JEOPARDTREE – Christmas Tree Lot Fundraiser 2022

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

God in heaven,

On this Election Day, help us to hear Your voice as we visit the polls and cast our ballots. Help us to remember the values and freedoms our country was founded on. Let us honor You, our ancestors, and our children. Help us to speak with voices filled with civility and respect. Help us to listen with open minds and hearts. Help us to think about what is best for You and our community, not just ourselves.



  • Sue Jesse announced that on tree delivery day at the tree lot on 11/19/2022, she needs soups and chilis. Let her know what soup or chili you are bringing and please bring it hot and in something to keep it hot. Put your name on your container and bring a serving spoon. The soups will be served around 10:15 AM. You can also bring cookies and desserts. You can sign up online here.
  • Evelyn Griffin announced that the TOP Optimist Club is selling 150 Poinsettias for $15 that will be delivered at lunch on 12/6/2022. They expect to raise $1000. They have chosen to purchase a pool wheelchair for the RecPlex which is about $1000.
  • Sarah Umbreit announced that two Build-a-Bear events will be held at the USO on December 10, 2022. Volunteers for the morning party will meet at the Hope Hotel at 9am with the party scheduled to end at 12pm. Volunteers for the afternoon party will meet at the Hope Hotel at 12:30pm with the party ending at 4pm. All volunteers will be provided lunch. If you have clearance to WPAFB you can be of great help by shuttling people to and from the base. You can sign up online here.
  • Greg Griffin announced that tree delivery day is November 19, 2022. Two semi-trailers with a total of nearly 1000 trees need to be unloaded, sorted, labeled and stored. We need as many people as possible to show up for this. There will be high school kids to help, but we still need LOTS of members. You get rewarded with your choice of 20+ different hot chilis and soups after the trees are put away. Dates to remember are:
    • 11/19/2022, 8 AM – 11:30 AM, Tree Delivery Day
    • 11/25/2022, Tree lot opens to the public – see your team schedule
    • 12/17/2022, 8 AM – 11:30 AM, Teardown and Pack Trailers
  • Beth Duncan reported that 25 CNO members were at the Ohio District Conference last week. The conference was a great success and really fun. The speaker was Montgomery County Juvenile Court Judge Anthony Capizzi. He did a fantastic job explaining the programs in place to help juveniles.

District Awards

Debe Dockins received a pin for sponsoring 10 members of CNO.

Dime-a-Day Pins

The following people received their Dime-a-Day Pins:

  • Gary Smiga
  • Greg Fay
  • Sarah Umbreit
  • Diane Arehart
  • Patrick Arehart

JeopardTree! Learn about the CNO Christmas Tree Lot Fundraiser

To explain how volunteering for the Christmas Tree Lot fundraiser works, a skit called JeopardTree was performed. It was both informative and funny!

The chairs of the Christmas Tree Lot Fundraiser are Karl Frydryk and Greg Griffin.

The Cast

  • Announcer, Johnny Dilbert (Charlie Tapp)
  • Host, JeopardTree Alex TreeBARK (Karl Frydryk)
  • Contestant One, A world-renowned debater from Illinois – Lincoln Douglas (Gary Anderson)
  • Contestant Two, A master distiller from the highlands of Michigan – Piney Scotch (Gail Aiken)
  • Contestant Three, A professional boxer from the Carolinas – Smokin’ Joe Fraser (Jesse Gaither)
  • Written by Karl Frydryk
  • Produced and Directed by Greg Griffin

Let’s Play JeopardTree!

Clue: A Fundraiser and a Community Service

Correct: What is the purpose of our Christmas tree lot?

Clue: 48 years

Incorrect: How long has it been since Bob Burkman had a haircut?

Correct: How long ago did The Centerville Noon Optimists start selling Christmas trees?

Clue: Behind the BMV across the street from the library

Incorrect: Where does Charlie Tapp hang out with his magazines?

Correct: Where is the tree lot located?

Clue: Michigan and North Carolina

Incorrect: What colleges always lose to Ohio State in football?

Correct: From where do we get our trees?

Clue: Scotch Pine

Incorrect: What is a new drink that Gary Hansen has discovered?

Correct: What is the traditional Christmas tree that’s grown in that state up north?

Clue: Somewhat short in stature but very soft to the touch

Incorrect: Who is Debe Dockins?

Correct: What are White Pines?

Clue: Fraser Firs, Douglas Firs, Balsam Firs

Incorrect: What does Beth Duncan wear on her evenings out?

Correct: What are three types of the trees that we sell?

Clue: Between 25 and 200

Incorrect: How fast does Dick Stevens drive to the Noon Optimist meeting?

Correct: What is the range of prices for our trees?

Clue: A Wreath on Franklin

Incorrect: Who is the Queen of Soul?

Correct: What is another item that we sell at the tree lot?

Clue: Saturday November 19 at 8:00 AM

Incorrect: When does Jerry Stahley get out on parole?

Correct: When is tree delivery day?

Clue: 5 dozen Bill’s donuts

Incorrect: What can Stan Fronzaglia eat at one sitting?

Correct: How many donuts does Bill’s donate on tree delivery day?          

Clue: Friday the day after Thanksgiving

Incorrect: What day do we throw our scales out the window?

Correct: When does the tree lot open?

Clue: Captain Morgan

Incorrect: What does Mike Creech drink with his coffee in the morning?

Correct: Who might be your tree lot team captain?

Clue: Working 9 to 8

Incorrect: What is Dolly Parton’s famous song?

Correct: What are the times the tree lot is open on the weekends?

Clue: 1:00 on a weekday afternoon

Incorrect: What time does Jim Mogan wake up?

Correct: When does the day shift report for work?

Clue: Boots, Gloves, Scarfs, Mittens

Incorrect: What are the names of Donna Huss’s cats?

Correct: What should you wear at the tree lot?

Clue: $20

Incorrect: How much money does Paul Stull waste on a haircut?

Correct: What do we charge for delivery?

Clue: I’m sorry, but I cannot come inside

Incorrect: What does a trick or treater say to Roland Rapp?

Correct: What do we tell a customer who asks us to take the tree into their home?

Clue: 50% off one item up to a $75 maximum discount

Incorrect: What excites Diane Arehart to go out shopping?

Correct: What is the discount a club member gets if they work 3 times?

Clue: Green with a Hole in One

Incorrect: What does every golfer dream about?

Correct: What is the color of the Port-O-Potty at the tree lot?

Thank You

Karl Frydryk thanked his wife Nancy for being a huge help in writing the JeopardTree skit.

Karl closed by telling us, “You the members are the reason the tree lot is successful. Thanks for participating.”

Thank you, Karl and your crew, for performing this skit – it was awesome and informative!

Working the Tree Lot

Everyone in the club is assigned to a team and each team has been assigned shifts to work. By now, you should have been contacted by your tree lot team captain. Please show up for your shifts to help share the work with your fellow club members. The money raised will help CNO provide the youth of your community with scholarships, contests, programs and other youth related donations!

New Member Readings and Inductions

No readings or inductions this week.

Welcome Guests!

First NameLast NameGuest of
MatthewFahsArt Hung
KarenCollinsBob Collins
NancyFrydrykLarry Lynde

Happy Bucks

Bill StoneGreat support by 25 CNO members at the Ohio District Convention over the weekend.
Bill StoneUD is having a great season becasuse of “Mongolian” Mike Sharavjamts, a 6′ 8″ freshman from Mongolia and son of a Harlem Globetrotter.
Paul BoeckmanBill Stone reminding him how well he used to play basketball!
Joan CordonnierJerry Stahley made her laugh by putting all kinds of stuff in her purse like sugar packets at the Ohio District Conference.
Joan CordonnierShe was happy to attend her first District Conference last week. It was a fun time and everyone should try it.
Louise HahnSon just completed the New York City Marathon. He ran the Chicago Marathon in October and in April he ran the Boston Marathon.
Harry BosseyAttending today’s meeting.

Sergeants at Arms

Chris McAlpineWas seen at the Paragon last weekend and not wearing his Optimist pin.
Dan ThalheimerWas seen at the Paragon last weekend and not wearing his Optimist pin.
Katie CallowayGloating about never having been fined at CNO lunch – well she can’t do that anymore.
Harry BosseyFinally showed up for a meeting.
Gary HansenBeing a Michigan fan.
Jesse GaitherNot wearing his Optimist pin in a picture about his business.

Membership Anniversaries

Bob VogtNovember 8, 200517


Ken IrwinNovember 9
Dean HeyneNovember 10
Kelly GeorgeNovember 12
Becky KeeganNovember 12

CNO Donations – 2013 through September 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see this week’s Thank You Notes

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here