Noon Meeting News – September 19, 2017 – President’s Awards and Check Presentation to Dayton Children’s Hospital

Phather Phil’s Prayer

This week – instead of leading our prayer – Phather Phil is in need of our prayers…  

Phather Phil had a biopsy on his bladder Monday and is home resting.  We hope to see him soon with prayers for better days. Bob Burkman read the prayer from the Phather Phil Prayer Book it was one of Phil’s, with an addition of a prayer for Phil himself.

Photos from the meeting

Special thanks to Bob Collins who served as Photographer this week!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Bill Berry Judy DeMarco
Adam Blanchard Dayton Children’s Hospital
Stephanie Catanzaro Chris McAlpine
Jim Elam Judy DeMarco
Mike Houser Judy DeMarco
Craig Kigar Pat Behn
Franki Meier Dayton Children’s Hospital
Megan Titus Barbara Santo
Lisa Elam Tucker Judy DeMarco
William Ward Judy DeMarco

Today’s Speaker

Mike Bevis introduced Donna Huss and Bob Foster, praising them for the success of our annual golf outing, we raised over $33,000.00. Mike presented check for $11,000 from our golf outing proceeds to Adam Blanchard of Dayton Children’s Medical Center. Our club also presented Dayton Children’s with an additional check for $5,000 toward our commitment to the new tower at Dayton Children’s.  Mr. Blanchard thanked us sincerely and stated that prior to today’s donations,  Dayton Children’s had received over $133,000 from the Centerville Noon Optimist Club – WOW! Mary and Joe Madden presented Perfect Attendance pins and Awards. President Larry Lynde recognized Committee Chairs and presented several other awards to noteworthy members of the club for their efforts in 2016-2017.


Member Birthday
Bill DeFries September 19
Reba Hurst September 20
Willard Cale September 20
Harry Bossey September 22
Gregory Smith September 25
Don Wildenhaus September 25
Diane Arehart September 26
Evelyn Griffin September 26
Ken Kujawa September 27
Heather Kuth September 27
Roy Barclay October 01

Perfect Attendance Awards 2016-17

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Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Bill Gaul September 20 09/20/2016 1
Bill Williams September 20 09/20/1993 24
Cliff Brahm September 20 09/20/2016 1
Dennis Glidden September 20 09/20/2005 12
Jeff Gray September 20 09/20/2016 1
Karen Kyler September 20 09/20/2016 1
Mike Houser September 20 09/20/2016 1
Neil Shafer September 20 09/20/2016 1
Rick Schmidt September 20 09/20/2016 1
Tad Parks September 20 09/20/2016 1
Bob Collins September 21 09/21/2014 3
Steve Campbell September 22 09/22/2009 8
Bob Vogt September 24 09/24/2005 12
Ken Irwin September 25 09/25/2012 5
Mike Wall September 26 09/26/1995 22
Ron Weir September 26 09/26/1995 22
Steve Walker September 28 09/28/1998 19
Anita Foster-Polizzi September 29 09/29/2015 2
John Powell September 29 09/29/1999 18
Steven Burkman September 29 09/29/2015 2
Brooks Compton September 30 09/30/1994 23
Charlie Goodwin September 30 09/30/2008 9
Denise O’Neil September 30 09/30/1994 23
Don Wildenhaus September 30 09/30/1997 20
Karl Frydryk October 1 10/01/1988 29
Mike Fanelli October 2 10/02/2003 14

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Stephanie Catanzaro Chris McAlpine 1st reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Fred Polizzi Loosing a golf club sock, accused of wearing it (it smelled)
Chris Mc Alpine Chris wearing a suit-acceptable, Larry Lynde dressed casual- unacceptable
Barbara Santos Doing an excellent job with the birthday table
Blanca Ortiz Photo of her in Cox Media ad, no pin
All incoming board members Not wearing pins

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Nancy Lehren Grateful to Judy DeMarco and Sue Brubaker for taking her to the hospital last week after a fall.
Joe Madden Club check probably bounce
Kelly Stone Awesome president Larry Lynde
Myron Rheaume New banner for CNO as best Optimist club in world
Blanca Ortiz September 16th, Mexico Independence Day
Larry Lynde For Chris McAlpine as incoming president
Paul Stull Has meds fit for man or beast???