Montgomery County Engineer, Paul Gruner

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Growth means change and change usually comes with pain. Whether it is growing from a child into an adult, growing as a person, growing professionally, or growing older, we all experience growing pains. 

Sometimes that pain is physical.  Sometimes it is mental or emotional. Lord, as we deal with growth and change in our lives, help us to also experience spiritual growth in our love and connection to You.



  • Mike Bevis announced that the annual Tom Frazier Memorial Tee Off for Youth Classic will be on 7/17/2023 at Sycamore Creek Country Club in Springboro. Please bring in items to the meeting on 7/11/2023, like gift cards and bottles of wine, for the silent auction gift baskets.
  • Bill Stone, the Ohio District Governor, announced that the 75th annual Ohio District Convention will be August 10th, 11th and 12th. It is local with everything held at the UD arena. CNO members can easily participate. We’re going to have a really big party Saturday night (12th), so even if you can’t come for the convention , you can come for the gala.
  • Bill Stone said, “I want to brag a little bit about our club. If you didn’t know, membership has been a challenge over the last several years, especially during COVID. CNO though has added 37 members so far this year!”
  • Bill Stone announced that a new club is being sponsored by CNO in Springfield. The initial ten members are enthusiastic about bringing Optimism back to Springfield. They should have fifteen members soon and then they can charter the new club.

Montgomery County Engineering, Paul Gruner

Karl Frydryk introduced Paul Gruner PE, PS, the Montgomery County Engineer.

Paul Gruner is a native Daytonian and grew up in Kettering, graduating from Fairmont West High School. Paul is a registered Professional Engineer and Professional Surveyor and has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science from the University of Cincinnati.

Paul worked in the Montgomery County Engineer’s Office for 6 years before working in consulting engineering for 30 years at Woolpert, Inc. and Gresham, Smith and Partners. He returned to the Montgomery County Engineer’s Office in February of 2010 as Chief Deputy Engineer and was appointed County Engineer in July of 2011 following the retirement of Joseph Litvin.

Paul is a season ticket holder for UC basketball and football, is a golfer and a member of the Dayton Rotary Club.

Presentation Slides

The slide deck has more information than is listed in this article.

You can view the slide deck of the presentation here.


The mission of the Montgomery County Engineer’s Office is to maintain and improve a local roadway network which will provide for the safe and efficient movement of the traveling public and a healthy local economy.

History of Montgomery County Engineer

One of the first offices created by the Ohio General Assembly was the office of County Surveyor in 1803. In 1803, like now, people were very concerned about the boundaries of their property. In 1831 the position became an elected position with a three-year term. In 1915, the legislature established the responsibility resident engineer for the Ohio Highway Department. in 1935 the title was changed to County Engineer, and the term was changed to four years.

Montgomery County Engineers

A County Engineer must be both a registered Professional Engineer and a Professional Surveyor.

Montgomery County Engineers maintain the corners in the area that are the basis for all surveys.

Their activities are funded by user fees like the gasoline tax and license fees. Individual counties can raise their license fees to help cover inflation.

The most recent 10.5 cent increase in the gasoline tax was very timely since the usage of gasoline went way down during COVID.

Gruner would argue that they should increase fees even more since the federal government has increased what they will pay. The federal government only matches what an entity raises so to get extra money we should raise fees.

The Peace Bridge on Third Street

Paul Gruner said, “The most high-profile bridge ever is on Third Street and is called the Peace Bridge. It opened in 2021. If you haven’t been there, you need to walk across it to get the full effect because there are historic placards at various places, each one talking about different phases of Ohio State history. There’s QR codes you can scan to find out even more about the history. We’ve won several awards including: the Association of Bridge Construction and Design – Outstanding Short Span Roadway Bridge Award, the National Association of County Engineers Project Manager of the Year for Joseph Dura and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio – Honor Award.”

Responsibilities of the Engineer’s Office

The Montgomery County Engineer’s Office maintains 320 miles of county roads and 525 bridges. This includes the repair, replacement and improvement of roads and bridges on county roads including snow and ice control during the winter months. It also includes repair and replacement of bridges on township roads and certain bridges within municipalities.

The office reviews and approves new survey descriptions and plats.

For Montgomery County townships, their office acts as the township’s engineers.

Question and Answer

Q. What is going on at 48 and Nutt Road?
A. That’s a state project. If there’s an intersection of a state highway and a local road, the state has control. If it is an intersection of a county and a township road then usually the county has control of the intersection.

Q. Will traffic lights be installed at Paragon and Social Row?
 A. Yes, there will be traffic lights installed during the upcoming projects.

Q. Do you do anything with airports like on 741?
A. No development is done for airports, but the airports do influence the roads in the area and the maintenance.

Q. What about the project on Airway Road?
A. There will be major rehabilitation and a bridge rebuilt.

Q. What is the health of the 525 bridges?
A. Our bridges are in pretty good shape, relative to other counties. We always have a list of about 30 structurally deficient bridges. Remember that there are 525 bridges deteriorating a little every day, so there’s no end to it. Other Ohio counties have bridges that are in worse shape. We’re having a little trouble getting that extra $40 million we were promised because our bridges are better off than in some smaller counties. If a bridge is bad enough and we’re worried about it, we close it.

Q. What about the extended runway at the airport on 741 that has been discussed?
A. There were a lot of discussions. The airport kept submitting designs that would not work and they finally gave up. The County’s preference is having Austin Blvd go under the new proposed runway extension.

Q. Are there plans for Spring Valley Road?
A. There is a lot of construction going on in various places on Spring Valley Road. There are no plans currently. When new developments go in that impacts traffic, the County Planning Commission requires developers to make certain improvements to the roads. The Commission may also have developers put money in escrow for a future project.

Q. Are there more planned roundabouts?
A. We like roundabouts, but there are regulations and rules that make it difficult to make all the changes we want. We don’t always have the right of ways necessary. There are preliminary plans and a safety study to put one on Benner Rd in Miamisburg as part of the Mound Connector Project. There are several others being looked at as well.

2023 Projects

  • Gettysburg Ave. Bridge Rehab over Wolf Creek – $1,600,000
  • Airway Rd. Bridge Replacement over Lilly Creek – $1,700,000
  • Shoup Mill Rd. Reconstruction – $4,000,000
  • Wilmington Pike Bridge Rehabilitation
  • Free Pike Bridge Rehabilitation – $790,000
  • Huffman Road Bridge Reconstruction – $1,500,000
  • Astoria Road Culvert Replacement – $290,000
  • Frederick Pike Bridge Reconstruction – $520,000
  • Lower Miamisburg Road Culvert Replacement – $290,000

Future Projects

  • Social Row Road Widening Phases 1 & 2
  • Mound Connector
  • Benner Road and Miamisburg-Springboro Rd Roundabout
  • Alex Bell Road Reconstruction, SR 741 to Lamme Rd
  • Shiloh Springs Road Reconstruction
  • Woodman/Burkhardt Bridge/Culvert Rehab/Reconstruction

County Engineer Surveys and Plats

  • County Engineer reviews and files all surveys
  • County Engineer reviews all plats and legal descriptions before they are accepted by the County Auditor for transfer of real property
  • County Engineer reviews subdivision design and construction for the County Planning Commission
  • ORC 315.28 – Survey of Corners
  • ORC 315.29 – Establishment of Corners

Thank You

Thank you, Paul Gruner, for informing us about the Montgomery County Engineer office and what it has done and will do.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Lauren BizzarroJoan Cordonnier
Matt GoekeChris McApline
Nancy HensonJackie Powell
Nick TannerLouise Haun
Paul GrunerSpeaker
Phil SpeelmanStan Fronzaglia
Terri HunterJackie Powell

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Nancy HensonJackie Powell3rd Reading
Matt GoekeChris McAlpine3rd Reading
Phillip SpeelmanStan FronzagliaInduction

Happy Bucks

Tom NovakThanks to the flag assembly team who has assembled 260 flags this year
Tom NovakThanks to the members of the Flag Facilities Group
Tom NovakCelebrating 52nd Wedding Anniversary with Paulette
Vida McDowellWas able to get one of the extra desserts form the monthly birthday table
Jane FiehrerBob Collins ate all of his squash so he earned the right to eat his dessert at the birthday table
Myron RheaumeDaughter Shawna Rheaume Hatton is on the cover of Springboro Neighbors Magazine featuring her store Chasing Light Art Studio and Gallery
Myron RheaumeKyla (granddaughter) was one of 12 accepted into the Sonography program at Kettering Medical College out of 24 applicants
Art HungCelebrating 25th Wedding Anniversary with Heather
Bill StoneGlad to be part of the best Optimist Club in the world

Sergeants at Arms

Denise GreenForgot to pick up her name badge
Dick StevensBeing one of the first people in line for the buffet
Dennis DockinsBeing one of the first people in line for the buffet
Jerry StahelyBeing one of the first people in line for the buffet
Erin DickersonBeing one of the first people in line for the buffet
Andrea BublitzBeing one of the last people in line for the buffet
Scott LangerBeing one of the last people in line for the buffet
Jane FiehrerBeing one of the last people in line for the buffet
Chris McAlpineBeing one of the last people in line for the buffet
Roland RappMissed the last board meeting and ticked off the president
Mike BevisHas been found in Contempt of Court for not paying his fine last week; he is sentenced to 10 days at Ohio University since he is a huge Miami grad and supporter and would hate that

Membership Anniversaries

Gary HansenJune 30, 199924
Roy BarclayJuly 1, 198637
Sara HemmeterJuly 1, 20149
Greg CrabtreeJuly 2, 200815
David DuncombeJuly 2, 20185
Andy HarmonJuly 2, 20185
Mark ScarpinoJuly 2, 20185
Jeff UmbreitJuly 2, 20185
Diane ArehartJuly 5, 20167
Paula HarrisonJuly 8, 20221
Dave MitchellJuly 8, 20221
CeAnn ChalkerJuly 10, 200023


Robby JohnsonJune 27
Valorie HuffJune 28
Frank DePalmaJune 29
John SpeersJuly 4
John CarrollJuly 5
Bob LawsonJuly 6
Mark ScarpinoJuly 6
Phil SpeelmanJuly 8
Bob GlavinJuly 9
Mark PolingJuly 10

CNO Donations – 2013 through June 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes were received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here