Amy Moeder – Community Tissue Services

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Gracious and Holy Lord,

The new year brings with it 365 new possibilities, a hope for the future, inspiration for what may be and anticipation for what You have in store for us.  As we look forward to this year ahead of us, we give You thanks for what we have learned and for how we have grown over the past year.  Help us to move forward into 2021 with a sense of joy and optimism for this life and these opportunities you have granted us.



Gary Hansen, chair of the Will Cale Scholarship, announced the committee is reviewing the 3 students CHS gave them in December, 2020. He will be reaching out to CHS for more students. If you are interested in being a mentor, let Gary Hansen know as they are looking for more mentors.

Committee Meetings

  • 1/13/2021, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf 2021, Zoom hosted by golf committee chair Mike Bevis. Meetings in 2021 will be on Wednesdays on 1/13, 2/17, 3/17, 4/14, 5/12, 6/16, and  7/7. Additional volunteers are always welcome. The golf outing will be held on 7/12/2021.
  • 1/19/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting, Zoom hosted by President Debe Dockins

Social Events

Debe Dockins announced that January 14, 2021 is national dress up your pet day. The Social Committee is holding a dress up your pet photo contest. Dress up your pets and send photos to Debe Dockins or Greg Griffin. The winner will win some opti-gear. The winner will be chosen by a vote of CNO members. On a personal note, the author of this blog (Patrick Arehart) voting preference will be for participants that dress up their goldfish or other pets that live in water.

Amy Moeder, Community Tissue Services

Debe Dockins introduced Amy Moeder, the marketing and Public Relations Coordinator for Community Tissue Services where she has worked for 17 years.

Amy Moeder grew up in the Miami Valley region and is a graduate of the University of Dayton where she majored in marketing and worked at a local manufacturing company in marketing. Moeder has previously served on the Ohio Department of Health’s Second Chance Trust Fund Committee and is currently serving as secretary of Donate Life Ohio and serves on the Communications Committee of the American Association of Tissue Banks.

Amy Moeder came today to share what Community Tissue Services is and what they do for the world.

There are details in her slide deck, not in this article, which you can view here.

About Community Tissue Services

  • Non-profit, community-focused provider of a wide variety of human tissue grafts for transplant
  • Full-service tissue bank, providing authorization, donor eligibility, recovery, processing, storage, labeling, and distribution services
  • Began operations in Dayton, Ohio in 1986 with the recovery of tissue from four donors at the request of area surgeons
  • They distribute to 23 countries worldwide
  • They operate 3 shifts a day, plus a weekend shift


Extraordinary people transforming “the gift” to save and enhance lives.


The leading ethical and innovative partner of choice for quality and customer-focused biologic solutions.

Why is the website

From their website

We each carry within us gifts enough to give life and hope to as many as 125 other people. Through tissue donation and Community Tissue Services, one life given makes renewed life possible for dozens nationwide and internationally. In the restored lives of these grateful recipients, the life and memory of donors lives on.

  • Injured athletes run again.
  • Bodies and lives ravaged by fire are mended and given hope.
  • Men and women bent with pain stand straight again and return to their lives.


They have 10 tissue centers in the U.S. and 5 of these locations are tissue recovery locations. Additionally, they have 20+ partners across the U.S.

The current Kettering, Ohio facility is 94,000 square feet with 14 class 100 clean rooms with laminar air flow. It includes a 5,000 square foot engineering and development wing.

Their network keeps a strategic level of skin grafts on hand for disasters.

All locations are registered with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks. The Center for Tissue, Innovation and Research is certified to ISO 13485.

In Kettering, Ohio, Community Tissue Services are in the final phases of an expansion project. Over 200 new jobs will be created. They will more than double the current area footprint and add another 16 class 100 clean rooms. This will further their mission of providing lifesaving and life enhancing tissue grafts across the country and around the world. They expect to be in the new building in March of 2021.

They normally offer facility tours, but not during COVID. High Schools bring groups of students through. These tours often lead to future employees for Community Tissue Services.

Tissue Donations

The donation process begins when a death or imminent death is reported to a call center. They determine if organs could be donated and contact Life Connection of Ohio. Next, if tissues can be used, they check the Ohio Donor Registry and contact the next of kin and offer the opportunity to donate.

Approved donors are transported to the Dayton Facility. Tissue recovery takes 4-6 hours. After recovery they reconstruct the body and suture the incision sites. Next, the donor is transported to a funeral home. The process does not prevent families from having an open casket funeral.

The tissue is quarantined until all testing is complete. After testing, a medical director evaluates all donor medical records and test results to determine eligibility.

Types of Processing Sessions

  • Traditional
  • CNC
  • Cellular
  • Specialty including Dental and Birth Tissue

Bubba the Bear Program

  • Provides comfort for children with severe burns
  • Available in English and Spanish
  • The kit given to kids include:
  • Interactive reading and coloring book
  • Plush bear
  • Cinch bag
  • Set of crayons

Tissue Examples

Heart Valves can be lifesaving to children born with absent or damaged heart valves and to adults with life-threatening cardiac defects

Veins are used for vascular disease surgeries such as heart by-pass. For those who have lost circulation in their legs, donated veins can help avoid leg amputation.

Ligaments and tendons are most often used to repair athletic related injuries, such as knee and joint surgery.

Bone grafts are used to repair or replace bone after serious injury, bone cancer or crippling disease. Other uses are for spine surgery, joint reconstruction and trauma.

Skin grafts are typically used to treat patients with severe burns. It is a temporary cover which decreases pain, lowers the risk of infection and controls fluid loss while a patient’s own skin heals.

Q and A

Q. Hos is Community Tissue Services funded?

A. They are a non-profit. They charge a processing fee based on their actual costs.

Q. Are skin grafts typed and matched for blood type like organ transplants?

A. Blood type matching is not necessary. Tissues go through lots of sterilization. The length or size of the graft is important.

Thank You

Thank you, Amy Moeder, for joining us to educate CNO about Community Tissue Services.

Welcome Guests!

Welcome Doug Flanders – now in new member readings – sponsored by Joe Madden.

Happy Bucks

Debe DockinsHappy Myron Rheaume was on the Zoom meeting today.
Gary HansenHe and Nancy are celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary.
Roberta TaylorOn 12/12/2020 her granddaughter graduated in electrical engineering from Wright State.
Roberta TaylorToday is the second day on the job for her granddaughter who just received her electrical engineering degree.
Carolyn TaylorHer mother will be receiving a COVID vaccine on 1/19/2020.
Beth DuncanHappy it is now 2021.

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Greg McAfeeJanuary71/7/200813
John SpeersJanuary71/7/200813


Ted HumphreyJanuary 7
Wilma QuarinJanuary 8
Laura CascheraJanuary 8
Don MassieJanuary 10
Bill WilliamsJanuary 11
Jordan FeldkampJanuary 11
Jesse GaitherJanuary 11
Candace RinkeJanuary 11

CNO Donations – 2013 through December 2020

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Sergeants at Arms

No Sergeants this week.

Zoom Meeting This Week

We had another meeting using Zoom. We will continue our weekly meetings via computer, cell phone or tablet for at least the next several weeks. Please join us and keep inviting guests.

Who can Attend Zoom Meetings?

Any member of any type of Centerville Noon Optimist can attend Zoom meetings. CNO 2.0, St Leonard’s and CNO full members or CNO monthly members can ALL attend.

Guests are also welcome. Please invite guests and introduce them if you like. Just share the Zoom link with them for that week.


In keeping with social distancing requirements – our CNO Meetings have transitioned temporarily to a online format using ZOOM.

Club Member Joe Madden was inspired to rewrite The Optimist Creed – so we give you now – The Corona Creed -with apologies to Christian D. Larson, Author of The Optimist Creed.

Links to Recorded Meeting and PowerPoint

This week’s Zoom meeting video is here

This week’s Zoom meeting podcast is here