Noon Meeting News – October 17, 2017 – Robert J. O’Toole EMT Firefighter Award Presentation

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father you have brought us to the place you wanted us to be. Help us to do your good works. The more we do the happier we become and the more we see to do. So it stands to reason, if we want to be happy we need to do something for someone else. Happiness is contagious and is passed around and it comes back to us. We know that happiness is planting a seed where a flower will grow. Be with us Lord, as we plant
seeds of happiness. Amen!

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Patrick Arehart Diane Arehart
Caitlynn Covey Honoree Guest
Robby Johnson Jesse Gaither
Tom Kendo District Governor
Scott Kujawa Bill Gaul
Jay McAlpine Chris McAlpine
Rhonda Meeker Mike Bevis
Joyce Miller Gary Miller
John O’Toole Bob Burkman
Ruth O’Toole Bob Burkman
Anna Sexton Greg Griffin
Brandon Strunk Honoree
Jim Tremlett Pat Behn
Linda Tremlett Pat Behn

Today’s Speaker

Today’s meeting was the annual presentation of the Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter Award.  The 2017 recipient of this award, that is given in honor of Bob O’Toole, who lost his life in 1998 in the line of duty, is Brandon Strunk.  Bob Burkman provided everyone with background on the award and then asked Gary Anderson to come to the podium and speak about “Bobby” O’Toole – who was a student at CHS when Gary was West Unit Principal.  Then Chief Bill Gaul, came to the podium and introduced Brandon Strunk to a lengthy standing ovation from the audience that included Bob O’Toole’s parents. Here is more information about Bob O’Toole and the award:

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Member Birthday
Renee Glenn October 17
Greg Griffin October 19
Gary Anderson October 20

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Karen Sirmans October 21 10/21/2008 9
Laurie Poeppelman October 22 10/22/2003 14
Liz Fultz October 22 10/22/2015 2
Robert Foster October 22 10/22/2003 14

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Jay McAlpine Chris McAlpine 2nd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Bob Duffy Sitting at the birthday table when it was not his birthday
Stan Fronzaglia Stealing birthday treats from the birthday table
Jean Pummill Fined $1 to retrieve her folder left behind at Yankee Trace from last week’s meeting
Chris McAlpine Reading details from his own father’s application for the second reading
Gary Miller Spelling error in the Haunted Trail brochure
Bob Burkman Showing up new president of only 2 weeks
Gary Miller Asking for trail volunteers

Happy Bucks!

Member Name Reason
John Kalaman 2 Happy Bucks for Paula who is halfway through her cancer treatments
Blanca Ortiz Abbey Credit Union Free Seminar
Greg Griffin Thanks to Evelyn for cleaning all the CNO badges for the first time in who-knows-how-long