Hannah’s Treasure Chest, Kelly Kempton

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

“Amazing grace!  How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.”

 I don’t know about others in this room, but I have sung those powerful lyrics in times of grief far too many times over the past year.  But yesterday, it was the last verse of the song where I found solace and peace.  “When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’d first begun.”  God, you have always been with us and always will be, with no beginning and no end.  On good days and on bad.  In joy and in sorrow.  In sunshine and in the storm.  As we greet new friends and as we grieve the losses of those who are no longer with us in this life.  Help us to remember and feel your presence with us today and every day.



  • The next CNO 2.0 meeting is on 5/19/2022, 5:30 PM at Cooper’s Hawk. You can find upcoming meetings and speakers on the member calendar.
  • Debe Dockins announced that the Tuesday lunch meeting on 8/23/2022 will be a picnic at the Margaret Barclay Shelter at Yankee Park.
  • Gary Hansen announced that he is looking for chairs, committee members and volunteers for the following events:
    • Centerville Merchant Market (May 22)
    • Big 6 Gaming Table at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15)
    • CHS Handouts Booth at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15)
    • Americana Parade Float (July 4)

CNO Dime-a-Day Contest

Committee Meetings

  • 6/15/2022, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic 2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

Community Events

  • 6/4/2022, 8 AM to 12:30 PM, Fishing Derby at RecPlex. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 6/6/2022, All Day, Junior Golf Tournament, Volunteers are needed, contact Jerry Stahley and/or use the member calendar here.
  • 7/18/2022, All Day, the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022.  To volunteer use the member calendar here.

Social Events

  • May 20, 2022, 6 PM, Dinner then Bunco at Chappy’s. Sign up and pay by 5/17/2022. Signup using the member calendar here.

Hannah’s Treasure Chest, Kelly Kempton

Mike Bevis introduced Kelly Kempton, the Development Manager at Hannah’s Treasure Chest.

Kelly thanked CNO for the generous $5000.00 donation last year to Hannah’s Treasure Chest (HTC).

Kelly’s slide presentation can be read here. Read the slides to learn additional details not listed here.


Enriching the lives of children in need.

HTC 2021 Statistics

  • Distributed 182,900 diapers
  • Created and distributed 3,923 care packages
  • Distributed 480 cribs, toddler beds, and mattresses
  • Helped over 5000 children

About Hannah’s Treasure Chest

  • Nonprofit founded in 2001
  • Provides care packages of clothing, shoes, books, toys, safety equipment and hygiene items to children in need
  • Their work is done with the help of 70 partner organizations
  • Children served are at or below the poverty level and live in Butler, Greene, Montgomery, Preble, Warren or Hamilton counties
  • Volunteers are not scheduled but are unwaveringly committed to the mission, lovingly creating custom care packages for children they will never meet
  • Volunteers are the real stars of HTC; they contributed over 20,000 hours in 2021
  • By supplying families with needed items, it helps HTC provide their children secure housing and food

How It Works – All Items are Inspected for Quality and Safety

Case workers submit a request, then volunteers complete personalized care packages and then caseworkers pick up and deliver items to children.

All items are inspected before distribution. If a game is missing a manual, they have a library of manuals and put a copy in the package. All items are in good and safe condition and in the current fashion. They want children to be proud to wear what they have been given.

Care packages are at the heart of their mission. The packages are placed in black trash packages. They are watertight and they don’t look appealing when they are dropped off at the doors of families in need. The volunteers don’t get to see the families they have packed the care packages for.

They rely on donations of items and funds.


One out of three families report experiencing a diaper need, and HTC is committed to providing them diapers. They accept open packs of diapers and wrap them into bundles of 25 for easy counting and packing. It is important for families to have enough clean diapers so their children can attend childcare, stay clean, dry, and potty train effectively.

Shop the Children’s Store at HTC

One of the ways they raise money is their onsite store which started in May of 2021.  The store is filled with overstock donations and staffed exclusively by volunteers. The children’s boutique offers simple, affordable pricing in a charming, comfortable environment where shoppers of all budgets find great deals while supporting a good cause. The store’s purpose is to engage the community, reclaim used goods and to benefit the mission of Hannah’s Treasure Chest.

How You Can Help

Current HTC Facility

The current HTC facility in Centerville is 14,400 square feet. They are completely full. They have been in the same building for 21 years and don’t want to move, but they may not have a choice. If they have to leave Centerville, it will be temporary and they will start a capital campaign to build a new location so they can move back to Centerville.

Social Media

Hannah’s Treasure Chest | Facebook

Their other social media handles are on the bottom of every page of their website.

Thank You

Thank you, Kelly Kempton, for educating us about Hannah’s Treasure Chest.


High school juniors in the Communications Arts/Broadcast Management programs at CHS, Gracie Hagon, Neal Reagan, Paddy Patton and their teacher Tricia Rapoch were guests at today’s lunch. They came to say thanks for the donation we gave them recently that covered the cost to buy two badly needed replacement studio microphones. This allowed two more studios to be open for use for students. The program is one of the two-year Career Tech Education (CTE) programs at CHS. Other CTE areas are IT, Engineering, Culinary, Business, ECE, Communication Arts, Theatre and more. 

These three students recently built a new website for the station that took first place for Media Arts at the Miami Valley Tech Prep Showcase.

Five juniors: Gracie Hagon, Myles Markham, Jack Meade, Layne Miller and Anthony Phillips, took second place for their Podcasting presentation at the same showcase.

Normally seniors also compete in a national competition in NYC, but CHS has not participated for the last two years, due to COVID concerns.

You can listen to the station over the air at 107.3 FM or stream it from their website https://chs-wcwt.com/. The station was established in 1971. CNO provided the money in 1971 to get the station up and running.

WCWT is a non-profit radio station out of Centerville, Ohio. The station was built by students and, to this day, is still run by students in the Communication Arts Program. The program is managed and overseen by Mrs. Rapoch.

With the CTE program, students in their junior and senior years have an opportunity to work with teachers who were once in the industry they teach.  The programs are very hands-on; for instance, Tricia Rapoch’s program has three production studios and one Master Control.  Once students graduate from high school, they are offered a $3,000 scholarship to continue their studies at Sinclair Community College.  It is a seamless transition.  Additionally, most teachers of CTE offer Sinclair courses that are embedded in the programs as well as C-Tags, so students graduate with college credits on their high school transcript.

There are some great pictures of the studio on the website.

New Events Calendar is Active on CNO Website

The member calendar which allows volunteers to sign up is active on the website. It works easily on both mobile and desktop devices. There are public and member calendars on the site. https://centervillenoonoptimist.com/cal/

There is a QR code you can use at the bottom to share the calendars with other members and the community.

Things you can do with the calendars

  • View upcoming lunch and CNO 2.0 speakers.
  • Sign up to volunteer for community events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Bike Rodeo. After you sign up the software will offer to add the event to your calendar.
  • Sign up for social events such as Euchre tournaments and soon the annual dinners for officer installation and holiday party.
  • The community can use it to learn about events like the Bike Rodeo, Fishing Derby and Tri-star Soccer. If they sign up we can send reminders of the events.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Kelly KemptonMike BevisInduction
Michael KoveleskiBill Stone1st Reading
Megan DaltonCarol Smerz2nd Reading
Claire KerrBeth Duncan2nd Reading
Reggie GermanyScott Langer2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Claire KerrBeth Duncan
Gracie HagonMike Bevis
Heather CummingMike Fanelli
Paddy PattonMike Bevis
Reagan NealMike Bevis
Rick HartleyNew Member
Tricia RapochMike Bevis
Troy YoungBeth Duncan

Happy Bucks

Tom Novak100 volunteers getting the Avenue of Flags sleeves ready during the annual spring tune-up before the Memorial Day delivery
Tom NovakThanks to Hannah’s Treasure Chest, who was the first storage facility for Avenue of Flags
Evelyn GriffinDebe Dockins did a great job running the Oratorical Contest District Level in Dublin
Rachel Selby Thankful for the accessible swings we donated
Don KelleyCNO provided the seed money in 1971 to start the CHS radio station WCWT 107.3 FM; students from the station were at today’s meeting
Don KelleyYoungest granddaughter is graduating from high school
Ron KukerGrandson is graduating from the University of Tenesssee
David DuncombeRemember to turn off a lawn mower before you try to clear an obstruction

Sergeants at Arms

Beth DuncanInsulting the new sergeants Nancy Lehren and Bob Lawson
5 Members who asked for change for $20Making change for $20 is very hard on the sergeants, bring dollars and fives, not just twenties!
Stan FronzagliaSaying sergeant Nancy Lehren did have a thought
Brian NolanLosing a signup sheet and clipboard on I-70
Everyone that is not on a committee or has not volunteered at an event in the last yearFined if you haven’t been on a committee or have not volunteered at an event in the last year

Membership Anniversaries

Brendan CunninghamMay 15, 20184
Wendy HattanMay 15, 20184
Jay HoffmanMay 15, 20175
David LaddMay 16, 201210


Jon FoxMay 10
Jessica KingMay 11
Tim BemisMay 15
Kristina RainerMay 16
Sally MartinoMay 16

CNO Donations – 2013 through March 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to see read the Thank You Notes we received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here