Dean Jenny Darroch – Miami University

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Gracious and Holy Lord,

We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world.  When we see glimpses of things, we jump to conclusions, make judgments, and think we know the truth.  We want instant gratification, instant answers, and instant results.  We throw fits when we do not get our way or what we want.  Help us to have the patience and strength to seek Your truth, Your path, and most importantly, to trust in Your timing. 


Visual Arts Contest

The 2021 winners have been selected. You can view all the entries and the winners here.

Deb Saunders and Jane Fiehrer, the chairs of the Visual Arts Contest, thanked all the judges. Additionally, they thanked Patrick Arehart for his work in the background for the webpage form to accept the entries and permission forms. They also thanked Diane Arehart for the social media boost that added many more participants in the contest.


Barb Layne, the 2000-2001 Optimist International Ohio District Governor, announced that the President’s Club will be holding a golf outing on May 7, 2021 at Beavercreek Golf Club. They still have slots left for participation.

Debe Dockins announced that Matt and Casey Dixon have volunteered to pull the CNO Americana parade trailer with their truck.

Mike Bevis, golf outing chair, said the committee is hard at work getting donations. Half of the previous donors have signed up already. They need “day of event” volunteers for lots of tasks on Monday, July 12, 2021. There are jobs for all times of the day starting early morning, during the day and the end of the day.

Committee Meetings

  • 5/12/2021, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf 2021, Zoom hosted by Mike Bevis. Meetings in 2021 will be on Wednesdays on 1/13, 2/17, 3/24, 4/14, 5/12, 6/16, 7/7. Additional volunteers are always welcome. The golf outing will be held on 7/12/2021.
  • 5/18/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting, Zoom hosted by President Debe Dockins.

Social Events

4/30/2021 at 6:30 PM, “Jammin’ in our Jammies” on Zoom, a Name that Tune contest will be held. It will be 5 rounds of 6 challenges.

Jenny Darroch, Dean of Miami University’s Farmer School of Business

Mike Bevis introduced Jenny Darroch. In March of 2020, Darroch became the Dean, Professor of Marketing, and Mitchell P. Rales Chair in Business Leadership of the Farmer School of Business at Miami University. We are honored to welcome Jenny Darroch as our speaker today.

The Miami University business degree ranks #10 in ROI. The program is rated a top ten value for undergraduate business schools for 2021. In 2020, U.S. News and World Report ranked Miami in the top 10 in the Nation for Best Undergraduate Teaching.

Introducing Jenny Darroch

Before coming to Miami University, Jenny Darroch was the Dean of the Drucker School of Management at Claremont University in California. She received her Masters of Commerce degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand and she graduated from the University of Otago, New Zealand with a Ph.D. in marketing. She taught at New Zealand’s Massey University.

Her presentation is titled, “Welcome to the Farmer School of Business” – “The Farmer School of Business: where Beyond Ready Leaders Learn and Grow”

You can view her slide deck here.

Vision Statement

We will offer the best student curricular and co-curricular experiences in the nation for ambitious students who seek a meaningful career that will allow them to constantly learn, grow and make a positive impact in the world, both today and in the future.

Mission Statement

We are here to support our students’ success. We do this by engaging all of our stakeholders in an ecosystem that connects teaching, research and practice, and provides extraordinary experiences for all.

Results Drive Education, Miami’s Rankings

  • #4 Undergraduate Accounting Program (Public Accounting Report) among schools without doctoral programs
  • #1 Undergraduate Supply Chain Program (SCM Journal) among public universities without a PhD program
  • Top 10 Schools for Entrepreneurship Studies for 12 years in a row (The Princeton review) among public schools
  • Top 10 List for CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies (Money Magazine) and only school in top 10 with 2 female Fortune 500 CEOs to its credit
  • Top 20 Undergraduate Marketing Programs (US News and World Report)

Return on Investment

  • #10 Undergraduate Business Schools in the U.S. & the Top in Ohio (Poets and Quants)
  • #2 in Ohio for Salary Potential after Graduation (
  • #2 in Ohio for Return on Tuition Investment (
  • Named a “Best Buy” College (Princeton Review)

The First-Year Integrated Core Experience

Students are immersed into the business world as Freshmen. Students all take:

  • BUS 101: Foundations of Business
  • BUS 102: Foundations of Business Communications
  • ESP 103: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking
  • BUS 104: Introduction to Computation Thinking for Business

These courses teach Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Creative Thinking, Ethical Thinking, Communication, and Computational Thinking and Coding.

Hands-On Learning

  • Study Abroad, 65% of students participate in study abroad
  • Curricular and co-curricular Client Projects with major businesses
  • Student Organizations (41+ Business Organizations, Fraternities and Honor Societies)
  • Internships (89% of students complete at least one internship and 56% complete multiple)

Graduating Seniors Job Placement

Over 50% of graduates receive an average signing bonus of $5,543. There are Career Fairs and Networking events that help secure Jobs and Internships. See this article for more job placement data for the class of 2020.

Quick Facts About the Farmer School of Business (FSB)

  • For the last 3 years there have been 1200 students per year enrolled in FSB
  • There are 4500 total students in FSB
  • The average ACT score of FSB students is 28.8
  • There are 18,000 students at Miami University

Pandemic Related Information

  • Just under 50% of classes have some face to face teaching component. The 6-foot distancing rule has made it difficult for this percentage to be higher.
  • Half of the FSB faculty have gone back to school to learn how to be more effective at remote teaching.
  • The number and quality of guest speakers has been greatly improved because of virtual learning. The elimination of travel for guests makes the pool much larger.
  • A survey of graduating seniors in January 2021 showed that about half had jobs which normally would be two thirds by now.
  • Many internships for students are now remotely based.

Thank You

Thank you, Jenny Darroch, for informing CNO about the Miami University Farmer School of Business.

New Member Readings and Inductions

None this week.

Welcome Guests!

Guest NameGuest of
Jenny DarrochToday’s Speaker, Miami University Dean of The Farmer School of Business
Barb LayneFormer Optimist International Ohio District Governor
Benjamin ArehartPatrick Arehart

Happy Bucks

Carolyn TaylorShe is going to be a grandmother around August 23, 2021.
Debe DockinsDeb Saunders, Jane Fiehrer and Patrick Arehart for their hard work with the Visual Arts contest.

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Mark PetreApril224/22/199625
Donna HussApril244/24/20129
Dr. Dan PassidomoApril254/25/200714
Mike WittApril264/26/199427


Sue ZammitApril 21
Mike BremApril 22
Dave KleinApril 22
Keith MeyerApril 23

CNO Donations – 2013 through March 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes were received this week.

Sergeants at Arms

No Sergeants this week.

Zoom Meeting This Week

We had another meeting using Zoom. We will continue our weekly meetings via computer, cell phone or tablet for at least the next several weeks. Please join us and keep inviting guests.

Who can Attend Zoom Meetings?

Any member of any type of Centerville Noon Optimist can attend Zoom meetings. CNO 2.0, St Leonard’s and CNO full members or CNO monthly members can ALL attend.

Guests are also welcome. Please invite guests and introduce them if you like. Just share the Zoom link with them for that week.


In keeping with social distancing requirements – our CNO Meetings have transitioned temporarily to a online format using ZOOM.

Club Member Joe Madden was inspired to rewrite The Optimist Creed – so we give you now – The Corona Creed -with apologies to Christian D. Larson, Author of The Optimist Creed.

Links to Recorded Meeting and PowerPoint

A Video Recording of this Week’s Meeting is here

A Podcast of this Week’s Meeting is here

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here