Noon Meeting News – November 22, 2016 – Dr. Tom Henderson – Youth Appreciation

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Phather Phil took the day off and got an early start on the Thanksgiving Holiday so David Ladd – our District Chaplain – offered the prayer today in his own inimitable ad-lib from-the-heart style.

Click here to see all the photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Beth Buck Tom Henderson
Chuck Cowgill Tom Henderson
Jack Durnbaugh Tom Henderson
Kensie Everhart Tom Henderson
Teresa Lonsbury Tom Henderson
Pam Miller Tom Henderson
Gabrielle Passidomo Dan Passidomo
Donna Pierron Tom Henderson
Caroline Pierron Tom Henderson
Greg Pierron Tom Henderson
Alyssa Schafer Tom Henderson
Kim Scoville Vince Reidy
Arnab Shaw Tom Henderson
Shreya Shaw Tom Henderson
Shruti Shaw Tom Henderson
Wanda Tapp Gail Aiken
Jeff Wolff Tom Henderson

Today’s Speaker

Dr. Tom Henderson introduced the Centerville High School Principal and unit principals (someone quipped “Who’s minding the store”.) After brief remarks about today’s recognition awards, he introduced Teresa Lonsberry, guidance counselor who told us why Alyssa Schafer deserved recognition; next guidance counselor, Beth Buck explained why student, Caroline Pierron earned recognition; then guidance counselor, Kensey Everhardt introduced us to Shreya Shaw, our $1000.00 scholarship awardee and outstanding student. Actually, all three young ladies had impressive credentials and deserved the awards they received as well as the standing ovation.

Larry ended meeting 5 minutes early per Bob Burkman, this permits a future 5-minute overrun???

Birthdays This Week

Matt Towne November 23
Suzanne Albert November 24

Membership Anniversaries

Name Month Day Year # Years
 Bill  Defries November 23 2004 12
 Jesse  Lightle November 28 2006 10

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Pam Miller Mike Bevis Third Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Jerry Stahley said no one had been bad so there would be no fines, hard to believe

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Jerry Stahley Granddaughter, Ava elected president of Cline Elementary Optimist club, 5th grade
Greg Fay Assert adopt a family has 25 families in need of assistance, most are single parents; and stakes on the OSU Michigan game $5.00
Bob Burkman Daughter’s 52nd birthday, she is brain cancer survivor
Charles Goodwin $5000.00 bounty for 1st grandchild and for having been on a safari to Zimbabwe
Melissa Lucas LCNB photos with Santa and Mrs. Santa and help with that project.
Beth Lybrook Cheering on the Buckeyes
Bob Lawson Rooting for OSU
Vince Reidy Having his daughter as guest
Julie Walling Noeth Went on delayed honeymoon to Germany and for her daughter’s marriage last year.
Pat Behn $ 2.00 for OSU and raised stakes with Greg Fay
Ron Weir Offering WSU basketball tickets