Optimist International Foundation and TOP Optimist Club

Bob Burkman’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, April Fool’s Day passed yesterday without much notice on my part. I think I may have outgrown pranks like toothpaste filled Oreo cookies. I do enjoy the good-natured foolishness that accompanies this weekly Optimist meeting. We all must enjoy being here because attendance remains high. 

I pray for your help in preventing us from making foolish decisions. Prevent us from showing annoyance, from being rude, impatient, confrontational, or self-centered. Instead, help us use Your wisdom to live by the tenants of our Optimist Creed.

In your name we pray.


Co-President Elyse Higgins

Today the President of the TOP Optimist Club, Elyse Higgins, shared emcee duties with CNO president Joan Cordonnier. They switched back and forth using the microphone. For example, they alternated who read the names for membership anniversaries and birthdays.

Elyse, you did a great job today and we see why you are president of the TOP Optimist Club!


  • Erin Laurito announced for the Got Talent Contest that they have 28 entries. There is room for two more entries.
  • Carol Smerz for Donna Huss announced that there will be a NOW event at the St Leonard on April 18, 2024, from 2-4 PM to help recruit new members. It will be held at the Station House. She invited CNO members to stop by the event and if you like you can help with recruitment.
  • Jane Fiehrer announced that the 2024 Visual Arts contest is open until April 15, 2024. Let young people and parents of young people know about the contest for drawings and paintings. Details are on the website.

Optimist International Foundation Update

Bill Stone, the CNO representative for the Optimist International Foundation (OIF) discussed the OIF which is about “Helping Optimists Help Kids.”

OIF is a partner organization to OI. Most clubs and Optimist International are not 501 (c)(3) organizations, but OIF is. A service OIF provides is the pass-through grant program. This lets individuals and companies donate to CNO through the OIF and then the funds are fully tax deductible.

Additionally, OIF can be used for club campaign funds for future charitable projects. It is a savings account for Optimist Clubs and currently earns 3% interest.

You can view the slide deck of Bill’s presentation here.

OIF Mission Statement

Seeking, receiving, and managing funds and real personal property for the benefit of Optimist International and its Member Clubs in its charitable, literary, and educational activities.

How Does OIF Support Optimist International and Its Clubs?

  • They provide scholarships to all Optimist Districts for the top places for Oratorical, Essay and CCDHH contests.
  • For the World Oratorical Championship, they provide scholarships to the Regional Winners and to the winners of the National U.S. and International Contestants.
  • They provide significant funding for Junior Optimist International programs.
  • They support the Junior Optimist Golf Program.
  • They assist OI with marketing, produce the magazine, send mailings and other services.

How Does OIF Support OI Clubs?

  • Club Grants: $250 – $1000 grant for new projects, (more information at oifoundation.org)
  • Childhood Health and Wellness Matching Grants: $250 – $1000 grants for projects related to the four focus areas of Healthy lifestyles, chronic illness, mental health, disabilities
  • Disaster Relief Grant: $1,000 grants for clubs to work in their communities after natural disasters. Contact Cheryl Brenn at OI for more information.

Club Resources Provided by OIF

  • Pass through Grant program
    • Allows donors to receive tax deduction benefits while making donations to your club
    • Easy Application Process
    • Quick turnaround of funds back to your club
  • Club Campaign fund
    • Great vehicle for clubs to accumulate funds for future charitable projects
    • 3% simple interest prorated over the year
    • Quarterly reporting
    • Easy withdrawals

Sources of Funding for OIF to Support Its Ongoing Projects

  • Club fines and 50/50 raffles are donated to OIF
  • Member Donations
  • Club Donations
  • Endowments and Sponsorships
  • Outside Revenue
  • Investment Resources

About OI Foundation Donations and Levels

You can donate online using oifoundation.org.

The base donation level is Dime-a-Day which is $36.50 per year. Our club only has ten people who have donated for the 2023-2024 year. Bill’s goal is 50% of CNO members donate to at least Dime-a-Day.

The Presidents Club is for gifts of $250 or more. If you have donated in the past at this level you can just go online and easily give again. Bill said that he is more than willing to do the paper form for you if this is your first time donating to the Presidents Club.

For $10,000 or more in lifetime total and $1000/year ongoing to the Optimist International Foundation you are then part of the William H. Harrison Society.

Note that you can make the OIF a recipient in your will.

Remember that your CNO Club dues are almost entirely used to support your club, the district and Optimist International. The money Optimist International receives goes mostly for liability insurance. Note that this insurance is much cheaper than it would be if we were not part of a large worldwide organization.

Thank You

Thank you, Bill Stone, for educating us about the services of the Optimist International Foundation and how we can help.

TOP Optimist Club Update

Craig Dring facilitates the TOP Optimist Club of which he is very passionate. The TOP Optimist Club is a stand-alone club comprised mostly of members who participated in TOP Soccer. They came up with the name “TOP Optimist Club” since they all like participating in TOP Soccer.

Craig thinks of the TOP Optimist Club members as being ambassadors for CNO. One of the benefits of the club is the interaction between typical folks and special needs folks.

You can view the great the pictures Craig showed during the meeting here.

About the TOP Optimist Club

  • It was chartered on June 14, 2021, under the Optimist International Special Needs Club pilot program.
  • They are an adult Optimist Club just like CNO.
  • They currently have 26 members.
  • They meet the second Monday of each month at RecPlex West. Thanks to Mark Metzger and Mike Thonnerieux at the Washington Township for providing the space and for always supporting TOP Optimists.
  • TOP soccer and TOP Optimist Club are two different organizations.

In Just Their First Three Years Craig is Proud of Their Accomplishments

  • A carwash raised $872 for the Cure Starts Now. This was their first fundraiser.
  • They purchased an Adaptive Wheelchair for the RecPlex pool.
  • They purchased 50 Soccer balls for the TOP Soccer program.
  • They made 40 “Tie Blankets” for the Dayton Women’s shelter with the JOI kids from the Ohio District.
  • Annual Holiday Poinsettia Sales are done. Thank you to the numerous CNO members that have supported this. Profit from the 2023 sales was $1,300 and they are deciding what to do with the funds.
  • They have held a NOW Event at the A-frame at RecPlex

The TOP Optimists Participate in Almost all CNO Events

  • They help unload trees on Tree Lot Delivery Day.
  • They pass out candy at the Easter Egg Hunt.
  • They ride on the float for the Americana Parade.
  • They have their own booth at Kids Day in the Park where they have a soccer ball kicking station.
  • They have a station on the Haunted Trail named “Creepy Campers.”
  • They pass water out at the Fishing Derby.

Typical TOP Optimist Meeting

  • It is very similar to a CNO lunch meeting.
  • They meet between 6 PM and 7 PM on the second Monday of each month at RecPlex West.
  • Elyse Higgins is the current president and calls the meeting to order by ringing the bell and then they recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • They have time for “Meet the Member.”
  • They have time for “Creed Line Thoughts.”
  • They always eat Pizza, cookies and have time for fellowship.
  • The Secretary (Katie) ends the meeting with the Optimist Creed.

Notes About Meetings

Craig Dring told us that one member that he thought was non-verbal wanted to be part of “Meet the Member.” This person spoke for five minutes describing his family and hobbies.

Elyse Higgins has tapped Craig Dring on the back many times to get his attention to tell him that she loves being an Optimist.

Each month they take one line from the Optimist Creed and spend about ten minutes discussing what it means to themselves and others.

They always have pizza and cookies and really enjoy the fellowship.

Thank You

Craig gave a special thank you to Greg and Evelyn Griffin and Andy Higgins for being at every meeting and event. He said he knows they find this work just as rewarding as he does.

Craig gave a big thank you to CNO members for being so welcoming and kind to TOP Optimist members at all the CNO events. It makes him proud to be a member of CNO. He said CNO members are always welcome to come out and visit their meetings and enjoy pizza and fun with the TOP Optimist Club.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Andrew NathanRoland Rapp
Byron WadeRon Thompson
Craig GilmoreBob Myers
Elyse HigginsAndy Higgins
Lori HorstmanStan Fronzaglia
Mike NewkirkFred Polizzi
Perry SandlewickMike Bevis

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Jessie KuhnMike Bevis1st Reading
Byron WadeRon Thompson1st Reading
Andrew NathanRoland Rapp1st Reading
Vicki ThompsonRon Thompson2nd Reading
Mike NewkirkFred Polizzi2nd Reading

Happy Bucks

Paul StullTook care of a dog that ate some letters from a Scrabble game. He told the owners, “It looks like this spells TROUBLE.”
Megan Dalton$2, Her parents have sold their house  in Springboro and are heading to Sarasota, Florida to retire. She is extremely happy that they are doing what they want and she will miss them.
Tim ClemmerBob Myer’s “identical twin” guest is the one who really has the good looks.
Debby MooreThe hospital was able to help her husband after a massive heart attack last week and he is recovering.
Blanca CrinerShe invited us to attend a Beavercreek Optimist Club meeting with the Greene Optimist Club.
Maha Kashani$2, The Egg Hunt was a great success last Saturday and happy Tuesday everybody.
Joan Cordonnier$5, Elyse Higgins was a great co-president today. Her Mother-in-law is getting out of Bethany rehab. Daughter started a new job. The Egg Hunt was successful. Got her water bottle back from Emily Duke that she left at the Egg Hunt.
Nancy LehrenAs a Boy Scout leader, Mike Fanelli helped her son Scott earn his Eagle Scout badge. Scott is now a Cub Scout leader for his son’s den.

Sergeants at Arms

Mike BevisHe said to a sergeant, “Make it a good deal or maybe steal the bell from our illustrious president.”
Greg GriffinIntentionally called Barbara Santo “Barb” just for the reaction.
Art HungAddressed the card containing a Sunshine Committee Build-a-Bear gift card to Cameron Langer instead of the baby’s father, Jack Langer.
Karen Collins and Bob Collins$1 each. Fined Bob for wearing tennis shoes that are too bright. Fined Karen for not approving of her husband’s tennis shoes. The sergeant’s sword cuts in both directions!
Dave KayHe was too particular in selecting his 50/50 ticket.
Mike Thonnerieux and Mike FanelliThe two were chatting and holding up the line for name tags and 50/50 tickets. Maybe the sergeants need an air horn to keep the line moving smoothly.
Chris McAlpineHe said to a sergeant, “Hold on, I have to talk to these knuckleheads over here.”
Kelly StoneTaking the rest of the cauliflower right before Debe Dockins could get some. Debe loves cauliflower.

Membership Anniversaries

Cindy HarrisApril 2, 20186
Nick TarkanyApril 2, 20186
Greg FayApril 3, 201410
Greg GriffinApril 3, 201410
Sharon BakerApril 4, 20231
Ginger RossApril 4, 20231
Sam RoutsongApril 4, 20231
Mike ThonnerieuxApril 4, 20231
Lyla WardApril 4, 20231
Ira ThomsenApril 5, 199133
Vince ReidyApril 5, 20168
Dan SamiecApril 6, 201014


Ira ThomsenApril 5
Roland RappApril 5
Andy HarmonApril 6
Mike ThonnerieuxApril 6
Bob ClementsApril 7
McKenzie MorinApril 7
Scott HertensteinApril 7
Mike NewkirkApril 7

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received this week

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes we received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here