Curt Nelson – Triumph of Flight Memorial Project

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, I remember when supper was the time the whole family sat down to eat. There wasn’t a cell phone to text, radio or TV to listen to. It was time to talk with one another. We sat there till we cleaned our plate,
then helped with the dishes. Afterwards we’d listen to Red Skelton, Bob Hope, Fibber McGee and Molly all family ordinated fares. At night we would say our prayers, sleep and look forward to tomorrow. We’ve made fantastic advances since then, but we are sacrificing the joy of a close nit family. Help us stay close to You and our family and have us not let the responsibility of being a parent defeat the joy of being one.  Amen!

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Washington Township Election Briefing

Chris McAlpine introduced Jesse Lightle to tell us about the issues on the ballot May 8, 2018.

She discussed:

  1. Issue 15, The Hithergreen rezoning.
  2. Issue 16, The Rec Center has asked for a 1 mill increase to be used for building improvements.
  3. Issue 17, The Fire Department has asked for a 4.6 mills renewal levy. It keeps getting harder to find part-time firefighters so, like most fire departments, our F.D. will probably have to hire more full-time firefighters that will cost more.

May 8, 2018 Election Information from Montgomery County

Today’s Speaker

Chris McAlpine introduced Curt Nelson, USAF Col. (Ret.). He was a pilot in the USAF. Nelson is the Executive director of the Wright Image Group. The group would like Dayton to have a National Monument, The Triumph of Flight, as recognizable as the Statue of Liberty or the St. Louis Arch.

The monument would be located in the South West corner of where I75 and I70 intersect.

Aviation is now taken for granted. The Wright Brothers finally succeeded in sustained, powered and controlled flight on December 17, 1903. For decades before that thousands of other attempts were made. Before 1903 many people believed that man would never be capable of powered flight.

True, this first flight occurred in North Carolina, but it was just proof of concept. All of the design work occurred in Dayton. After the first flight, the Wright Brothers returned to Dayton and kept perfecting their machine and techniques right here in Dayton at Huffman Prairie. This forever changed history in a dramatic fashion.

The proposed monument would be a hub of information and would increase the value of all the other flight related visitor sites in our area. Everything from the Air Force museum to Huffman Prairie are expected to see an increase in visitors after the new monument opens.

Monument Information

  • Height is 270 feet (Statue of Liberty is 305 feet)
  • Wingspan of the replica of the “Wright Flyer” at the top is 144 feet
  • Only national monument for Nation Aviation Heritage in the U.S.
  • Visitor center will be 10,000 square feet
  • There will be an aviation hall of fame area
  • An Interactive STEAM learning facility will be included (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)
  • If just 200,000 visitors come a year it would generate $900,000 in taxes, however the Wright Image Group expects many more visitors
  • It is supported by the Dayton Chamber of Commerce as well as 164 other entities
  • Estimated cost is $22 million and 10% of that has been raised
  • Paid full time staff of 3 to be financed by an endowment and the rest of the labor will be volunteers
  • Proposed start date is May 1, 2023

Economic Benefits

Curt showed us a five-minute video at the end of his talk. You can view it on YouTube, Triumph of Flight Monument Video.

Official Project Website (includes an opportunity to donate)

From “The effort to build the Triumph of Flight monument is spearheaded by The Wright Image Group, a non-profit organization comprised of business, government, and philanthropic leaders. Incorporated in April 2005, we are a 501(c)(3) organization. Our purpose is to build a national monument to flight. We welcome your assistance in seeing our vision become reality. Our goal is to raise $21 million through donations, sponsorships, and grants. To date, we have raised over 10% of that amount, and anticipate mounting a major capital campaign within the next 12 months.”

The levels of donation are based on stages of flight: Flight Team, Full Throttle, Take off, Wheels Up, Climbing, Soaring, Triumph.


Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Curt Nelson Speaker
Mary Ann Riskus Mary Madden
Mark Scarpino Greg Wasmond
Pam Thomas Rhonda Meeker


Member Birthday
Lynne Reilly May 01
Melissa DeShurko May 04
Louis Brinkman May 06
Mary Madden May 06
Pam Miller May 06
Dr. Tom Henderson May 06

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Chuck Dickerson May 1 05/01/1977 41
Charlie Tapp May 1 05/01/1978 40
Joe Madden May 1 05/01/1982 36
Tim Stull May 1 05/01/1987 31
Craig Dring May 7 05/07/1997 21

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Wendy Hattan Robin Golden 2nd Reading
Brendan Cunningham Mike Bevis 2nd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Tom Novak Mentioned the need for 2 man teams instead of 2 person teams for flags
Debe Dockins Recently being a speaker at a Rotary Club Meeting
Greg Wasmund Actually showing up at CNO lunch
Beth Duncan Losing control of sign-up clipboard last week for the KY Derby Party (fine paid by Jerry Stahley)
Anyone wearing long sleeves Today finally felt like spring and you were dressed incorrectly

Happy Bucks!

No time for happy bucks this week.