Paul Helfrich – Dayton Performing Arts Alliance

Opening Prayer

Phather Phil was not present today so Bill Stone offered the opening prayer after thanking the club members for their prayers for he and his family on the recent sudden passing of his brother, Bobby.

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Alexandria Bollinger Gary Smiga
Lisa Couture Beth Duncan
Paul Helfrich Speaker
Daniel Koons Mike Bevis
Melanie Schiebrel Gary Smiga
Carolyn Taylor Beth Duncan

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Committee Announcements

Tom Novak, Avenue of Flags, announced we will be delivering flags on 8/30-31/2018 for Labor Day. Please consider volunteering to help deliver and pickup flags. This team can always use more help!

Donna Huss asked if someone would PLEASE step up and chair the Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH) committee. Donna will help and has contacts. Someone from the Greene Optimist Club has volunteered to partner with us and help the new chair.

Chris McAlpine, President said there will be a board meeting at the Park District headquarters at 7 PM on 8/24/2018. Anyone can attend.

Myron Rheaume reported on the Ohio District OI convention over the weekend held in Fairborn. There were 151 registered delegates from 21 clubs. The International OI President also attended. Ten percent of the attendees were from the Centerville Noon Optimists. With the points from Awards and Achievements, we were ranked number three for the third quarter, but we should be number one by the end of the fourth quarter. Pat Behn received an award at the convention for achieving level 1 in the professional development program (PDP). She has achieved level 9 for Personal Growth & Involvement (PGI) program. She is also the incoming Lt Governor for Zone 14.

Jean Pummill, our secretary, further reported on the Ohio District OI conference. She presented various awards that they gave to her at the convention to distribute.

Chris McAlpine told everyone to thank Ellie Parker for making the trifolds we took to the convention and also encouraged everyone to take a look at the trifolds after the meeting.

Kelly Stone gave out 3 Above and Beyond awards. Brian Nolan, a new member this year has participated in numerous activities. Brent Richburg, a new member, chaired the Americana Booth this year and also signed up for next year. Mike Cordonnier a new member, built our float for the Americana Parade with the aid of his students.

Memorial Scholarship Winner

Gary Smiga introduced Alexandria Bollinger. We have renewed her $1500.00 scholarship at Brigham Young University where she is majoring in International Studies. She started Brigham Young University with 9 Credit Hours through Advanced Placement exams, scoring the highest score of  5 on all the exams. In college she completed 29 hours with a GPA of 3.17 studying Psychology, English Literature/Composition and English Language/Composition.

Alexandra has continued her activities and community service during college, including Promotions Manager at BYU’s Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Presidency of the Peace and Conflict Resolution Society, Model United Nations, Hip Hop Club, International tutoring Korean Women in English, Refugee Service Club, Korean Student Association, HELP International Humanitarian, study abroad/academic internship in Thailand building houses for families, and she is the Co-chair of the Family History/Indexing Committee at her church.

She spoke to us briefly and started off by thanking us for the scholarship. She spent 3 months in Northern Thailand working on sustainable projects. During her work she learned a lot about people. She also took a class that studied how to help reduce human trafficking.

Today’s Presentation

Mike Bevis introduced Paul Helfrich, the President & CEO of the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, a position he has held since July 2012.  He received his Bachelor of Music degree (with distinction) from Indiana University – Bloomington in 1984, and a Master’s degree in Arts Administration, also from Indiana University, in 1986.

Mr. Helfrich came to Dayton to serve as President of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra in October 2008.  In four years with the DPO, he oversaw the launch of new programming including the highly successful Rockin’ Orchestra series, the completion of a $1.5 million special fundraising campaign called Protect & Secure, and played a key role in the merger of the Dayton Philharmonic with the Dayton Ballet and Dayton Opera to create the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance.

Prior to his arrival in Dayton, he served 12 years as Executive Director of the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra in Charleston, West Virginia.  His time there saw a great expansion of the orchestra’s concert, touring, and education programs. Mr. Helfrich has also served as Executive Director of the Erie Philharmonic and Director of Marketing for the Kalamazoo Symphony.  He resides in Centerville along with his wife, Geanie, and children Donald, a sophomore at The Ohio State University, and Gabby, a senior at Centerville High School.

His presentation was titled, “The Dayton Performing Arts Alliance: An Update”.

From their web page:

In 2012, leadership of the Dayton Opera, Dayton Ballet, and Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra created a groundbreaking and innovative merger, forging these three art forms into one organization named the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance. This merger is the first of its kind in the nation—in no other city can performing arts lovers experience the dramatic collaboration with the range and depth of experiences being offered in the Dayton community.

The Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, with Dayton Philharmonic, Dayton Ballet, and Dayton Opera as its three crown jewels, has carefully planned for future success by creating a single management structure and business operating unit while preserving and promoting the integrity and identity of each of its three art forms. This alliance, unique in the nation, emulates the model of highly successful European performing arts organizations, taking artistic collaboration to a new level.

Since, 2012, they have served Over 95,000 people. They have also served more than 75,000 children through educational programs.

This season there will be 4 Ballets, 4 operas and 30 concerts from the Philharmonic incorporating several different types of concerts.

New Strategic plan after reflecting on the first 5 years.

  • Vision: Transform lives through the power of music and dance.
  • To be our community’s indispensable source for traditional, diverse and innovative performances..
  • Values: We must be a welcoming force. The performing arts must address and enhance the lives of all people.
  • We must be fearless innovators. Inspired by Dayton’s history.
  • We must be responsible stewards. We must ensure the future of the arts.
  • We must be uncompromising performers.
  • We must be inspiring educators.
  • We must be a dynamic partner.

Their Goals

  • Aspirational Goal: Matter to Dayton. Attract diverse audiences.
  • Functional Goal: Service to the community. Offer new performances.
  • Functional Goal. Leverage Our unique Artistic Structure.
  • Functional Goal. Education for all ages.
  • Foundational Goal. Fiscal Sustainability. Develop financing, balance budget, increase reserves.

A few of the upcoming Performances

  • The season opens 9/15/2018 with Beethoven’s Ninth: Season Opening Spectacular
  • Dracula: Bloodlines
  • Sleeping Beauty: The Story of Briar Rose
  • Rigoletto
  • The Pirates of Penzance
  • Video Games Live
  • There are several others!


  • They will be trying to setup performances at the Levitt Pavilion venue in 2019.
  • Open to discussion to adding other groups to their alliance.

Previous Speaker Update

The presenter to our lunch on July 17, 2018, Gerry Cohen, the president of the Miami Valley Pet Therapy Association (mvPTa), informed us that the venue for their annual major fund raiser The Howl Run / Walk, has been changed to The Mall at Fairfield Commons in Beavercreek. It is still on 9/29/2018 from 9 AM to 1 PM. In addition to the run/walk their will be costume contests. police demonstrations and silent auction gift baskets. You can register online. There will be 4 different 5K’s and 4 prizes awarded, 2 for walking and 2 for running, both of these with or without a dog.


Member Birthday
Marilyn Becht August 21
Stephen Walker August 21
Sharon Silverberg August 25

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Frederick Pfeiffer August 21 08/21/2013 5
Matt Somerlot August 21 08/21/2013 5
Gary Miller August 23 08/23/2005 13
Shawna Hatton August 23 8/23/2016 2
Mary Madden August 26 08/26/1998 20

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Carolyn Taylor Beth Duncan 2nd Reading
Daniel Koons Mike Bevis 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

No time for sergeants this week.

Happy Bucks!

No time for Happy Bucks this week.