive No Government Funding

Despite having “Humane Society” in their name, they are not affiliated with any other Humane Society on a regional, state or national level. They are a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization and 100% of their funding comes from their programs and donations from individuals, companies and grants. All money raised stays in the Greater Dayton area.

High Ethical Standards and Being Fiscally Responsible is Important

The Humane Society of Greater Dayton has a volunteer board that oversees all their spending. The organization is rated at the top 4% nationally by third party watchdog groups such as Charity Navigator and GuideStar. For eight consecutive years they have received the highest rating a nonprofit can receive.

In 2017 the Better Business Bureau also awarded them with the BBB Eclipse Integrity Award.

How to Help and Get Involved

  • Donate
  • Foster
  • Volunteer
  • Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Tik Tok, Pinterest and Twitter
  • Be their eyes and ears in the community
  • Stop by and visit on Nicholas Road or at MeowZa inside the Dayton Mall
  • All of this helps them save the lives of more pets and animals!

 Thank You

Thank you, Ashley Schmitt, for educating us about the Humane Society of Greater Dayton.

New Events Calendar is Active on CNO Website

The member calendar which allows volunteers to sign up is active on the website. It works easily on both mobile and desktop devices. There are public and member calendars on the site.

There is a QR code you can use at the bottom to share the calendars with other members and the community.

Things you can do with the calendars

  • View upcoming lunch and CNO 2.0 speakers.
  • Sign up to volunteer for community events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Bike Rodeo. After you sign up the software will offer to add the event to your calendar.
  • Sign up for social events such as Euchre tournaments and soon the annual dinners for officer installation and holiday party.
  • The community can use it to learn about events like the Bike Rodeo, Fishing Derby and Tri-star Soccer. If they sign up we can send reminders of the events.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Megan DaltonCarol Smerz1st Reading
Reggie GermanyScott Langer1st Reading
Claire KerrBeth Duncan1st Reading
Rick HartleySteve Rau3rd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Ashley SchmittSpeaker
Claire KerrBeth Duncan
Colton DickersonErin Dickerson
David RichartPaul Stull
Jim TinnellCharlie Goodwin
Megan DaltonFound us on the Web
Michael KoveleskiBill Stone
Nora DickersonErin Dickerson
Stephanie LlacunaMike Bevis
Susan AllenCarol Smerz
Troy YoungBeth Duncan

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week.

Sergeants at Arms

Beth DuncanNot being an interim sergeant

Membership Anniversaries

Paul BowellMay 8, 200022
Craig DringMay 7, 199725
Dave KayMay 8, 199230


Melissa DeShurkoMay 4
Chris AbratowskiMay 4
Chris WysongMay 4
Lou BrinkmanMay 6
Mary MaddenMay 6
Tom HendersonMay 6
Pam MillerMay 6
Beth DuncanMay 9
Julie RadoMay 9

CNO Donations – 2013 through March 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to see read the Thank You Notes we received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here