Networking at Loose Ends Brewing


  • Jessica Wagner, Co-chair of the Oratorial competition, announced that students will give their speeches at lunch on February 6 and February 20. They need three judges and a timekeeper. Let Jessica know if you would like to help. The winner from each group will move on to the Zone 14 competition. She encourages members to attend to support and enjoy these speeches.
  • Jessica Wagner announced that for the 2025 Oratorical contest she needs someone to be the co-chair for the committee.
  • Jessica Wagner announced that two other groups for the Oratorical contest will compete during evening meetings of the South Metro Optimist Club on February 5 and February 19. South Metro and CNO work together to allow more students to compete within their schedules and with the size of audience they prefer.
  • Gary Hansen announced that the Will Cale Scholarship Committee is looking for new mentors. There are seven student candidates this year.
  • Fred Polizzi, co-chair of the skilled trades scholarship committee, said that thirteen students have received scholarships since 2019, receiving over $25,000. The CHS guidance counselors are helpful in identifying students that can use the help. Skilled trades include careers in plumbing, electrical, welding, firefighter, EMT, and law enforcement.
  • Gary Hansen announced that the Youth Recognition event will be on June 11, 2024. The first meeting will be held soon. He is hoping for the return of previous members and the committee can use new members.
  • Joan Cordonnier announced that the Ohio District Conference is on February 9 and 10, 2024. You can sign up online using the Member Calendar. Remember that CNO will pay for your fees. Be sure to choose payment type of “Third Party” and Roland will send your payment in for you.

New Member Inductions

President Joan Cordonnier inducted three new members tonight:

  • Melanie Asbell, sponsored by Lacy Owens
  • Dave Ball, sponsored by Gary Hansen
  • Beth Hall, sponsored by Diane Arehart


Tonight, after hearing announcements and new member inductions, we did some networking.

Those attending learned more about being an Optimist Club member, discussed their career or businesses, discussed their personal life and also talked about how they might help each other.

CNO 2.0 Venue and Details

The venue for tonight’s CNO 2.0 meeting was Loose Ends Brewing, 890 S Main St, Centerville, OH. Thank you to the team at Loose Ends Brewing for the great beer, food and space.

Several members stayed after the meeting to participate in the trivia contest that is held every Thursday at Loose Ends Brewing. They did pretty well!

Greg Fay, chair of CNO 2.0, said he was so thankful for all the guests and members that came to tonight’s meeting. He also gave a recap of what our club is all about and that information is at the bottom of this article.

CLICK HERE to see photos taken at the meeting.

About CNO 2.0

CNO 2.0 is a club within a club of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club. CNO (and CNO 2.0) is a world class service organization. Being a member of either club allows their members all the same opportunities to participate in fundraising and club activities. CNO 2.0 was created about 5 years ago and is very much a part of the 55-year-old Centerville Noon Optimist Club. CNO has given away over $2 million during its history. CNO is a group of like-minded members that are passionate about helping youth and having fun in the process.

Annual Fundraisers

  • Christmas Tree Lot
  • Avenue of Flags
  • Golf Outing

Major Activities for the Youth in our Community

  • Build-a-Bear at Children’s Hospital or for other child-related organizations
  • Fishing Derby in June
  • Kid’s Day in the Park in August
  • Egg Hunt
  • Tri-Star Soccer and Basketball
  • Safety on Wheels Bike Rodeo
  • Haunted Trail