It’s Time 2! Be Part of the Solution

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer


We struggle to support and love our neighbors.  It is time to end the stigma surrounding mental health and champion those who seek help when they need it.  It is time to end bullying, to stand up for those who can’t, and to choose our words and actions wisely.  It is time to end division, finger pointing, and putting people into boxes and welcome each other with open arms.  God, help us to show one another the love and grace you show us each and every day.


Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to participate in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Mike Bevis announced that the golf outing has been rescheduled for August 8, 2022. There is still time to volunteer for the event.
  • Debe Dockins announced that the Tuesday lunch meeting on 8/23/2022 will be a picnic at Yankee Park in the Margaret Barclay Shelter. It will be catered by Lee’s Famous Recipe.
  • Debe Dockins announced that the annual CNO Officer Installation dinner will be at the Presidential on September 27, 2022. No lunch meeting will be served that Tuesday at Yankee Trace.

Community Events

  • 8/6/2022, Bob Lawson announced that Kids Day in the Park will be at Delco Park. Sign-up online to help using the Member Calendar.

It’s Time 2!, Dr. Brian Ceccarelli

Debe Dockins introduced Dr. Brian Ceccarelli, Founder of It’s Time 2!, a non-profit he started in 2017. His team has spoken to over 35,000 students in the tri-state region. These talks focus on mental health, teen suicide and bullying.

Dr. Ceccarelli grew up outside of Pittsburgh PA. He came to Dayton in 1984 and practiced orthopedic surgery from 1989-2018. He was the team physician for multiple high school and pro sports teams in the area including Centerville HS for many years.

Dr. Ceccarelli skipped several of his slides today because the full presentation is for students and is an hour long. He was happy to be invited to talk to CNO since we are kid focused. Today’s kids need a lot of help. He also said that you should feel free to reach out to him for more information.

Their website is an amazing source of information and resources including numerous videos.


“Our mission is to address bullying, raise awareness of mental health issues and teen suicide using real stories to inspire young people to accept one another, treat each other with respect, and ultimately make the right choices.”


“By breaking down barriers, stereotypes and stigmas through education and facilitated conversations, our vision is to enable and empower students to seek help when they need it and to reach out to other students who may be struggling with mental health issues, suicidal thoughts or a feeling of hopelessness.”


“Our commitment is to develop working relationships with schools, teachers, counselors, mental health professionals and organizations with similar goals. Together we will continue to work towards reversing the alarming trend of students harming themselves or contemplating taking their own lives.”

What They Do

“Bring awareness to mental health.”

“Our school presentations use real stories to inspire young people to accept one another, treat each other with respect, make the right choices and speak openly about the reality of bullying, mental health issues and teen suicide.”

“It’s time to be a part of the solution.”

Why They Do This

  • Since the introduction of the smart phone, the number of teen suicides has risen each year
  • In the last 10 years the rate of suicides of 10 to 14 year olds has tripled
  • 160,000 kids miss school each day to avoid being bullied
  • 27% of teen students admit to harming themselves or having suicidal ideation
  • The rate of anxiety and depression among students has been dramatically soaring.

Positive Impact

  • The talks empower students to speak-up and to seek help
  • The program has been recognized by counselors, parents and teachers for having a positive impact on students
  • Most notably, students themselves have expressed the value of the program

It’s Time 2!, Reach out!

There have been 170 students murdered at school shootings since Columbine in 1999. This is a tragic number, but most people think it would be much higher. Each year 6200 young people take their own lives. There is such stigma about discussing mental health that people don’t talk about it. Each year 30% of young people do harm (cutting, burning and other ways) to themselves on a regular basis.

The goal of It’s Time 2! is to raise awareness of mental health, suicide and bullying problems for adults and children. Too many young people hold the problems inside instead of seeking help like they would for an injury or infection.

One of the programs It’s Time 2! supports is “The Hope Squad,” which is a peer-to-peer support group. They are teaching kids to watch out for each other for signs of mental issues and to get them help.

Everyone Has Issues

Everyone has problems and is dealing with something. There are things you don’t know about your friends and neighbors. It is like an iceberg. Most of an iceberg you can’t see, just like what is going on in the lives of others. We all need to be understanding and be there for each other. It is important and helps to be kind to people every day.

The mental health crisis with our youth is not just an inner-city school problem. It affects all schools regardless of size or income of student’s families.

Social media and smartphones have made it all worse. Kids are afraid to wake up in the morning because they may open their phone and some false comment about them has appeared on social media.

Brian’s Story

Brian grew up in an immigrant town in Pennsylvania where he was one of two white students in the school. Many of his friends’ parents did not speak English. There was not a lot of money. He wore hand-me-down clothes his entire childhood.

His dad was a police officer and everyone thought he was great. His dad was also an alcoholic. His father and mother fought all the time. Dinner was at 3:30 in the afternoon so his dad could go to the bar for the entire evening.

One day when Brian was a teenager, his dad came home at 1 AM and the fighting started with his dad and mom. His mom and sisters were crying. Brian loaded a double barrel shotgun and went upstairs to shoot his dad. He stopped and realized he needed help. He identified the MVP (Most Valuable Person) in his life which was his aunt (father’s sister). Without the mental help and support he needed he would never have become an Orthopedic surgeon. One choice changed the direction of his life.

Here is Where You Become Part of the Solution

The presentation gives the following list of problems and then lists a simple set of solutions.


  • Racism
  • Bullying
  • Selfishness
  • Arrogance
  • Judgmental
  • Sexism
  • Violence
  • Hatefulness


  • Respectfulness
  • Fairness
  • Tolerance
  • Appreciative
  • Kindness
  • Peacefulness
  • Loving

Kids are Reminded in the Talks That

  • You are unique
  • You are worthy
  • You are loved
  • You are the solution
  • You are relevant
  • You are not alone

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

If you or someone else is having Suicidal thoughts call 800-273-8255 or reach the “Crisis Text Line,” Text Home to 741741.

Donations to the It’s Time 2 Organization

The website provides multiple ways to donate money to their organization. Use

Thank You

Thank you, Dr. Brian Ceccarelli, for educating us about the It’s Time 2! organization and how you and your team are helping with the current challenges youth are facing with mental health, teen suicide and bullying.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Todd MuckerheideMike Bevis2nd Reading
Deb GrahamMike Bevis2nd Reading
Erin LauritoDebe Dockins2nd Reading
Terry LewisBob Collins3rd Reading
Steve MaysMike Fanelli3rd Reading
Cameron LangerScott LangerInduction
David GainesMike BevisInduction
Luke NeffJesse Gaither1st Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
David CordonnierJoan Cordonnier
Dr. Brian CeccarelliSpeaker
Erin LauritoDebe Dockins
Luke NeffJesse Gaither

Happy Bucks

Debe DockinsThrilled that Dr. Brian Ceccarelli was here today after being rescheduled earlier this year
Erin DickersonErin and Andy have a brand new nephew
Bob MyersHe is retired and now even better he was able to sell the building his practice was in
David Duncombe$5, his grandson was able to earn a bachelor’s degree and keep his job at a company that was bought out

Sergeants at Arms

Anyone who has not signed up for 2 upcoming eventsNot signing up to help at the Big Backyard Party  or the Kids Day in the Park

Membership Anniversaries

Sam HolmesJuly 27, 20211
Kathy McAlpineJuly 31, 20184
Jim LongJuly 27, 20157
David BrookmanJuly 27, 201111
Donna RobinsonJuly 28, 199725


Kathy KleinJuly 26
Jerry StahleyJuly 27
David DuncombeJuly 27
Katie CallowayJuly 27
Sandy StevensJuly 28
Dan BeckJuly 29
John PowellJuly 30
Steve LinderJuly 30
Todd MuckerheideJuly 30
Deb GrahamAugust 1

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes Received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here