Bethany Deines, Shriners Children’s Ohio, Specialized Pediatric Care

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

From P. S. God, Can You Fly? by R. Wayne Willis:

“Reality Check”

Thank you Lord, for not letting it be any worse.  I love you.

There are few things like a visit to the hospital for a reality check, for putting life in perspective.

One day I entered the burn unit of our children’s hospital and my eyes immediately fixed on a new patient.  He was seated in his room’s doorway in a wheelchair, bound in gauze from his waist up, with holes in the facial wrap for eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.  I couldn’t tell whether the child was a boy or girl until he told me his name.  His name was Paul.  He was five years old. Paul told me he had been badly burned in a fire at his house the day before.  I noticed on his nightstand a beautiful medal and asked him what it was.  He told me how a uniformed policeman had entered the unit earlier that day to visit someone else.  When his eyes and Paul’s met, Paul attempted a wave with his rigid arm.  The wave attempt stopped the policeman in his tracks.  He turned and left the unit.  He returned a short time later with a Medal of Honor in his hand, a medal he had been awarded two weeks earlier.  He walked into Paul’s room, draped the medal around Paul’s neck, and told him, “You deserve this more than I do.  You’re a hero.  This is for you.”  Then he turned and walked away. 

What happened inside the policeman happens inside many of us who work with sick people.  We find it hard, seeing the world from inside a hospital, to get overwrought at a fender bender, a correction in the stock market, or a rained-out golf game.  Glimpses of a sixteen-year-old girl bald from chemotherapy or a ten-year-old boy with severe cerebral palsy or a five-year-old burned child help us, as it did the policeman, keep a sense of proportion and balance in life.  Exposure to suffering helps us check our urge to complain about what we lack and feel more gratitude for what we have.  It compels us to “cleave ever,” as Tennyson said, “To the sunnier side of doubt.”

Today’s Prayer:

Dear God,

We are in need of a reality check.  Instead of complaining, help us to express gratitude.  Instead of being irritated, help us to have patience.  Instead of jumping to conclusions about others, help us to truly see them.  And God, thank you for not letting it be any worse.



  • Lynne Reilly won today’s 50/50 drawing she donated her winnings back to the club!
  • Mike Bevis, Golf Outing Chair, said that 136 golfers have signed up so participation is SOLD OUT. They need “day of event” volunteers for lots of tasks on Monday, July 12, 2021. There are jobs for all times of the day including early morning, mid-day and at the end of the day. They are hoping someone has some Dayton Dragons tickets to donate for the silent auction. Additionally, they are asking for bottles of wine and gift cards for the silent auction and raffles.
  • Beth Duncan announced that the Americana booth chair Brent Richburg is looking for several volunteers to work the CNO Americana booth on 7/5/2021.
  • Jane Fiehrer announced that the American float has some very heavy pieces to lift onto the trailer. They need some very strong people to lift these pieces between 9AM and Noon on 7/3/2021.
  • Ron Tinnerman reported that CNO 2.0 last week at Poelking Lanes South went great. The speaker, Allan Crasto, Ph.D, was very interesting discussing UDRI.

Committee Meetings

  • 7/20/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Bethany Deines, Shriners of Ohio

Mike Bevis introduced Bethany Deines, Director of Development of Shriners Children’s Ohio (SCO). SCO just moved to Dayton from Cincinnati. Their new location is the second floor of Dayton Children’s Hospital (DCH) and their address is One Children’s Plaza – 2 West, Dayton, OH 45404. SCO is a hospital within a hospital. The new space was designed with kids in mind. Administration offices are located at 241 Taylor Street.

Also attending today’s meeting were CEO of Dayton SCO, Randy White, and Associate Director of Development of Dayton SCO, Kari Tucker.

You can view the slide deck titled, “Our New Home – Shriners Children’s Ohio, Hospital Update April 2021”, here.  

Philosophy and Purpose

Built on the philosophy that people can make a positive difference in the lives of others, Shriners Children’s Ohio is committed to the community and welcomes involvement from interested individuals.

With their new home, they have the same purpose, “Be the best at transforming children’s lives by providing exceptional healthcare through innovative research, in a patient and family-centered environment.”

About SCO and the New Space

  • All exam rooms have a magnetic chalkboard. Kids love to draw with chalk and play with the magnets.
  • They see about 3000 patients per year. The vast majority will stay much less than a week. In the past it was often several weeks. Patients have better outcomes by being home sooner.
  • By moving into a smaller space, they are saving a lot of money.
  • They wanted to stay in the Ohio area. The Dayton area with its highways and airports is easy to get into. Bethany Deines said, “There is no more friendly area than Dayton, Ohio.”
  • SCO is the first hospital to be inside another hospital. They share services with DCH, but they have their own board of directors.

Relocating the Hospital to be inside Dayton Children’s Hospital

  • Overall, they don’t need nearly the same number of inpatient hospital beds as before. Relocating to a much smaller space has greatly reduced overhead expense.
  • They have right sized the hospital from 30 inpatient beds to 7.
  • At homes, there are better safety standards for children which results in far fewer burns than in the past.
  • Changing healthcare trends and improved technology means shorter hospital stays which requires fewer beds. For example, there are bandages that can stay on longer requiring less professional nursing care.
  • Children have better outcomes when they can go home sooner. There is an increased focus on outpatient care.
  • They can share services with DCH, including labs, radiology, pharmacy, dietary, EVS and security.
  • SCO has access to world-class physicians at DCH. This allows collaboration on complex medical conditions, providing new care services for children.
  • More opportunities for telemedicine and outreach clinics.
  • Dayton is a great location. They can maintain a burn center presence in Midwest/Mid-Atlantic/Southeast. The access to both I-70 and I-75 Interstates is great. The Dayton airport is very close, but so are several other airports within a 2 hours drive.
  • Dayton is a family-friendly community.

Areas in the Hospital

  • Pharmacy on site which is a great luxury
  • Physical/Occupational Therapy Clinic
  • Donor Recognition Wall
  • Outpatient Corridor
  • Outpatient Clinics with well-designed Nurses Stations
  • Outpatient Clinic Exam Room
  • Inpatient Rooms
  • PICU
  • Nurses Stations
  • Med Stations
  • Charting Stations
  • Nutrition Stations
  • Surgical Suite
  • PACU
  • Playroom, a place for kids to do their number one job which is to play
  • Play Space behind a nurse’s station, where kids are given “important jobs” by the nurses

Family Housing

  • Ronald McDonald House – across the street
  • Ronald McDonald House Hospitality Room on the 4th floor of DCH
  • Hotels in area
  • Fisher Houses for Military families

How You can Help

  • Patient Referrals – help us grow!
  • Road Runners/Transportation
  • Share mission and patient stories
  • Give generously at
  • Attend events
  • Fundraising
  • Naming opportunities
  • Volunteer time and talent

Care Given and Conditions Treated

  • Orthopaedics
  • Burn Care
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Craniofacial (in a new partnership with World Craniofacial Foundation)
  • Cleft Lip/Palate
  • Sports Injury and Factures
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Serious skin conditions
  • Wounds and trauma

Where Patients Come From

  • The entire U.S. – most are from the eastern 26 states of the US.
  • Over 35 Countries around the globe – if a child needs their services, they will find a way to get the child to one of their hospitals
  • Referrals from Doctors
  • Referrals from anyone – Social Media is starting to make a difference

Contacting Shriners

Ways to Give to Shriner Children’s Ohio

  • A one-time or monthly cash donation
  • A gift to honor or remember a loved one
  • A charitable bequest in your will
  • Gifts of appreciated assets or real estate
  • Other planned giving opportunities such as charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts

Thank You

Thank you, Bethany Deines, for joining us to educate CNO about Shriners Hospital for Children in Dayton, Ohio.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Sam HolmesMike Bevis1st Reading

Welcome Guests!

Guest NameGuest of
Bethany DeinesToday’s Speaker, the Director of Development of Shriners Children’s Ohio
Kari TuckerAssociate Director of Development from Shriners Children’s Ohio
Randy WhiteCEO of Shriners Children’s Ohio
Steve MathisRon Tinnerman

Happy Bucks

Bob CollinsDean and Mindy Heyne have fostered 42 children after raising two children and then adopting 6 of them, all with major life challenges.  Their 2 oldest that are twins who are on the Autism spectrum asked to help with picking up flags last week. They were excited and happy to help.  Bob plans to work to have them help his team retrieve the flags in the future. 
Myron RheaumeHe really apppreciated Erin Dickerson’s story and prayer today.
Jerry StahleyThank you to all that helped with the junior golf tournament. There are 17 kids going to Florida to play at the next level.
Debe DockinsThanks to Jerry Stahley for building the step stool behind the podium for her and others who need it.
Tom NovakThe next flag delivery is next week. There will be a flag assembly party this Friday.  Also thankss to Debe for reminding him about his wife’s birthday.

Sergeants at Arms

Mike BevisNot wearing a name badge when Introducing a new member
Erin DickersonMaking fun of the step stool behind the podium to a Sergeant who is vertically challenged
Louise HahnShe had never been fined before and now she has
Wayne Christie, Roland RappSitting with just 2 people at a table so they can eat extra hamburgers
Gary SmigaEmpyting his cup of water outside before the meeting
Dick StevensComplaining that it was time for Sergeants fines to a Sergeant

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Wes CleavesJune226/22/199328
Gary HansenJune306/30/199922
Joe KronenbergerJuly17/1/20147
Roy BarclayJuly17/1/198635
Sara HemmeterJuly17/1/20147
Andy HarmonJuly27/2/20183
David DuncombeJuly27/2/20183
Greg CrabtreeJuly27/2/200813
Jeff UmbreitJuly27/2/20183
Mark ScarpinoJuly27/2/20183
Robin GoldenJuly47/4/20129
Diane ArehartJuly57/5/20165


Deb UlrichJune 22
Carrie MillionJune 23
Gary DeMarcoJune 23
Dick LeeJune 23
Cherie GentryJune 24
Jay McAlpineJune 24
Paulette NovakJune 25
Charlie GoodwinJune 26
Wayne ChristieJune 26
Robby JohnsonJune 27
Valorie HuffJune 28
Frank DePalmaJune 29
Karin GilstrapJuly 1
John SpeersJuly 4
John CarrollJuly 5

CNO Donations – 2013 through May 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to Read the Thank You Notes we received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.