Youth Appreciation Awards Presented

Phather Phil’s Prayer


T’was the nite before Thanksgiving, I felt myself swelling,
But I just couldn’t sleep, So plump and so round,
I tried counting backwards, Till all of a sudden,
I tried counting sheep. I rose off the ground.
The Tom Turkey beckoned, I crashed thru the ceiling,
The dark meat & the white, Floating into the sky,
But I fought the temptation, With a mouthful of pudding
With all of my might. And a handful of pie.
Tossing & turning, But I managed to yell,
With anticipation, As I soared past the trees,
The thought of a snack, Happy eating to all,
Became an infatuation. Pass the cranberries please.
So, I raced to the kitchen, May your stuffing be tasty,
Flung open the door, May your turkey be plump.
And gazed at the fridge, May potatoes and gravy,
With goodies galore. Have nary a lump.
I gobbled up turkey. May your yams be delicious
And buttered potatoes, May your pies take the prize
Pickles and carrots, May your Thanksgiving dinner
Beans and tomatoes. Stay off of your thighs! AMEN!

 Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Beth Buck Educator
Chuck Cowgill Educator
Erin Dickerson Andrew Dickerson
Jack Durnbaugh Educator
Lynn Grubb Erin Dickerson
Kensie Miller Educator
Debbie Round Honoree’s Family
Kevin Round Honoree’s Family
Maddie Round Honoree
Mary Round Honoree’s Family
Annie Shaver Mike Bevis
Nate Smiga Gary Smiga
Bill Taylor Carolyn Taylor
Ron Whitehead Honoree’s Family
Jeff Wolff Educator

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Special Announcement

The Banner Kit was unveiled at the meeting via a PowerPoint presentation. The committee was made up of Donna Huss, Gary Smiga, Jesse Gaither and Greg Griffin. The items will be used at all CNO events and the tent can be rotated to highlight either the golf outing, the Avenue of Flags, the Christmas tree sales or CNO 2.0. The items are very colorful and will be a positive image for our organization. Thanks to Diane Arehart for putting together a “to go” box which will hold event brochures, membership applications, CNO 2.0 information and a list of upcoming events. This box will be stored with the Banner Kit and will be easily available when the Banner Kit is used.

Committee Announcements

Donna Huss announced there is a board meeting tonight 11/2/2018 at 6 PM at Woodbourne Library;

Christy Gariety announced she is handling the Adopt-A-Family program. See her to sign up.

Laurie Poeppelman announced Optigear orders are in and today is the last day for size and color samples. Orders placed will be received in 2 weeks.

Gary Hansen, chair of the Will Cale Scholarship Committee, announced he is still looking for more mentors so that we can help more students.

Beth Duncan reminded everyone about the December 11th Holiday Party at the Presidential, the Dinner and a Mystery on Dec 28th @ 7pm @ the Spaghetti Warehouse and she thanked everyone who brought chili, soups, cookies, corn bread and other food.

Donn Huss announced that Myron Rheaume will be available to discuss PGI/PDP next week. Please meet with Myron next week at lunch to begin filling your passport. Many of you have achieved Level 1 and just need to complete the booklet. You can also touch base with Myron to see what level you might have already achieved.

Youth Appreciation Awards

Donna Huss introduced Tom Henderson, the superintendent of Centerville Schools and member of CNO. Tom presented three Youth Appreciation Awards to honor 3 outstanding students who will be great ambassadors of Centerville High School.

Madison Round

Tom introduced Beth Buck, a CHS South Unit Guidance Counselor, who introduced CHS Senior Madison (Maddie) Round. Maddie has an impressive 4.11 GPA. She is dedicated to the CHS girls golf team and is well-known for her four-year involvement. She works at Yankee Trace Golf Course. She is president of the Centerville Octagon club. She speaks each month at the meeting of 180 of her pears.

Maddie participates in many service activities such as making and sending birthday cards to young kids who are in the hospital, as well as organizing Christmas caroling at a local nursing home with the Watts Middle School Junior Optimist Club.

Maddie spoke briefly. As a member of DECA they were in the top 10 in the State. She plans to major in Marketing at Miami University in Oxford. She thanked CNO for our service to the community and making a difference. She also thanked us for this honor.

Rachel Whitehead

Tom introduced Kinsie Miller, a CHS West Unit Guidance Counselor, who Introduced CHS Senior Sisters Rachel and Emily Whitehead. Rachel and Emily Whitehead both have very impressive high school resumes. They are both involved in volunteer work, athletics, clubs and organizations.

Rachel is a four-year member of the student council. She is also a two-year member of Chemistry Buddies, was chosen from a select group of seniors to be an Elk Connector where she serves as a mentor to ninth grade and new students. She also was chosen to be a lunch buddy where she serves as a mentor to an at-risk elementary aged student. Rachel is also a talented musician, playing in the wind symphony for three years and being a member of United Sound for two years. Rachel is a four-year member of the CHS cross country team and the track and field team.

Rachel is ranked third of 657 students with a 4.9366 GPA. She is a two-year member of National Honor Society and she is also a two-year member of Spanish Honor Society. She has earned the Commended National Merit Scholar. She is expected to receive the Ohio Honors Diploma in May of 2019.

Rachel Whitehead briefly spoke and thanked CHS teachers and counselors. She plans to study Neuroscience, hopefully at Duke University.

Emily Whitehead

Next Kinsie Miller discussed Emily Whitehead on behalf of Samantha Stingley, a CHS East Unit counselor who was ill today. Kinsie used notes from Samantha to introduce Emily.

Emily has taken tough courses at CHS including AP Stats, AP Chemistry II, AP Literature, AP US History, AP Government, and AP Microeconomics.

Emily has been involved with Centerville Women’s Soccer Program and the music program. She is a member of multiple clubs and service groups, including Junior Leadership Dayton. She is a mentor to younger students. As an Elk Connector, Emily helped welcome nearly 700 new freshmen to CHS. In August she “adopted” a group of 20 students to mentor throughout the year. Emily uses her time before and after school to volunteer as a Chem Buddy, tutoring Chemistry I students.

Emily is ranked fourth of 657 students with a 4.9186 GPA. She is a two-year member of National Honor Society and she is also a two-year member of Spanish Honor Society. She is expected to receive the Ohio Honors Diploma in May of 2019.

Emily Whitehead briefly spoke and thanked Mrs. Stingley and CNO for this honor. Her number one college choice is Georgetown University.


Member Birthday
Brendan Cunningham November 22
Jayne Weikel November 22
Natalie King Dunlevey November 24

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Beth Duncan November 20 11/20/2016 2
John Kalaman November 20 11/20/2016 2
Jon Fox November 20 11/20/2000 18
Marilyn Becht November 20 11/20/2016 2
Paula Kalaman November 20 11/20/2016 2
Christine Balsan November 21 11/21/2013 5
Dave Klein November 21 11/21/2013 5
Kristina Rainer November 21 11/21/2012 6
Martha Jackson November 21 11/21/2013 5
Bill DeFries November 23 11/23/2004 14

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Richard Altvater Greg Wasmund 2nd Reading
Gareth Dickey Gary Hansen 2nd Reading
Sue Zammit Greg Griffin 2nd Reading
Erin Dickerson Andy Dickerson 2nd Reading
Andrew Dickerson Andrew McKenzie 3rd Reading
Mariah Vogelgesang Mike Bevis 3rd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Mike Bevis Parking in Pat Behn’s parking spot
Anyone who had a great time at the tree lot Anyone who had a great time at the tree lot
Anyone who doesn’t know exactly where their Optimist Pin is Not knowing exactly where their Optimist Pin is
Chris McAlpine Not wearing a tie
Bob Duffy Eating food off of the Birthday table, AGAIN!
Scott Langer Being late to the meeting

 Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Melissa Deeter Just became an aunt for the first time
Beth Duncan Thanks to everyone who brought soups and food to the Christmas Tree Lot delivery day
Beth Duncan Newest grand baby is  on the way
Joan Cordonnier 4 weeks out from her husband’s surgery and he is doing well (and volunteering on the Christmas Tree Lot!!!)
Joan Cordonnier Daughter Jill has second interview for a job in Cincinnati and Cincinnati is way closer than Utah
Don Kelley His Son-in-law is retiring after 4 years at the Air Force Academy and another  27 years of active duty; is starting 8 weeks of flight training after which he will be pilot for Southwest Airlines
Mary Madden Glad their power is finally restored after the ice storm
John Carroll 5 bucks for the great kids honored today and to a great tree lot season
Bob Burkman For the students with GPAs well above 4.0 and to the ones significantly below 4.0 that he can relate to
Sue Brubaker Thank you to the CHS Track team for helping with Christmas Tree Lot deliver day