Noon Meeting News – August 22, 2017 – Rob Dement – Centerville High School Athletic Director

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father as adults we can look back on our lives and try to figure out why and how we became the person we are now. Many will discover that one or two people shaped our personality or steered us to become interested in the vocation or avocation we now enjoy. To our benefit we were drawn to those who enjoyed life to the point of admiration. We thank you Lord for those people and for putting them in our path. Now it is our time to pass on that same enthusiasm and optimism, to steer kids to the joys of leading a fulfilling life. There are any young people out there that are in need. Help us Lord to be that one person who can make a difference.

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Anna Bargmeyer Bob Bargmeyer
Kevin Bargmeyer Bob Bargmeyer
Rob Dement Speaker
Julie Ilg Mike Bevis
Bryan Link Jean Pummill
Laura Roesch Mike Bevis

Today’s Speaker

John Carroll introduced our speaker, Bob Dement, athletic director at Centerville High School.  Bob thanked CNO for our contribution for the new football helmets. These helmets, he explained, have sensors that monitor each “head hit” of each player, making the sport safer. He praised the district for its support of the 32 varsity level programs, told us that Lacrosse is increasing in participation, while football and wrestling are decreasing. CHS will have a new scoreboard thanks to the Athletic Boosters. Bob also shared that both boys and girls golf teams have a good chance to win at the state level. Many members asked interesting questions.


Member Birthday
Scott Rheaume August 28
Rick Kempfer August 28

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day # Years
Greg Smith August 22 10
Gary Miller August 23 12
Monty Zinck August 25 8
Julie Walling Noeth August 26 9
Mary Madden August 26 19
Andy Devito August 27 4

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Bryan Link Jean Pummill 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Beth Lybrook Sneaking in late, Scott Langer award
Vince Reidy Gainfully employed but no Optimist pin in photo
Debe Dockins Not in photo honoring Veteran
Jim Long Issued jury summons to CNO member without a personal note
Greg Griffin Shameless display of Optimist of the Year plaque
Gary Aiken Not knowing the date of Thanksgiving
Gary Miller Absent too long
Tom Lakes Scott Langer award
Tom Henderson Shameless self promotion

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Debe Dockins Glad the eclipse is over
John Kalaman Paula recovering well
Donna Huss Grandson, Ian got a good job with good pay and commissions
Cherie Gentry Glad Ohio district convention over and grateful for all CNO help
Myron Rheaume Good job done by Cherie Gentry
Don Wildenhaus Tri Star soccer sign ups
Stan Fronzaglia Wife Joyce cancer free for 5 years
Bob Bargmeyer Wife, Anna and son Kevin guests and son drove them to KY to see eclipse
Joe Madden The beautiful eclipse??? But now he cannot see a thing – LOL