Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award Presented to Tyler Foust

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Bob Burkman’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the brave firefighters and emergency medical technicians that serve our community. We thank them for their selfless untiring duty and for the gifts they have given, often with their very lives. We pray that you give Your strength, power and wisdom to these brave men and women who protect us. May we as Optimists never forget to honor their sacrifice.



Haunted Trail Thank Yous

Gail Aiken, chair of the Haunted Trail committee, gave special thanks to Denise O’Neil for handling communications and getting middle school kids lined up. She gave special thanks to Mike Cordonnier for organizing the High School kids who worked hard to get the Haunted Trail setup and built as well as updating sets. She gave special thanks to Kelly Stone for getting the University Dayton Optimist Club members to come to help with the trail. She said thanks to anyone who has helped in any way with the 2024 Haunted Trail!

Advisors Needed for Junior Optimist Clubs at Elementary Schools

Kelly Stone announced that she needs volunteers to facilitate clubs at Normandy, John Hole and Weller. Contact Kelly Stone for more details. She assured us the job is easy!

Adopt-a-Family 2024

Christy Gariety and Sue Jessee announced that Adopt-a-Family signups are now available. The school has given CNO a list of 50 families to help. Sign up online for one or more children using the Member Calendar. The wish lists will be distributed in November. Gift value should be $75. Gifts should be wrapped and labeled. If you prefer, you can send Christy a check for $75 and a volunteer will shop for you and wrap your gifts.

Donation Requests Approved by the Board of Directors

Paul Boeckman announced the donation requests approved on October 14, 2024.

  • $500, CHS Octagon Club (the H.S. version of an Optimist Club)
  • $600, Weller Elementary Reading Challenge
  • $1000, Primary Village South PTO Winterfest fundraiser
  • $2500, USO Children’s Holiday Party

Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award

Gary Anderson and Bob Burkman have jointly chaired the EMT/Firefighter of the Award for several years.

The following is from Bob Burkman:

Twenty-six years ago, in the early morning hours of January 12, 1998, Centerville Police Officer John Kalaman, age 29, and Washington Township Firefighter Robert O’Toole, age 25 and Firefighter Chuck Arnold, responded to a single car accident on I-675 at Wilmington Pike. After the passenger in the accident was put in a transport vehicle, Bob O’Toole, his partner Chuck Arnold, and John Kalaman returned to the crash vehicle to disconnect the battery.

Another vehicle lost control on the black iced highway, crossed the median, and struck the three men. John Kalaman, a five-year Centerville Police Department veteran was killed instantly. Bob O’Toole, who had been with the Township Fire Department for four years, and his partner Charles Arnold were Care Flighted to Miami Valley Hospital.

Bob O’Toole died in the Emergency Room. His partner Chuck Arnold luckily survived, but with severe injuries.

John Kalaman was the first police officer Centerville had lost in the line of duty and the Washington Township Fire Department had not lost a firefighter since 1955.

Each year since 1998, the Centerville Noon Optimists have awarded the Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award to “honor those in our community who unselfishly give of themselves in service of others.”

The Trifold on your table tells you something of Bob’s life. It describes the event, lists the past honorees, gives a short bio of this year’s honoree Tyler Foust and credits the late Optimist Terry Blair’s influence in establishing this award.

Click to view the Tri-Fold Brochure of the 2024 Robert O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award.

This is the 27th time CNO has presented this award.

Gary Anderson Remembers Robert J. O’Toole

The following is from Gary Anderson:

  • Bobby was a special little boy who I and others couldn’t help but love. I had the good fortune of being Bobby’s principal K-4; and again 9-12
  • Bobby was born March 2, 1972, in Teaneck, New Jersey to parents John and Ruth
  • 2 brothers and 2 sisters – Ruthie here?
  • Kindergarten at Village South Started on August 30, 1977
  • K-4 at PVS; 5th grade at Stingley August 31, 1982
  • Tower Heights Middle School
  • CHS West Unit Freshman in August 1986; graduated June 2, 1990
  • Bob was identified with a learning disability after being referred by his first-grade teacher
  • Like so many students identified with a learning disability, Bobby had above average intelligence on School Ability Tests given in 2nd and 5th grades
  • His first-grade teacher once commented “Bob is very shy around strangers, is anxious to read, and reads a lot at home. Because of his short attention span he does not complete most assignments.”
  • His 4th grade teacher once wrote on his report card “Robert needs to pay more attention in class and keep up with his daily assignments. I feel he is much more capable than his work indicates. Bob does not do daily assignments and does not know his multiplication tables. Needs to use class time wisely.”
  • In November 1986 Bob took the Ohio Interest Survey Profile which showed his best liked career interest was humanitarian/caretaking; favorite subject was Social Studies.
  • Bobby O’Toole gave his life in the line of duty doing what he loved and wanted to do on January 12, 1998.

Award Recipient Tyler Foust

This year’s recipient is Tyler Foust. He was presented a plaque and his name will be added to the plaque at the Washington Township Fire Department headquarters.

Tyler is the 27th person to receive this award.

Today, Tyler Foust was joined at his table at lunch today by:

  • Emily Foust, Tyler’s wife
  • Ruth O’Toole, Robert O’Toole’s mother
  • Nick Bergman, Fire Chief
  • Troy Bonfield, Deput Chief
  • Phil Jones, Maintenance Supervisor
  • Mike Thonnerieux, Washington Township Administrator
  • Gary Smiga, Washington Township Fiscal Officer

About Tyler Foust from Fire Chief Nick Bergman

Gary Anderson introduced Fire Chief and last year’s EMT Award recipient, Nick Bergman, who presented the award to Tyler Foust.

The following is from Fire Chief Nick Bergman:

Thank you to CNO for hosting the award. As a past award winner myself, I am humbled by the opportunity to present this year’s winner.

This year’s firefighter of the year is a little different than award winners of the past. Mainly in that he is not a firefighter. Instead, he serves an extremely vital role to ensure the effectiveness of the fire department day in and day out.

Tyler Foust serves as shop foreman and emergency vehicle technician for the Washington Township Fire Department. His role is vital to the success of the fire department’s operations by ensuring that the fire apparatus and medic units are well maintained and reliable so that our firefighters can respond to emergencies. His typical work week is filled with preventative maintenance activities along with completing urgent repairs while working through the many highly technical systems that exist on today’s emergency vehicles. Tyler also conducts vehicle and equipment safety inspections along with completing annual pump and ground ladder testing on all fire apparatus. In his over 21 years with Washington Township, Tyler has been an excellent resource for the fire department, and it is well known throughout the ranks that he is the go-to person when it comes to vehicle issues. Tyler also serves on the fire apparatus and medic specification and purchasing committees, ensuring that vehicles purchased will function well for the department. Aside from all these items, he works hard to build his knowledge through additional education and certifications in ASE and EVT.

Over the past year, Tyler has not only continued to manage the numerous responsibilities of shop foreman, but also stepped up to cover the responsibilities of the senior maintenance supervisor while he was on extended leave. In this role, Tyler managed everything from daily scheduling and repairs, purchasing of all needed parts, supplies and other materials, and ensuring all jobs from all departments were completed on time. He also excelled as a team leader, ensuring that all team members stayed on task. Tyler kept the shop functioning as it should, keeping the fleet in service, managing budgeting and quotes for large purchases, and ensuring department supervisors were informed and updated on projects. Through it all, he maintained his typically professional, calm and friendly manner.

Tyler was recently awarded Washington Township’s 2024 Annual Employee Award of Excellence for demonstrating true leadership while ensuring that daily operations continued as usual through a very difficult time.

Tyler Foust – Recipient

Tyler Foust said, “Thanks, it is a great honor to be able to accept this award and it’s awesome to be able to work with great people every day and serve the community. Thank you again very much.”

Ruth O’Toole – Robert O’Toole’s Mother

Ruth O’Toole said, “I just want to thank everybody for this award that I’ve helped present in the last 25 years and for the whole community still remembering my son after all this time.”

Quote of the Week

“Life is short, Break the Rules. Forgive quickly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret ANYTHING That makes you smile.” -Mark Twain

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
David WiedmeyerMike Creech
Emily FoustProgram
Josh SamplesMike Thonnerieux
Nick BergmanProgram
Phil JonesProgram
Ruth O’TooleProgram
Susan VassJulie Walling-Noeth
Troy BonfieldProgram
Tyler FoustAward Recipient
Matt BrownMike Yoder

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Susan VassJulie Walling Noeth2nd Reading
Tom ConroyDenise Green2nd Reading
David WiedmeyerMike Creech2nd Reading

Happy Bucks

Mike Creech$6, His daughter is having his sixth grandchild soon.
Jule WallingHer third grandson was just born for a total of six.
Sam RoutsongJust got engaged to a woman who has lived in Centerville her whole life. The engagement party was at the funeral home, but he has assured her that the wedding and reception will not be.
Joan CordonnierShe had two skin spots removed that were both benign. She said to make sure you are getting checked regularly.
Debe Dockins$5, She had the  honor of installing the President and VP of the TOP Optimist Club for 2024-2025.
Mike BevisGary Anderson did a fine job with today’s presentation as usual. Fran Sheehan found a book of Mark Twain’s quotes for Mike to give to Gary Anderson.
Tom NovakThere will be a flag assembly party next week.
Craig Dring$5 to the Dickerson Family Erin, Andy, Colton, Nora and Gwen for making and serving the food at the awesome TOP Optimist Club Officer Installation Dinner last night. Thank you to Debe Dockins for doing the installations. Thank you to CNO for the support given to the TOP Optimist Club.
Scott SowderHe appreciates all the well wishes he received for his successful open heart surgery.
Ellie ParkerFor Art Hung picking her up when she falls and for Larry Lynde helping to get her plate of food.
Debby MooreShe is celebrating 8th wedding anniversary with Scott.
Tim ClemmerHis wife Christy is about to retire and join him in his retirement.
Gail AikenShe is ready to turn the Haunted Trail over to Debe Dockins. Gail has been involved since 1990.
Mike YoderMike said he is so thankful to be part of this wonderful CNO club.
Larry LyndeHe thanked Gail Aiken for all the hard work she has done for the Haunted Trail.
Larry LyndeHe thanked Debe Dockins for stepping up to chair the Haunted Trail starting in 2025.
Paul BoeckmanThanks for everyone who sat with him at the hair club for men table today.

Sergeants at Arms

Paul BoeckmanHad a typo for the wrong date for the Haunted Trail in the President’s Notes.
Mike YoderIt has been too long since he attended a meeting.
Greg FayIt has been too long since he attended a meeting.
Anne KohlsShe had hole-in-one and we just now found out.

Club Membership Anniversaries

Keith MeyerOctober 16, 201311
Dennis DockinsOctober 16, 20213
Anne KohlsOctober 16, 20213
McKenzie MorinOctober 16, 20213
Jackie PowellOctober 16, 20213
Jean PummillOctober 17, 201212
Aaron CampbellOctober 20, 200915
Steve CampbellOctober 20, 200915
Tom HendersonOctober 20, 200915
Monty ZinckOctober 20, 200915
Evelyn GriffinOctober 21, 20159
Carrie MillionOctober 21, 20159


Wes CleavesOctober 15
Craig DringOctober 16
Renee GlennOctober 17
Bernita DaleyOctober 18
Carol MaysOctober 18
Greg GriffinOctober 19
Gary AndersonOctober 20

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to See the Thank You Notes We Received This Week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

CLICK HERE to see the PowerPoint Slides from this week’s meeting

CLICK HERE to see the photos taken at the meeting

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