Dave Ball – TJ’s Place of Hope

A Replay of the ZOOM Meeting is Here

NOTE: The actual meeting starts at 16:22 – if you enjoy watching the socializing and member banter, I left it in – some of it is pretty fumy!


In keeping with social distancing requirements – our CNO Meetings have transitioned temporarily to a online format using ZOOM.

Club Member Joe Madden was inspire to rewrite The Optimist Creed – so we give you now – The Corona Creed -with apologies to Christian D. Larson, Author of The Optimist Creed.

Zoom Meeting This Week

Yankee Trace is still closed. We had another meeting using Zoom. We will continue our weekly meetings via computer, cell phone or tablet for at least the next several weeks. Please join us and keep inviting guests.

Welcome Guests!

Guest Guest of
Laura Thimons Debe Dockins

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Maureen Ruff Debe Dockins Induction

2020-2021 Officers and Board of Directors Nominations

The nomination committee of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club, comprised of past presidents, the current president and incoming president have nominated the following people for Optimist Year 2020-2021:

  • President Elect, Gary Hansen
  • Vice Presidents, Beth Duncan and Bill Williams
  • Board of Directors for 2-year terms: Christine Balsan, Pat Behn, Bob Glavin, Jim Long, and Brian Nolan
  • Board Members with a year left to serve: Amy Barker, Denise O’Neil, Vince Reidy, Carolyn Taylor, and Greg Wasmund
  • Debe Dockins is the president for 2020-2021 and she has chosen Nancy Lehren as her past president representative. Greg Griffin will serve as the Immediate Past President.
  • The incoming president chooses the Treasurer and Secretary. Debe Dockins has selected Roland Rapp for Treasurer and Jean Pummill for Secretary. They are both currently serving in those positions.

We will hear from each of the nominated board members and officers over the next 2 or 3 weeks. The terms begin on 10/1/2020.

If anyone would like to nominate themselves for a position let Jean Pummill know. If there are additional nominations, then CNO will hold an election.

Bill Williams, nominated for vice-president, spoke to us today. He has been a member of CNO since 1993. He has chaired several committees and been a member of the board. He retired last year and he looks forward to recommitting himself to CNO.

Bob Glavin, nominated to be a board member, spoke to us. He has been a member of CNO since 1993. He and his wife created Tops Soccer for special needs children. He participates in various activities and has served on the board previously. He has recently retired. He and Greg Wasmund are working on the Partners Special Needs Optimist Club. He is proud to be a member and is happy to serve on the board.

Brian Nolan, nominated to be a board member, spoke to us. Brian has a lifelong history with Optimist Clubs. He has been a member of CNO since 2018. As a child, he attended his first national convention with his grandfather in 1964. He later became a member of the Indianapolis, Indiana Optimist Club, which was the first charted Optimist Club in the world.


Andy Dickerson announced that our annual Fishing Derby has been rescheduled to 8/15/2020.

David Ball, TJ’s Place of Hope

Mike Bevis introduced David Ball, the President and board member of T.J.’s Place of Hope, “Hope Beyond Addiction”, in Centerville. They are a 501(c)(3) organization and 100% funded through donations. Unlike similar organizations, they do not charge those they serve or their insurance companies.

You can view David’s slide deck here

On November 17th, 2005, at the age of 18, CHS 2005 graduate T.J. Whitehead took his own life after battling drug and alcohol addiction for most of his adolescent life. Cheryl Crabtree, his mother, and Greg Crabtree, his stepfather, started T.J.’s Place of Hope in 2006. After struggling to get the help their family needed with T.J., they started this foundation. They serve teens and young adults ages 12-25 (plus their families). Most kids they help are middle school and high school students.

T.J.’s Place of Hope is an organization of compassionate people to help those with addictions in a safe, confidential, peer-reinforced environment Besides addictions like drug and alcohol, they are one of the few places helping with self-injury (such as cutting), eating disorders, social anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and other destructive disorders.

David said that they do not treat for heroine. Addiction to heroine is beyond their scope, so they refer youths to other rehab centers and may help pay for the treatment.

If you or someone you know needs help with addictions or is struggling with other issues and is not between the ages of 12 and 25, they will take your phone call and will have suggestions of where you can find help.

T.J.’s Place of Hope website FAQ list has very useful information about who and how they can help.

Before the Covid-19 crisis, T.J.’s Place of Hope was normally open Tuesdays and Thursdays for kids to get together and talk. Meetings are at 85 East Franklin Street Centerville, OH 45459. Please call them for other options during the crisis at 937.436.HOPE. Their Facebook page is a resource as well to find scheduled meetings and activities.

How They Help

  • Gathering place to meet with others dealing with similar issues – it is a safe, confidential and nurturing environment where recovery is encouraged
  • Weekly meetings to facilitate recovery
  • Peer Encouragement and re-enforcement
  • Financial Assistance
  • Resource Center of youth and their families to educate themselves and seek treatment
  • Make donations to other groups in need of funding, such as Brigid’s Path

Funding Comes From

  • Donations
  • Golf Outing
  • Dinner Outings
  • Christmas Fundraiser

What They Need

  • Referrals of youths with issues they can help with
  • Facilitators
  • Board Members – they are wanting to add several board members; They prefer board members that have directly had family experiences with issues they help with.
  • Donations of time, materials, supplies and cash are accepted with enormous gratitude

Contact Information

Thank You Notes sent to CNO

No Thank You Notes were received this week.

CNO Donations 2013 through September 2019

Click this link to see a summary of the donations our club has made.

Over 50 years, we have donated close to $2,000,000 to our youth community. In the past 6 years, we have donated nearly $700,000.


Member Birthday
Jeff Busch April 29
Ray Huss April 29
Brandon Barrett April 30
Lynne Reilly May 1
Dawayne Kirkman May 2
Chris Abratowski May 4
Chris Wysong May 4
Melissa DeShurko May 4

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Charlie Tapp May 1 5/1/1978 42
Joe Madden May 1 5/1/1982 38
Tim Stull May 1 5/1/1987 33

 Sergeants at Arms

No Sergeants this week. 

Happy Bucks

Member Reason
Debe Dockins Laura Thimons being her guest today
Debe Dockins Maureen Ruff was inducted today – Debe is Maureen’s sponsor
Debe Dockins Ohio District Oratorical contest is being held on Saturday 5/2/2020
Debe Dockins Very excited about the make up of the board of directors – Debe will be president on 10/1/2020
Debe Dockins Parents 65th wedding anniversary was yesterday
Debe Dockins Greg Griffin for doing a great job during the crisis and being a Zoom host master
Stan Fronzaglia Grandson is graduating from high school as the Salutatorian
Beth Duncan Her business received crisis PPP funding
Sue Jessee Her daughter, a single mom and a hair stylist, finally is finally receiving her unemployment money
Tom Novak Thankful for guest Darrel Basford from the Monroe Optimist Club for their help with our Avenue of Flags