Dayton Art Institute, Michael R. Roediger

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

H. Jackson Brown, Jr., an author best known for writing Life’s Little Instruction Book, is quoted as saying, “Every person you meet knows something you don’t; learn from them.”


You have given each of us special gifts, talents, and knowledge, yet we have so much more to learn. Help us to possess the humility to recognize we do not know it all, to approach each situation with an open mind, open ears, and an open heart, and to be students of those we meet on our journey through life.


Ohio District 75th Annual Convention Recap

Erin Dickerson said thank you to all that helped to make a successful 75th Ohio District Convention. She recapped the convention through pictures. See the meeting’s slide deck at the bottom to view pictures associated with Erin’s statements:

  • While there was business to be done, we tried not to take ourselves too seriously and to have fun doing it.
  • We welcomed 1st timers, including our own Rachel Goetz.
  • A new Governor-Elect was chosen.
  • Sue Labatzky received a special award for adding new members and I cannot speak with confidence here, but it appears Gov. Bill may have stabbed her with the pin?
  • Tom Kendo will do anything for a buck, but he goes all out when he is talking up the scholarship fund!
  • JOI was well represented by students and advisors.  After lunch and the JOI raffle, JOI students and advisors were able to hear from the founders of Broken Bus Dayton, an organization that serves the homeless population in Dayton, assemble snack bags, tour the bus, and enjoy some fellowship time together.
  • Our Keynote Speaker was Tamika Williams-Jeter, UD Woman’s Basketball Coach.  She was phenomenal.  
  • Jennifer Kendo and Optimist International Foundation President Elect Teri Davis being Dime-a-Day Superheroes!
  • Our own President Beth and Sergent Karen at the Gala.  I’ll leave it at that for fear of getting fined.
  • Some CNO Members were having a little too much fun dancing at the Gala.  I believe these may be the only pictures that can be viewed without incriminating some people.
  • The Dueling Pianos were a hit and as you can tell, we were having fun!

CNO Members Received an Award for Sponsoring Their First New Members

  • Jackie Powell
  • Brent Richburg
  • Suzanne Werts

About Optimist International Foundation and Dime-a-Day

Bill Stone explained that the Optimist International Foundation is the charitable side of Optimist International. It pays for the national level contests and provides grants for club projects. The JOI kids are given $80,000/year normally, but this year they were given $100,000. The foundation is 100% supported by donations and does not receive any OI member dues. The Dime-a-Day program is just $36.50 per year. Only 8% of OI members give to the OI Foundation. Bill encourages us all to give and get the percentage up a lot in our club and Ohio. You can give using the form on the OI Foundation website.


  • Joan Cordonnier announced that the annual CNO Officer Installation Dinner will be at Cox Arboretum on September 26, 2023, and have a Western Theme. No lunch meeting will be held that Tuesday at Yankee Trace. Sign up online using the Member Calendar.
  • Joan Cordonnier announced that there will be a social trip to the Keeneland horse racing track on October 25, 2023. There will be a chartered bus to take participants down and back. The maximum will be 48 participants. Sign up online using the Member Calendar.
  • Sue Jesse said that nineteen people attended the Euchre party last Friday. Everyone had a great time. Thanks to ContempoRoast for providing the space to hold it.
  • Gail Aiken announced that the Haunted Trail will be held on October 10th and 11th. They need lots of volunteers Sign up online using the Member Calendar.
  • Nancy Lehren announced that the next Build-a-Bear has been postponed until November 2023. It will be for those afflicted with Sickle Cell. The location is still being determined. They need several volunteers. There will be sign up once the date is pinned down.
  • Joan Cordonnier announced that the Centerville/Washington Township’s Got Talent Contest 3rd place winner Alexandra Kiefaber sang God Bless America at a Reds game over the weekend.

Dayton Art Institute, Speaker

Diane Arehart introduced Michael R. Roediger, The Director and CEO of the Dayton Art Institute (DAI).

Michael is Director & CEO of the Dayton Art Institute and is the first Director to be born and raised in Dayton. He is a member of the prestigious Association of Art Museum Directors.  In his time at the Dayton Art Institute, Michael has overseen many museum improvements.

Michael holds a Master of Science degree in Leadership Development from Wright State University, a Bachelor of Arts from Ohio Northern University with concentrations in Communications, Public Relations and Theatre, a Certified Fundraising Executive credential and a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace certificate from the University of South Florida MUMA College of Business.

Michael currently volunteers in many capacities including:

  • Montgomery County Convention Center Facilities Authority
  • Committee for Dayton’s first Paul Laurence Dunbar sculpture
  • Community Advisor for the Longfellow Commons
  • Miami Valley School Board of Trustees
  • Ohio Northern University’s Getty Council for the Arts and Sciences
  • Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Racial Equity Task Force
  • Kettering Art in Public Places Committee

Michael resides in Kettering and is the proud father of his son, Richard, who is a Junior at The Ohio State University in the Honors Program studying Economics and History.

He volunteers for Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue and adopted their Boston Terrier Chace into their family during the pandemic.


The slide deck has more information than is listed in this article. You can view the slide deck of the presentation here.


Through art, we create transformative and diverse experiences, strengthen community connections and inspire imagination.


Through art, we will be a community leader recognized as a welcoming, thought-provoking and collaborative place that nurtures inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA).


  • We are the trusted stewards of community treasures, committed to caring for the art and the historic building.
  • We embrace the museum’s role as a vital resource, an inclusive and welcoming space that adds value to people’s lives.
  • We are dedicated to reaching diverse audiences and expanding engagement with art.
  • We are strong, socially responsible Fiscal managers.
  • We are pledged to environmentally conscious practices and maintaining our green certification.


The museum opened publicly on January 10, 1930. Julie Shaw Patterson Carnell, the museum’s founder, said in her dedication speech, “I feel as if I were giving you one of my children. Treat it kindly. I want this to be a friendly place. I want you to come again and again.”

The DAI collection is encyclopedic and spans 5000 years. It includes art from Africa, America, Ancient Americas, Antiquities, Asia and others. The art is Contemporary, Glass, Native American, Oceanic, Photography and others.

In 1997, the DAI completed Julia’s original concept of an additional wing and also added the Rotunda entrance.

The grand staircase outside the museum is structurally very important. It prevents the building from sliding down the hill and into the river.

Michael said, “Everyone should come visit and revisit because you will see something you haven’t seen every time.”

Each year there are three large special exhibits and twelve smaller focus exhibits. They have 30,000 objects and only 1% are on display at any given time. Several objects change in the various rooms frequently.

Michael recommends getting an annual membership that gets you into all of the special exhibits for no extra charge. There is a higher-level reciprocal membership that allows you to get into 1200 museums across the U.S. All annual members are invited to a free for members reception three times a year with heavy appetizers and drink options when the three large exhibits open.

Improvements is the Last Ten Years

  • Grand Staircase has been refurbished.
  • The fountain is running again.
  • A sculpture pathway has been created.

Education Programs

  • Lange Family Experiencenter – Celebrating More than 40 years!
  • Yeck Family Programs (pre-k through college)
  • Art + Core Connections
  • Summer Art Camps
  • Museum Guide Program

Funding Sources

The DAI annual budget is $7 million per year. Typically, a museum like DAI would have an endowment. Julia Shaw Patterson Carnell’s original 2 million donation was meant to be an endowment, but original donors backed out and they had to use her money to complete construction.

More than 50% of the budget comes from contributions:

  • Memberships – general and Jefferson Patterson Society
  • Annual Fund
  • Sponsorships
  • Grants from Foundations
  • Ohio Arts Council, Montgomery County Arts and Cultural District and Culture Works
  • Three major signature annual fundraisers: Art Ball, Bourbon & Bubbles and Oktoberfest
  • Estate and Legacy Gifts

Signature Events

  • Art Ball: Dayton’s oldest black-tie event – Celebrating 66 years in 2023!
  • Bourbon & Bubbles:  DAI’s newest annual sell-out event!
  • Oktoberfest: Dayton’s favorite fall festival and tradition – Celebrating 52 years in 2023!

About the Founder Julia Shaw Patterson Carnell

  • Socialite, Philanthropist, Preservationist
  • Helped to save Patterson Homestead
  • Established Dayton’s cultural community
  • Co-founder of The Dayton Foundation
  • Founding Member of The Dayton Woman’s Club
  • Founding Member of the Dayton Unit of the NAACP
  • Major contributor to Miami Valley Hospital
  • Benefactor of The Dayton Art Institute

Thank You

Thank you, Michael Roediger, for educating us about the history, ongoing enhancements, and the art of the Dayton Art Institute.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Heather NianourisMatt Goeke
Michael RoedigerSpeaker
Tim MachDebe Dockins

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Steve RudisillMike Bevis1st Reading
Rebekah BuckEmily Duke1st Reading
Joan SchimlMike Bevis2nd Reading
Tyler ClarkCameron Langer2nd Reading
Tim MachDebe DockinsInduction
Joan GrussPaula HarrisonInduction

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week.

Sergeants at Arms

Joan CordonnierTried to get the sergenats to fine Kelly Stone for an inappropriate age related joke about 75th anniversary of the Ohio District. There was a picture where the large balloons were reversed and said 57.
Erin DickersonUndisclosed fraction. She was offered the choice of just paying the fine without disclosure and she opted for secret.
Diane ArehartWon the Euchre jackpot last Friday by going alone 4 times.
Carol SmerzWon the 50/50 drawing last week, fined so she can share the wealth.
All past presidents that didn’t wear their pin todayDidn’t wear their president’s pin at today’s meeting. Board members have been warned for next week.

Membership Anniversaries

Deb GrahamAugust 23, 20221Deb Graham –  1 year
Erin LauritoAugust 23, 20221Erin Laurito –  1 year
Todd MuckerheideAugust 23, 20221Todd Muckerheide –  1 year
Luke NeffAugust 23, 20221Luke Neff –  1 year
Mitch BodenmillerAugust 22, 20212Mitch Bodenmiller –  2 years
Jane HenryAugust 22, 20212Jane Henry –  2 years
Sally MartinoAugust 22, 20212Sally Martino –  2 years
Deanna NesbitAugust 22, 20212Deanna Nesbit –  2 years
Brian NicholasAugust 22, 20212Brian Nicholas –  2 years
Jessica WagnerAugust 22, 20212Jessica Wagner –  2 years
Dawn ArrowoodAugust 26, 20194Dawn Arrowood –  4 years
Penny CulhaneAugust 26, 20194Penny Culhane –  4 years
Mary MaddenAugust 26, 199825Mary Madden –  25 years


Mitch BodenmillerAugust 24
Rick AltvaterAugust 25
Debbie ParksAugust 25
Terry LewisAugust 26
Rick KempferAugust 28
Scott RheaumeAugust 28

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here