Noon Meeting News – August 29, 2017 – Rob Streck – Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office – the Opioid Epedemic

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father faithfully let us run the race that is set before us and the impressions we leave give light and purpose to those who follow. We never know what effect we are going to have on another person. If our cause is just and we have followed Your precepts, we have no reason to brag. For it is You Lord who has given us the talent and the mind set to do what we do. So Lord help us to remember that our mind is a garden our thoughts are the seeds. We can plant flowers or we can plant weeds.

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Vickie Bondi Ron Tinnerman
Jon Eisele Art Hung
Drake Hafer Jack Anderson
David Herman Jesse Gaither
Bryan Link Jean Pummill
Rob Streck Speaker
Teg Tegelaar Bill Stone

Today’s Speaker

Scott Langer introduced Rob Streck from the Montgomery County Sheriff’s  Department. Streck spoke to us in rapid style about Opioid usage and its dangers and consequences.  Mostly sold through cartels and in motels, the drugs come from Mexico and China. Dayton is unfortunately a “source city”. Heroin has been so diluted that addicts are going to deadlier drugs such as fentanyl and carfentanyl (an elephant sedative), there are 32 types of fentanyl and it is much stronger than heroin. These drugs kill users and damage brain receptors. In 2015, 259 people died of overdose in Montgomery  County; year to date 457 have died. He briefly explained the range force and helping those who want help to be drug free.  Many questions and comments followed.


Member Birthday
James Mogan August 31
Julie Cochran August 31
Chris McAlpine August 31
Jesse Lightle August 31
CeAnn Chalker September 03
Robert Collins September 04

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day # Years
Jeff Busch August 31 16
Andrew Mckenzie September 1 30
Don Skelton September 1 30
Frank DePalma September 1 38
Gary Anderson September 1 38
Jerry Stahley September 1 31
Larry Lynde September 1 29
Tom Henderson September 1 8

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Bryan Link Jean Pummill 2nd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Greg Fay Rented cottage with a boat and used the wrong boat
David Ladd As district chaplain, announced as deceased 2 people still with us.
Stan Fronzaglia Wearing peach color shirt
Carol Burkman Wearing peach color shirt
Tom Novak Wearing peach color shirt
Liz Fultz Photo in paper but not wearing Optimist pin
Molly Petsch Cruising the Great Lakes and absent from CNO
Ron Tinnerman Sitting at front table while Phather Phil at back table
Joan Cordonnier Coming late and squeezing in to table already full
Larry Lynde Yankee Trace too cold, going to car for jacket
Gary DeMarco Long absence
Bob Bargmeyer Coming home from KY, disoriented about east and west
Mike Huber Enjoying the birthday table

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Molly Petsch Happy to be back, Great Lakes trip a long one
Ron Weir Tickets for a OSU game
Joe Madden Glad Happy Bucks are over for today