Empowering Lives: Patrick Cusick Shares the Mission of the Muscular Dystrophy Association

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Lord our God,

As we grow closer to Thanksgiving, help us to look upon the changes in our seasons with gratitude. When we look out in the evening and see the dark, help us to be grateful for time to rest. When we walk outside and hear the crunching of the leaves under our feet, help us to be grateful for our time here on earth no matter the length. When we see our breath in the cold air, help us to be grateful for the life you have breathed into us. You made each of us in your image. May we be grateful for our uniqueness and rejoice in the amazing things we can accomplish when we witness life through a lens of gratitude.



TOP Optimist Club is Selling Poinsettias

Craig Dring announced that the TOP Optimist Club is selling Poinsettias. They have red blooms in 6.5” pots, with a green decorative pot cover. All proceeds benefit the community programs and projects conducted by our TOP Optimist Club. The TOP Optimist Club is sponsored by the Centerville Noon Optimist Club. They will be delivered to Yankee Trace at lunch on 12/3/2024. Last year they gave some of the money to the Therapeutic Riding Institute, for example.  Order a Poinsettia by going to the Member Calendar.

Adopt-a-Family 2024

Christy Gariety announced that all of the Adopt-a-Family children have been adopted. You can still donate money and it will be used to buy food for the families.

Thank You to Christmas Tree Lot Setup Team

Greg Griffin thanked everyone who helped set up the Christmas Tree Lot last Saturday in preparation for unloading and storing 900 trees. Your hard work and dedication are appreciated. Several students from CHS also assisted in the effort and they came in quite handy!

Christmas Tree Lot Opens on November 29, 2024

Greg Griffin announced that the tree lot opens on November 29, 2024. The tree lot teams have been set and you should have received information about your scheduled shifts by now. Please show up for shifts, especially the early ones, as they will be busier than normal since Thanksgiving is about a week later than normal.

2024 You’re Invited: CNO Holiday Dinner on December 10, 2024!

Mark your calendars for an evening of festive fun! Beth Duncan is thrilled to announce that our annual CNO Holiday Party will take place on December 10, 2024, at the Sycamore Creek Country Club. This year’s celebration promises excitement with a special Optimist version of Family Feud—you won’t want to miss it!

Secure your spot by signing up online through the Member Calendar. Please note there will be no lunch meeting on that day.

Build-a-Bear at Dayton Children’s Hospital Thank You

Debby Moore, the co-chair of the Childhood Health and Wellness Committee, thanked everyone who helped with the Build-a-Bear activity that happened last week for cancer patients at Dayton Children’s Hospital.

A Not-So-Harmonious Happy Birthday to Fred Miller from the Wapakoneta Breakfast Optimist Club

Today, we had the pleasure of hosting two courageous visitors from the Wapakoneta Breakfast Optimist Club—Fred Miller and Jeff Doseck. They joined us to learn more about our club and to gather insights on managing their rapidly growing Avenue of Flags program.

Little did Fred know he was stepping into a melodic minefield. It was his birthday and we saw the perfect opportunity to showcase our unique vocal talents. Invited up front, Fred braced himself as Bob Duffy led us in a rendition of “Happy Birthday” that was so off-key, even the golfers on the course paused mid-swing to cringe.

Fred, thank you for being such a good sport and enduring our “special” serenade. We hope you found your visit informative and that your sense of hearing makes a full recovery!

Empowering Lives: Patrick Cusick and the Mission of the Muscular Dystrophy Association

Gary Anderson introduced Patrick Cusick, Account Director with Healthcare Partnerships at the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Patrick shared insights into the organization’s mission and programs. Based in Columbus, Patrick collaborates with pharmaceutical and biotech companies to advance treatments for muscular dystrophy. With over ten years of experience at MDA and a personal diagnosis of muscular dystrophy at the age of 30, Patrick brings a unique perspective to his work.

To learn more about Patrick’s story, you can read this spotlight article on mda.org.


The slide deck has more information than is listed in this article.

You can view the slide deck of the presentation here.

A Legacy of Support and Innovation

Founded in 1950, the MDA has spent nearly 75 years as a leader in research, care, and advocacy. Many of us recalled the legendary Jerry Lewis telethons, which raised over $2 billion and brought global attention to Muscular Dystrophy. Patrick noted that while the telethons are no longer part of MDA’s efforts, their legacy continues in the organization’s impactful programs.

One of MDA’s most notable achievements is its nationwide Care Center Network, which connects patients to multidisciplinary teams of specialists in a single visit. This approach reduces the burden on families while providing comprehensive care. Patrick highlighted Ohio’s key role in neuromuscular research, with leading centers like Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center playing pivotal roles.

Groundbreaking Research

Research remains at the heart of MDA’s mission. With over $35 million invested in active grants in 2023 alone, MDA is driving advancements in gene therapy and other cutting-edge treatments. Patrick shared his personal experiences participating in clinical trials, emphasizing the hope these efforts bring to individuals living with rare diseases.

MOVR Data Hub

The MOVR Data Hub is another cornerstone of MDA’s research initiatives. This first-of-its-kind database collects clinical and genetic data to help researchers and pharmaceutical companies accelerate the development of treatments and improve health outcomes.

Building Community and Empowering Lives

Patrick spoke passionately about MDA’s community programs, which aim to improve the quality of life for individuals with neuromuscular diseases. Highlights include:

  • MDA Summer Camp: A transformative experience where kids with neuromuscular diseases can enjoy activities like fishing, climbing, and dancing in an inclusive environment. Patrick called it “better than Disney World” for the kids who attend.
  • Mentorship and Scholarships: MDA connects young adults with mentors in various fields, fostering personal growth and career readiness. Their scholarship program supports students in higher education, helping them achieve their goals despite the challenges they face.
  • Support Networks: Programs like MDA Connect and the Gene Therapy Support Network offer resources and guidance to families navigating complex medical decisions.

Advocacy and Education

MDA is also a powerful advocate for policies that improve healthcare access, expand newborn screening, and advance drug development. Patrick explained how MDA educates and empowers families to advocate for themselves, ensuring their voices are heard on Capitol Hill and beyond.

Get Involved

Patrick encouraged us to get involved with MDA through volunteering, fundraising, or attending events like the MDA Muscle Walk. He also emphasized the importance of supporting MDA’s recreation and education programs, which create opportunities for children and adults to thrive.

Thank You

Thank you, Patrick Cusick, for sharing your story and the incredible work of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Your presentation reminded us of the power of research, advocacy, and community in transforming lives.

President Paul’s Quote of the Week

“It only seems impossible until it’s done.”  -Nelson Mandela

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Elyse HigginsTOP Optimist Club
Emma KirkpatrickTOP Optimist Club
Fred Miller, Jr.Club Visit
Jeff DoseckClub Visit
John SmithTOP Optimist Club
Patrick Cusick, Jr.Speaker
Zach HinkleGreg Fay

New Member Readings and Inductions

None this week.

Happy Bucks

No time this week.

Sergeants at Arms

Liz FultzShe was fined for stealing spoons. What really happened is that Mike Bevis put several spoons in her purse while it was hanging from her chair. The sergeants were told about this so they asked her to open her purse and fined her a $1 for having spoons that Mike Bevis stole!

Club Membership Anniversaries

Julie CochranNovember 19, 200915
Jon FoxNovember 20, 200024
Marilyn BechtNovember 20, 20168
Beth DuncanNovember 20, 20168
John KalamanNovember 20, 20168
Paula KalamanNovember 20, 20168
Kristina RainerNovember 21, 201212
Christine BalsanNovember 21, 201311
Mark PolingNovember 21, 20213
Rick AltvaterNovember 24, 20186
Andy DickersonNovember 24, 20186
Erin DickersonNovember 24, 20186
Gareth DickeyNovember 24, 20186
Ron KukerNovember 24, 20186
Mariah VogelgesangNovember 24, 20186


Jayne WeikelNovember 22
Brendan CunninghamNovember 22
Jane HenryNovember 22
Luke NeffNovember 23

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes Were Received This Week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

CLICK HERE to see the PowerPoint Slides from this week’s meeting

CLICK HERE to see the photos taken at the meeting