Noon Meeting News – November 7, 2017 – Gunnery Sergeant Chris Bussler

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father we are nearing our favorite times of the year, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thank You for blessing us and our country at these times Lord. Christmas of course is our best holiday and is one of our fun times to bring Christmas cheer to our community. Help us to pass on the love of Your son by showing our love to all the people we meet. We stand in judgement all the days of our lives by what we say and do. May our talking and doing always be in harmony with You. Amen!

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Chris Bussler Speaker
Wendy Bussler Speaker’s Wife
Tim Devine Mike Bevis
Robby Johnson Greg Griffin
Rhonda Meeker Mike Bevis
Anna Sexton Jesse Gaither

Today’s Speaker

Debe Dockins introduced our speaker, Gunnery Sergeant Christian Bussler, retired USMC. Sgt. Bussler comes from a long line of military in his family. He joined the Marine Corp reserves after high school. In Dec 2002 his unit was activated to Kuwait, his first tour of duty. On his second tour he suffered severe injuries but considers himself lucky to be alive. On his third tour he was assigned to a mortuary affairs unit where he initiated starching and ironing the flag on each coffin. This, he believes, shows proper respect for the deceased soldier. In order to conquer his demons upon coming home he has written a book. Sgt. Bussler received a standing ovation.


Member Birthday
Laurie Poeppelman November 07
Paul Webendorfer November 07
Kenneth Irwin November 09
Dean Heyne November 10
Stephanie Catanzaro November 10
Bryan Link November 11
Gary Aiken November 11
Kelly George November 12

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Bob Vogt November 8 11/08/2005 12

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Nancy Anderson Jack Anderson 2nd reading
Sonny Singhvi Greg Fay 2nd reading
Mercedes Franklin Jesse Gaither 2nd reading
Shelby DiPasquale Jack Anderson 2nd reading
Ryan Fay Greg Fay 2nd reading
Stephanie Catanzaro Chris Mc Alpine 3rd reading
Anna Sexton Jesse Gaither 3rd reading
Sharon Silverberg Robin Golden 3rd reading
Robert Johnson Greg Griffin 3rd reading
Patrick Arehart Diane Arehart Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Donna Huss Impersonating the CNO president
Kelly George Scott Langer
Judge Jim Long Didn’t contest a write in by Joe Madden of another club’s member.
Heather Kuth Welcome back

Happy Bucks!

Member  Reason
Heather Kuth $5 for a full signup sheet
Jesse Gaither Both kids got straight A’s
Sue and Mike Brubaker Son’s wedding
Melissa DeShurko Daughter’s upcoming wedding
Mary Madden Joe playing poker, she has house to herself all afternoon
Dan Beck Successor Gary Hansen
Scott Langer Moved his company from Dayton Mall to Austin Landing
Tom Novak For Patrick Arehart’s computer skills