Margaret Barclay Memorial Oratorical Contest 2024 Week Two

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

John C. Maxwell said, “Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.”


Life is full of choices. Some are easy to make while others we struggle with. The choices we make help make us and help make the world. Help us to make our choices with the optimism that our decisions will leave us and the world in a better place. 



  • Gary Hansen said there are nine Will Cale Scholarship candidates this year. The committee believes all nine fit the qualifications for CNO to award the scholarship and to assign mentors. There is enough budget for all nine, but sadly they do not have enough volunteers to be mentors for these qualified students. A mentor just needs to talk to their mentee once or twice a month and use common sense to figure out how to help them with challenges they have. Please reach out to Gary Hansen to help. Gary will be happy to explain the program and answer your questions before you commit.
  • Mike Thonnerieux announced that the deadline for the Chuck Dickerson Memorial Scholarship for a 2-year or a 4-year degree is March 8, 2024. Students can learn details and apply for the $1000 scholarship at the Dayton Foundation using this link.
  • Beth Duncan said an adult nighttime Easter Egg Hunt will be held March 8, 2024, at 6:30 PM at Yankee Park. After the hunt there will be a party at Bock’s Family Brewery. The eggs will have raffle tickets and everyone will win something. Feel free to invite your family and friends to the event. Signup and pay $15 online using the Member Calendar. Bring a flashlight, a basket or bag, and a friend if you like.
  • Stan Fronzaglia said that the next session for Players Box will start April 9, 2024 and lasts for six weeks. Sessions are ninety minutes. This program is for students and parents. The program is looking for additional coaches. Contact Stan Fronzaglia for more information.
  • Sue Brubaker said that the Childhood Health and Wellness committee is holding a book drive to benefit children living in the Chevy Chase housing community. You can bring books to lunch and put them in the box she has. She is also accepting books for women at the St. Vincent DePaul women’s shelter.
  • Craig Dring, the co-chair for Tri-Star basketball, said that the next Tri-Star Basketball event will be on March 9, 2024, at Watts Middle School. Sign up to volunteer for the event using the Member Calendar. There are two shifts to choose from, 8-10:15 and 10-12:15. They need about 35 volunteers for this event. Kids aged 7-12 will compete in pass, shoot, and dribble contests. You don’t need any basketball skills. Volunteers are needed to help with setup, registration, running the contests, scoring the participants, and handing out trophies. The event is also an opportunity to get to know fellow CNO members.

Happy Birthday Stan Fronzaglia

Today was Stan Fronzaglia’s Birthday! Joan pinned a blue ribbon on Stan. Bob Duffy led us in singing Happy Birthday to Stan.

I saw some strange looks from the Oratorical Contest students and their parents upon hearing the terrible rendition of Happy Birthday!

Have a great year, Stan!

Thank you, Roy Barclay, for Supporting the Margaret Barclay Oratorical Contest

Thank you, Roy Barclay, for your support and the prize money for the first level of the Margaret Barclay Oratorical Contest. Roy has given a cash prize for the winners at the club level for over a decade.

Margaret Barclay Memorial 2024 Optimist Oratorical Contest

Jessica Wagner. the chair of the Margaret Barclay Memorial Oratorical Contest, introduced the participating students and described this annual event. The co-chair of the event is Ron Thompson.

The prompt for this year’s Oratorical Contest is, “How to Change the World with Optimism.”

Many more details about the contest and the history of Optimist International are in the CNOtes article from 2/6/2024.

Speaker A, Girl Attending Watts Middle School – Summary

She said that optimism can change the world through attitude, actions, and thoughts. Mistakes should be seen as motivation for improvement rather than discouragement. Optimism not only impacts individual well-being but also influences others. Encouraging optimism can have a domino effect, leading to positive changes in society. Optimism is linked to better mental health, increased productivity, and overall satisfaction with life. Use optimism to create a better world for everyone.

Speaker B, Boy Attending Watts Middle School – Summary

He said that optimism can change the world despite the challenges of climate change, hunger, and disease. He gave a personal story of navigating through difficult circumstances with optimism, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive outlook even in challenging situations. He emphasized the need for optimism on a larger scale. He referenced examples from media, such as comics and comedy, to illustrate the impact of optimism on individuals and society. He encouraged us to embrace optimism and make small changes in their actions and attitudes to contribute to a more positive world.

Speaker C, 12th Grade Girl Attending Centerville High School – Summary

She said optimism is not just a mindset but a force reshaping human existence. She gave examples from history from Edison’s light bulb to civil rights movements to illustrate how optimism has fueled innovation and societal progress. Optimism helps with global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and environmental decay, fostering collaboration and innovation. She emphasized the personal benefits of optimism, including better health outcomes and a sense of happiness. Overall, optimism is a guiding light that inspires individuals and communities to strive for positive change, even in the face of adversity.

Speaker D, Girl Attending Watts Middle School – Summary

She defined optimism as a feeling of hopefulness about the future and emphasizes its role in fostering mental strength and perseverance. Through personal anecdotes and examples, she highlighted how optimism helps individuals push through challenges and failures, leading to personal growth and resilience. She concludes with a call to action, urging us to embrace optimism and recognize its potential to positively impact our lives and the world.

Congratulations to the Contestants

Jessica Wagner said, “We congratulate and thank each one of these students for having the courage to speak to us today.”

“We get great support from the principals at all three Centerville middle schools, and I thank them for promoting this contest to their students.”

“Thank you to those who helped today: Ron Thompson, my co-chair, Liz Fultz, a past co-chair, continues to provide valuable assistance, Diane Arehart, who helped publicize the contest, Andy Higgins, Dave Mitchell and Jim Mogan who served as judges, and Kristen Marks, who served as timekeeper.”

“As for the importance of public speaking – 70% of those in leadership roles say it is an essential skill for success. So, I want to emphasize to all of today’s contestants, there are no losers here.  All of you have gained valuable experience.  Unfortunately, we can send only one speaker on to the Zone 16 contest in March. “

“Each contestant will receive a certificate of participation.”

The Winner is Speaker C

Speaker C won today, and she received a medallion and a cash a cash prize from Roy Barclay. She will move on to the zone contest. The winners of the zone contests move on to the regional level with those winners advancing to the district level and from there the winners go to the national competition.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Byron WadeRon Thompson
Christine KingNancy Lehren
Don StaffordCarol Smerz
Shelly BastianNancy Lehren

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Diane FlickMike Bevis1st Reading
Donald StaffordCarol Smerz2nd Reading
Jan GerberErin Dickerson3rd Reading
David SeyerDebe Dockins3rd Reading

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week.

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week.

Membership Anniversaries

Bob CollinsFebruary 21, 201410
Kate TrangensteinFebruary 21, 20204
Erin Belangia-SanchezFebruary 23, 200618
Chris ZiehlerFebruary 26, 20177


Stan FronzagliaFebruary 20
Julie Walling NoethFebruary 20
Mike BevisFebruary 21
Kathy RearickFebruary 21
John ThompsonFebruary 24
Pat BehnFebruary 26
Blanca CrinerFebruary 26
Matt GoekeFebruary 26
John ShermanFebruary 26
Ashley SimeoneFebruary 26
Jon WesneyFebruary 26

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received this week

No Thank You Notes received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here