Noon Meeting News – April 4, 2017 – Doug Barry – Miami Township Trustee

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, we have gathered together as Optimist for 49 years and thru the years I have enjoyed many circles of friends. We have an abundance of talent that is used to further our mission – ” Friend of Youth.” So encourage all of the new members to jump in one of our many circles.
Only with new labor, new enthusiasm and new ideas can we explore new ground for our youth to feast upon. May we never let the obligations of Optimism dim the joy of being one. Help us to get involved, stay involved and enjoy the doing beyond expectations and enjoy the satisfaction of a meaningful life. Amen!

Click here to see all the photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Doug Barry Scott Langer
Jill Delaney-Shai Mike Bevis
Sheri Howard Mike Bevis
Nicole Jeyaratnam Jane Fiehrer

Today’s Speaker

Doug Berry from Miami Township came out to talk to us Tuesday about the township. He spoke about the main difference between cities and townships: townships are covered by the Ohio Revised Code which determines what they can and can’t do. Sometimes, cities will annex townships to take advantage of the tax advantages, such as property tax.

Doug mentioned a few quick updates that the Dayton Mall area is being renamed “Miami Crossing” and that the Miami Township police department will be certified by fall.

He answered many questions from the group:
-The movie theatre at Austin Landing should open in the fall and will contain reclining chairs and offer dinner
-The Dayton Mall is doing well despite Sears leaving, the capacity is currently around 90%
-We won
t be fixing any roads soon due to 2 levies failing for road repairs; it costs $800k to fix 1 mile of road but the budget only allows for $360k/year
-Be sure to attend zoning meetings, because the trustees take note of resident
s opinions before going into their board meetings




Ira Thomsen April 05
Roland Rapp April 05
James Rumford April 05
Jeff Rolf April 06
Robert Clements April 07
Erin Belangia-Sanchez April 09

Membership Anniversaries

Name Month Day Year # Years
 Ira  Thomsen April 5 1991 26
 Molly  Petsch April 6 2004 13
 Dan  Samiec April 6 2010 7
 Ron  Tinnerman April 11 2005 12

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Kris McKee Greg Griffin 3rd Reading
Sheri Howard Mike Bevis 2nd Reading

Sergeants at Arms 

Member Infraction
Scott Langer asked everyone with a vowel in their name to stand – then he said, “sit down, there’s no more of that!”
Ron Tinnerman decided he would do fines remotely from the Caribbean
Sandy and Dick Stevens were fined for matching animal outfits
Matt Somerlot was fined because he is finally attending a meeting.

 Happy Bucks!

Bob Burkman We helped Springboro Avenue of Flags change out 450 flag clips – special kudos to Bob Lawson who stayed the entire day to help – 8 hrs!
Myron Rheaume Says he has 3 vowels in a row in his name – so he narrowly escaped a $3 fine today
Sue Brubaker $1 for Mike Bevis because he can pick up ladies at Panera