Ollie’s Craft Beer and Whiskey – Ryan Hawk – The Learning Leader Podcast


Guests and Members in Attendance

Ann Blackburn Guest
Jeff Bonsteel Guest
Alan Brown Guest
Casey Clark Guest
Jennifer Clark Guest
Courtney Csizma Guest
Mat Dickert Guest
Jennifer Elleman Guest
Sean Evans Guest
Jon Friedl Guest
Branden Geyer Guest
Judy Hawk Guest
Keith Hawk Guest
Ryan Hawk Guest
Kayleigh Jackson Guest
Kevin Jackson Guest
Michelle Kersey Guest
Donna Milam Guest
Dick Newlin Guest
Doris Newlin Guest
Jack Anderson Member
Diane Arehart Member
Pat Arehart Member
Marge Back Member
Dav Bremer Member
Bob Burkman Member
Joan Cordonnier Member
Mike Cordonnier Member
Melissa Deeter Member
Shelby DiPasquale Member
Beth Duncan Member
Greg Fay Member
Stacey Fay Member
Clint Feeese Member
Jane Fiehrer Member
Stan Fronzaglia Member
Cindy Gaboury Member
Jesse Gaither Member
Evelyn Griffin Member
Greg Griffin Member
Gary Hansen Member
Cindy Harris Member
Shawna Hatton Member
Martha Jackson Member
Robby Johnson Member
Jeff Kujawa Member
Jay McAlpine Member
Kathy McAlpine Member
Pam Miller Member
Tom Novak Member
Gary Poeppelman Member
Lauire Poeppelman Member
Cheryl Probst Member
Jean Pummill Member
Mandy Ransdell Member
Brent Richburg Member
Pete Rife Member
Gary Smiga Member
Jerry Stahley Member
Bill Stone Member
Kelly Stone Member
Ron Tinnerman Member

CNO 2.0 Venue and Details

The venue for tonight’s CNO 2.0 meeting was “Ollie’s Place”. Thank you to Mike Schwartz, the owner, and the rest of the team at Ollie’s. http://www.olliesplacedayton.com/

Remember the CNO 2.0 meeting is always the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 PM at a local bar or restaurant. The next meeting will be on November 15, 2018 at Nelly’s Taste of Bolivia.

We had 42 members and 20 guests in attendance.

Describing Centerville Noon Optimist Club to our Guests

Greg Fay gave an overview of the fundraisers we have to raise money to give away to youth-based organizations and individuals.

Greg Griffin discussed the tree lot fundraiser.

Tom Novak and Bob Burkman discussed the Avenue of Flags fundraiser. Tom explained to our visitors that you have the opportunity to volunteer to help deliver flags even if you are not a member.

It was announced that the next Build-a-Bear for kids with cancer and their siblings is October 25, 2018 at Children’s Hospital. Volunteers setting up should arrive at 4:30 PM others should show up at 5:30 PM. The event starts at 6:00 PM.

Teacher of the Quarter Award

Greg Fay discussed that CNO 2.0 wanted to find a way to recognize teachers. The committee came up with the Teacher of the Quarter Award. For this quarter we are recognizing a teacher from Centerville High School. The Centerville High School principals chose this teacher for us. For this quarter, teacher Casey Clark’s name kept coming up. Clark spoke briefly about how great it is to be recognized by groups like the Centerville Noon Optimist.  Next quarter CNO 2.0 will recognize a teacher from one of the Centerville Middle Schools.

Tonight’s Speaker

Greg Fay introduced tonight’s speaker. Ryan Hawk creates podcasts and is a keynote speaker. His company is The Learning Leading Show. Ryan is a graduate of Centerville High School. He played football at both Miami University of Ohio and Ohio University. He had a successful run in sales at Lexis/Nexis. He is closing in on 300 podcast interviews of leaders and his podcasts are heard globally.

Ryan Hawk runs the Leadership Advisory team at the accounting firm of Brixey & Meyer.

Tonight, Ryan first said, “How about a round of applause to Greg Fay for emailing him every month until I said yes. Greg has to be most persistent person that has gotten him to speak at their club.”

Greg asked if Ryan could tell his story from the beginning. Ryan said, “As a high school freshman, I was fortunate to be the Centerville High School starting quarterback.”

During high school Ryan said, “I was recruited by Miami University out of High School. This was at the same time that a certain student named Ben Roethlisberger was also recruited by Miami” Ryan was very driven to succeed at Miami U. He moved to Miami U early, right after the end of high school. The year was 2001 and it was not common for players to do this. He moved in early so he could go around and meet players and coaches and at the very least learn everyone’s name. He wanted to be the best.

During his and Ben’s Freshman year at Miami University, there was a senior who was the starting quarterback. For their Sophomore year, the coaches waited until the last minute to inform Ryan and Ben that they would be rotating the position as QB. Ryan said, “Sometimes you can outwork your competition, but still not win. This is an important lesson to learn early in life. The experience of playing with Ben though was still worth it and it has helped propel him through my successes after football.” After a few games Sophomore year, it became clear that Ben was the better quarterback. Ryan was offered other positions on the team, but he decided to transfer to Ohio University and became their starting quarterback. In order to earn the starting QB job, he used the same technique of moving in early to learn everyone’s name and earn their respect. This was not simple because Ohio University considers Miami University to be its biggest rival.

Ryan had a successful run at Ohio U, but he did not make it into the NFL. He did play for the arena football league for a brief time.

After college, Ryan became a phone sales rep at Lexis/Nexis. As he started this position he asked to be introduced to the best sales rep Lexis/Nexis had and he asked if he could shadow him. This worked and it helped him soon become a manager, then a director, and eventually V.P. of sales at Lexis/Nexis. He earned his MBA along the way. Surrounding yourself with the best people is very important to a person’s success. Ryan said, “Figuring out who you are going to hang out with is more important than what you are going to do; be very intentional about who you spend time with.”

During his success in the sales world he got to meet business leaders like Todd Wagner and Mark Cuban who founded Broadcast.com. Broadcast.com is an internet radio company that was sold to Yahoo! On April 1, 1999 for $5.7 Billion.

Ryan started listening to a lot of Podcasts and figured out he could do podcasts himself. He based his new idea on the idea of sustaining excellence over long periods of time. He sought out to interview business leaders who have long term success. He also noted that many of these leaders he interviews are voracious readers. The best of the best keep learning and improving even when it appears they have reached the top. Ryan said, “We are all climbing this mountain. Enjoy the journey, but you will never reach the top.”

Ryan then held a question and answer period.

Greg Fay asked for interviews that stand out?

#1. Kat Cole, the group president of Focus Brands (think Cinnabon). She started working at a Hooter’s restaurant in Florida. She got experience at every job from waitress to cook to manager. She became indispensable at that restaurant and earned her MBA. She was invited to run the first restaurant in Australia and other countries finally becoming executive vice president of Hooters. Ryan thinks she could one day become president of the U.S.

#2. Poker players are Interesting because they win by using their brains, not because of physical attributes. Most are great communicators and great listeners.

What are characteristics of Productive Achievers?

They are Courageous and Confident. They also have Curiosity and Humility.

How did you get going in the podcast business?

He landed a job as Leadership Advisor at Brixey and Meyer. He started doing podcasts and lost money for the first year. After 60 podcasts he was finally asked to make a paid speech. He now gets paid to do what he loves to do.

Since your brother A.J. Hawk got a lot of attention, did that cause any issues between you?

Ryan replied that he and A.J. both won the parent lottery and they both won the brother lottery. They truly are each other’s biggest fans. Being part of a wonderful family has helped his success.

50 / 50 Drawing

Jesse Gaither was the winner of the 50/50 drawing. He won the 50/50 at CNO 2.0 last month as well. Will he win a third time next month? Come to the next CNO 2.0 meeting and find out!