Jim Charters – Carillon Park

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Heavenly Father,

When we tee-off in this game called life, we expect to sail smoothly down the fairway onto the green.  We even hope for that magical hole-in-one.  But life is not always smooth sailing.  A gust of wind may blow us off track and we may find ourselves in a rough patch, surrounded by sand, or sinking in water.  Lord, please give us the balls (and the occasional club) we need to move forward, for we have more rounds ahead of us. 



  • Bob Glavin announced that the 21st season of TOP soccer for special needs kids will start on 8/22/2021. The program needs volunteers, including assistant coaches and on-field buddies assigned to a participant. The kids look forward to the event each year. Volunteers do not need to know anything about soccer to help.
  • Mike Bevis, Chair of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic, thanked everyone who helped make it a great success on 7/12/2021. Thanks to the 36 committee members and the 50 day of event volunteers. The 128 participants were shown a great time. An additional $13,000 was raised on the day of the event. The total raised is approximately $40,000. The next outing will be held on July 18, 2022.
  • Nancy Lehren announced a club service project for Crayons to Classrooms. CNO has agreed to help Crayons to Classrooms assemble journals consisting of 10 pieces of paper plus a front and back cover. The assembly will occur after the noon meeting on 7/20/2021. If you are available, please stay after lunch and bring a stapler.
  • Donna Huss, club advisor for the CNO St Leonard Club, announced that the St. Leonard club is starting up again. They are looking to grow the members. Contact Donna if you know anyone at St Leonard that might be interested in being a member. They already have plans for community projects and activities for the next year.

Community Events

  • 7/31/2021, 11 AM – 2 PM, Andy Dickerson announced that they need volunteers to work at the Big Backyard Party at Oak Grove Park.
  • 8/7/2021, 9 AM to 1 PM Andy Dickerson announced that they need volunteers to work at the Kid’s Day in the Park event. It will be held at 1700 Delco Park Dr, Kettering OH 45420. Activities are designed for kids aged 5 to 12. Free lunch begins at 11:30.

PGI and PDP Awards

Jean Pummill announced the advancement of members through OI member programs for Personal Growth and Involvement (PGI) and Professional Development Program (PDP) Advancements. There are 10 levels in PGI and 13 levels in PDP


Katie Calloway has achieved level 1 of the PDP program.

For PGI there were numerous advancements

  • Level 1 – 27 Members
  • Level 2 – 30 Members  
  • Level 3 – 8 Members
  • Level 4 – 1 Members
  • Level 5 – 2 Members
  • Level 6 – 2 Members
  • Level 7 – 1 Members

The Optimist International PGI and PDP personal achievement programs will be transferring to an online Learning Management System also known as LMS. More information will be available in weeks ahead.

Committee Meetings

  • 7/20/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Jim Charters, Carillon Park

Carol Smerz introduced Jim Charters, a spokesperson for Dayton History who came today to present about Carillon Park. Carillon Historical Park is a 65-acre open-air history museum that serves as the main campus for Dayton History.

Introduction From Carol Smerz:

Jim Charters is a spokesperson for Dayton History and has made presentations to numerous organizations about significant historical events and individuals from the Dayton area.  He volunteers as an interpretive guide at Carillon Park and Hawthorn Hill.  In 2013 he received Carillon Park’s “Volunteer of the Year” award.

Jim was born in Dayton and graduated from Chaminade High School and Ashford University.  After a career with Illinois Tool Works, he returned to the Dayton area (Washington Township) to enjoy retirement, in particular golf and volunteering.

He volunteers as a tutor at Centerville High School and Magsig Middle School.  He also moderates a class at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Dayton and moderates a class at Sinclair Community College.  In addition, he has performed on stage as an actor with the Tipp City Players and Dayton History.

About Carillon Historical Park

From their website: Carillon Historical Park owes its existence to the generosity of Colonel Edward Andrew Deeds (1874–1960) and Edith Walton Deeds (1869–1947). In the 1930s, while traveling in Bruges, Belgium, Edith, an accomplished musician, found inspiration in magnificent carillon music, and she dreamed of sharing this music with the people of Dayton. Edith’s dream became reality through the construction of Deeds Carillon—her most visible legacy to the community she loved.

A renowned engineer, inventor, and industrialist, Colonel Deeds was a close friend and colleague of fellow Dayton luminaries Charles Kettering, John H. Patterson, and Orville Wright. Colonel Deeds co-founded Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company (DELCO), the Dayton-Wright Airplane Company, and the Engineers Club of Dayton, and served as the third CEO of National Cash Register (NCR).

Jim Charters Presentation

Jim Charters presentation was titled, “Carillon Historical Park: Today and Tomorrow”, a “Dayton History Experience.”

Colonel Edward A. Deeds and Edith Walton Deeds created the park in 1942. Edith was the first person to play the Carillon bells

View the slides from his presentation here.

Notable Exhibits at Carillon Park

  • There is a temporary exhibit through the end of 2021, “Bootleggers, Bandits, and Badges: From Dry Times to Hard Times in Dayton Ohio,” including John Dillinger’s pistol and the handcuff’s used on him in Dayton
  • On display is the 1,000,000th Huffy bike that was built in Dayton
  • There are 91 NCR cash registers on display
  • DELCO, Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company is represented

Carillon Park Areas

  • Deeds Carillon
  • Kettering Family Education Center; this is the main entrance and handles admissions, information, check-in, museum store and exhibits
  • Winsupply Center of Leadership
  • Culp’s Café: The Café is ready to re-open as soon as they can find enough employees
  • Eichelberger Pavilion
  • Schear Family Gallery
  • Roger Glass Gallery
  • Heritage Center of Dayton Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship
  • We Progress Through Change Theater
  • Carousel of Innovation
  • Carillon Brewing Co: It is the only brewery making beer the way it was made in 1850
  • The 1901 Horse Barn from the Montgomery County Fairgrounds
  • Old River Park Swimming Pool Tower
  • Callahan Building Clock: It used to be a landmark seen from I-75 and it has been moved to Carillon Park and can still be seen from I-75; great views are available from the top of the tower it is now mounted on

Future Additions at Carillon Historical Park

  • Carillon Park Railway: The train will hold 100 people and have one mile of track and will be stored in the 1901 Horse Barn from the Montgomery County Fairgrounds that is now located at the park
  • Bowling Green Depot
  • Dayton Triangles Locker Room: The first national football team
  • The Old Culp’s Café
  • Culp’s Corner and Dayton Sports and Recreation Heritage Pavilion
  • The Print Shop: The print shop and trade experience area has been greatly expanded and re-opens in Fall of 2021
  • Miami and Erie Canal Lock Experience Center: The canal will have a new experience center below the model ship
  • Nation Road Interpretive Center
  • Funicular: It will be built to transport visitors to the top of the hill with great views of the Miami Valley

Volunteers Are Needed

Do you love history? Then become a Dayton History Volunteer. Contact Kay Locher for more information.

They need help with:

  • Park Interpreters
  • Archives and Collections
  • Special Events
  • Mailings
  • More

Thank You

Thank you, Jim Charters, for joining us to educate CNO on Carillon Park.

Other Parts of the Dayton History Organization

In 2005, Carillon Historical Park merged with the Montgomery County Historical Society to create a new umbrella organization known as Dayton History. The private, non-profit (501c3) organization was established to preserve, share and celebrate our region’s history. Carillon Historical Park is home to over 30 historic structures and cares for over three million artifacts.

Dayton History is funded by gifts and money generated from the properties they own.

In addition to the Carillon Historical Park, the following sites rest under Dayton History’s care:

  • Carillon Brewing Company
  • Hawthorn Hill
  • The Paul Laurence Dunbar House Historic Site
  • Patterson Homestead
  • The Old Court House
  • Memorial Hall
  • The Archive Center
  • The Mound Cold War Discovery Center

This page on the Dayton History website contains descriptions of the above locations and has links to specific pages for the sites.

Link to related article on this website

See previous article from 9/1/2020 for other details about Dayton History.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Sam HolmesMike Bevis3rd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Ann CrichtonMike Bevis
Chuck DavisTom Novak
David HaaseMike bevis
Eric ParsleyMike Bevis
Jim ChartersSpeaker
Martha SanchezDebe Dockins

Happy Bucks

Eveyln GriffinFor Mike Yoder helping Carrie Million after her recent fall.
Judy DeMarcoGolf outing went great.
Beth Duncan$20, She won Grand Raffle 50/50 at the golf outing yesterday.
Charlie Tapp$2, Thanks to the great efforts of Mike Bevis for the golf outing.
Charlie TappWas bummed when found out that that picture of Debe Dockins was a fake at the golf outing.
Debe DockinsAmy Barker has been elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of Sinclair College.

Sergeants at Arms

Bob LawsonLeft early from last week’s meeting when it was his birthday and therefore we didn’t get to sing to him.
Mike BevisAuthorizing the 2D sign of Debe Dockins for the golf outing. Her face was photshopped to a picture of Britanny Spears with the caption, “Hit me with your best shot.” The golfer who got the closest to the life size picture won a prize.
Mike BevisBorrowed the CNO lunch podium sign for the golf outing and did not return it.
Chris McAlpineBid for and won, but did not pay for, his silent auction gift basket at the golf outing.
Roland RappSaid to Carrie Million, “Behave and stay out of trouble,” just before she fell and injured herself in the parking lot.
Greg GriffinThere are 330 pictures in the CNO member directory and only 1 person has their head turned sideways and it is sergeant Brian Nolan, which is why he fined Greg.

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Bob BargmeyerJuly177/17/20147
Jeff PapanekJuly177/17/20147
Tom BeeryJuly177/17/20147
Mike BremJuly187/18/20183
Sue JesseeJuly187/18/20183
Steve MockJuly197/19/199625
Tom LakesJuly197/19/20174


Denise GreenJuly 15
Sue BrubakerJuly 16
Mark PetreJuly 18
Bob BurkmanJuly 19

CNO Donations – 2013 through June 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to Read the Thank You Notes we received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.