Noon Meeting News – October 31, 2017 – Scott Royal – Haunted Ohio

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father you know what gets us into trouble. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so! We are a stiff necked people at times. We are stuck in concrete on what we believe is gospel. We have all lived with mountaintop and valley experiences and I’m convinced we have learned more in the valleys cause that’s where the fertilizers is. Let us learn from our valley experiences so we can change our attitude and led a better life and be open to You wisdom. Make our minds like a parachute Lord, they need to be open before it will do us any good. Amen!

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Patrick Arehart Diane Arehart
Mason Hutton Jesse Gaither
Deb Joseph Mike Bevis
Scott Paulson Jesse Lightle
Scott Royal Speaker
Anna Sexton Jesse Gaither

Today’s Speaker

Debe Dockins introduced our speaker from Centerville Washington Township Library, Scott Royal. Scott talked mostly about “Haunted Ohio”, saying that ghost interest is pervasive in our society with books, movies and TV shows on the subject. There are 3 types of sightings, 1 is intelligent where the ghost tries to communicate with the living, 2 is residual where an action by the ghost is repeated over and over, 3 is poltergeist where the ghost attaches to a family member, often a child. Scott talked of ghost phenomena at Victory theater, Patterson homestead, the downtown Courthouse, Air Force museum, Amber Rose restaurant and Sinclair college. Happy Halloween.


Member Birthday
Cheryl Reichel November 01
Deb Saunders November 01
Robin Golden November 04
Andrew Mckenzie November 06
Charlie Tapp November 06

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Carrie Million November 3 11/03/2015 2
Denver Cottle November 3 11/03/2015 2
Evelyn Griffin November 3 11/03/2015 2
Sam Pfabe November 3 11/03/2015 2
Steve Blake November 3 11/03/2015 2
Tony Lombardo November 3 11/03/2015 2

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Nancy Anderson Jack Anderson 1st reading
Sonny Singhvi Greg Fay 1st reading
Mercedes Franklin Jesse Gaither 1st reading
Shelby DiPasquale Jack Anderson 1st reading
Ryan Fay Greg Fay 1st reading
Stephanie Catanzaro Chris Mc Alpine 2nd reading
Diane Arehart Patrick Arehart 2nd reading
Anna Sexton Jesse Gaither 2nd reading
Sharon Silverberg Robin Golden 2nd reading
Michael Laughter Vince Reidy 2nd reading
Robert Johnson Greg Griffin 2nd reading
Jay Mc Alpine Chris Mc Alpine Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Jerry Stahley for Beth Lybrook No single bills
Tom Henderson for Gary Miller Miscount of Haunted Trail numbers
Jesse Gaither Killing pets joke
Debe Dockins Guest speaking about Parks was a Rotarian
Mary Madden Cow Bell broken last week?
Evelyn Griffin Making paper airplanes during speech
Charlie Tapp Car parked wrong
Christine Balsan Late
Roberta Taylor Long time absent
Dan Beck Feeding steaks to hungry dogs???

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Bob Duffy Wearing OSU tie
Charlie Goodwin Granddaughter 1st birthday and winner of $5,000 for being 1st grandchild born to family
Bill Stone Being completely retired
Dan Beck Stepping down as chair of Will Cale scholarship committee but very happy Gary Hansen is taking the role