2018-19 Officer Installation and Awards Presentation Dinner

All Photos from the Installation Dinner

Board and President Installation Dinner for 2018-2019 Year

On Tuesday, September 25, 2018, there was no lunch meeting. Instead we had a wonderful evening of feast and fellowship at Canopy Creek Farm. This was a great night to celebrate the past year and to look forward to the next year. This is the end of the presidential year for Chris McAlpine and we welcomed 2018-2019 President Donna Huss! New board members were also installed this evening.

The ceremony opened with a moment of silence for Chuck Dickerson who is having a tough battle with cancer. Please remember Chuck in your prayers. Chuck joined CNO on 5/1/1977 and was president for the 1981-1982 year. Editor’s Note: a few days after the installation dinner Chuck Dickerson passed away.  He was an inspiration to all of us and an important mentor and one reason for the success of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club.

The social committee is co-chaired by Beth Duncan and Diane Arehart with members Vida McDowell, Melissa Deeter, Brent Richburg and Jerry Stahley. This team and their crew of assistants put on an amazing party. We started with appetizers then we had food catered by Kohler’s Catering. There were assorted cheesecakes for dessert. The choices and quality of food and drink were amazing.

Gary Smiga was the Emcee for the evening leading us in the pledge and before we ate, Phather Phil gave us one of his inspirational prayers.

Pat Behn, club member and Optimist International representative from the great state of Ohio, introduced the incoming officers and the incoming board. This included the induction of CNO member Donna Huss who will be the 2018-2019 President of the Centerville Noon Optimist’s 51st year.

Elected to the position of Vice President are Jack Anderson and Debe Dockins. Newly elected to the board of directors for a two-year term are: Diane Arehart, Beth Duncan, Jane Fiehrer, Jesse Gaither and Sarah Umbreit. Current board members with a one-year term remaining are Liz Fultz, Gary Hansen, Bob Lawson, Don Massie and Roland Rapp. Jean Pummill will continue as Secretary and Gary Smiga will again be the Treasurer. Congratulations to new board members and thank you to previous and continuing board members for serving our club.

Passing of the Gavel

After the introduction of the new board members and before inducting Donna Huss as the 51st President of CNO, there was the traditional passing of the gavel. The gavel was passed from one previous president to another in the order they served, ending with Chris McAlpine passing the gavel to new President Donna Huss.

Gary Smiga noted that we only have single term Presidents. Out of 51 presidents, 29 are still active in our club.

Words from new President, Donna Huss

A year ago, at the last installation dinner at Cox Arboretum, Donna Huss became president-elect. She said, “I am looking forward to my term, something I didn’t think I would be.”

Donna presented a video with the song, “We are the World”. She then read some of the lyrics:

We are the world.

We are the children;

We are the ones who make a brighter day,

So let’s start giving

There’s a choice we’re making

We’re saving our own lives

It’s true we’ll make a better day

Just you and me

Donna said, “To me, these words represent our club. It’s what we do.”

She also said, “I enjoyed helping to represent our club at the Optimist International meeting In Ottawa. It is an honor being part of the second largest and very successful club and to share our ideas; the other clubs take our ideas and help themselves.”

One of Donna’s goals is that CNO gets designated as a distinguished club for her 2018-2019 year.

She thanked many people for the opportunity to become president:

“Thank you to Chuck Dickerson. He is the reason I am here and that I joined.”

“Thanks to my husband who now is glad for how much time I spend in a non-paying job to make the world a little brighter.”

“Thank you, Beth McAlpine, for loaning us your husband for the year.” She then gave Beth a nice plant and several hundred blank “Chris: Honey Do Lists.”

“Thank you, Chris McAlpine. During the past year I learned he only has one causal outfit.” She showed us pictures to prove it. Then she said, “And I learned that he loves coffee and donuts.” She then presented to Chris a one of a kind Chris McAlpine bobblehead to remind him that despite bobbles presented to him in life he possesses the skills to overcome them. She then presented to Chris and his wife Beth a gift card for dinner so they could celebrate the past year and its end.

Donna closed with, “I am very honored to be your president. We are going to have a heck of a year!”

Chris McAlpine – Final Speech as Club President

Gary Smiga Introduced Chris McAlpine, who reviewed the accomplishments of the previous year. He said, “Besides my family, the experience of being president has been the best experience of his adult life. It was awesome being president for the 50th year. I was the lucky one to be the president during this time. We raised $250,000 for this year and we gave a lot of it away, including a special offering totaling $50K for our 50th anniversary of $25K to the library and $25k to the park district.”

Chris thanked many people:

“To Pat Behn, you have been my biggest supporter. A source of institutional knowledge, thank you so much for believing in me.”

“To Jean Pummill, we accomplished our goal of adding 52 new members during our 50th year. Also, with this being your first year on the job as secretary, thank you so much to for being a rock he could lean on.”

“To Greg Griffin, if I need last minute stuff he showed up and made it happen. Thank you for all your efforts to make me look good.”

“To Gary Smiga, our treasurer, every penny is where it is supposed to be.“

“And lastly, but most importantly, to my wife Beth McAlpine. Remember when I said that it would only take a small bit of time. Thank your for allowing him to be president.” As a thank you he gave her a case of golf balls even though she doesn’t golf. We are sure there is some other gift coming. “Seriously, thank you to Beth McAlpine and my kids for letting him be our president. And thanks to my daughter Lilly who protected the bell and gavel numerous times at lunch meetings.”

He mentioned that we have done things to help the wonderful and underrated kids JOI (Junior Optimist International) club. His daughter is currently involved in JOI.

He ended by saying, “Thank you so much.  It has really been a privilege to be your president.”

Gary Smiga presented to Chris a nice plaque from the club as a thank you with a gavel suitable for hanging in his office or home. He also presented Chris with a Lifetime membership card in Optimist International that we present to all of our presidents.

Rookie of the Year Awards

Each year the outgoing president chooses the Rookie of the year. Chris McAlpine said he couldn’t pick one Rookie of the year, so he picked four:

  • Robbie Johnson, volunteers at many events.
  • June Bosworth, brought in several sponsors and golfers for the golf outing and volunteers at many events.
  • Brian Nolan, volunteers at many events.
  • Patrick Arehart, author of CNOtes, created a flag delivery app, volunteers at many events.

Optimist of the Year Awards

Each year the previous recipients of the Optimist of the Year award vote for Optimist of the Year. There were two recipients this year. Each spoke briefly after being presented.

  • Diane Arehart said, “She was not expecting this and she is humbled by the award.”
    • Volunteers at many events
    • Co-Chair of the Social Committee
    • Mentor for the Will Cale Scholarship
    • Attended the recent District Convention in August 2018
    • And more!
  • Greg Fay said, “Thanks to all the committee members of CNO 2.0.”
    • Volunteers at many events
    • Created and chairs CNO 2.0 club
    • He received Builder of Excellence Award from Optimist International
    • Has served on the membership committee since his induction in 2014
    • And more!

Promise 11 and 12 of the Optimist Creed

We closed the meeting reciting the optimist creed. Originally, Christian D. Larson wrote 12 promises, although our club recites only 10. Donna read us the additional two:

Promise Yourself…

“To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.”

“To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.”

Thank You

Gary closed the meeting and thanked the people helping with tonight’s event:

  • Bill Stone for providing the sound system and the music
  • Kohler’s Catering for the buffet
  • Jodi Piersall for bartending
  • The Social Committee for planning and coordinating the entire event
  • Greg Griffin’s “extended family” (wife and sisters-in-law) Marge Back, Evelyn Griffin, and Carrie Million for handling registration of tonight’s attendees so smoothly.

Returning to our Regular Program Schedule

We will be back to our normal schedule starting Tuesday, 10/2/2018 at noon for lunch at Yankee Trace. Bob Lawson lost his badge during tonight’s meeting – will he be fined at the next meeting?

Copy of the Program

You can view a copy of the program here.