Sons of the American Revolution and Member Guessing Game

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Today’s prayer is modified from a prayer used in Illustrated Ministries Lovingkindness Compassion Camp.

God of compassion,

We are all different. We speak different languages, we have different customs, foods, faiths, and families. We are all different, and we are all worthy of love. Help us to share compassion with the world as all people are precious to You.



  • Karen Charnesky, chair of the Americana Festival booth, announced that she is looking for volunteers to help with the booth. You do not have to sign up for all day, there are two-hour shifts. Signup online on the Member Calendar.
  • Beth Duncan announced that Safetyvile Square is going well. They need more adult volunteers to be there just in case a child has an issue. Contact Katie Calloway to help. This is an easy volunteer request. We mainly just need a representative to be at Primary Village South from 7:30-1:30 Monday through Thursday beginning June 13-June 29th. You can volunteer for a partial day, one day or multiple days. We need someone mostly to be available in case a child gets hurt or doesn’t feel well and parents need to be called, and/or step in if anyone needs anything because the teachers will be busy with their own tasks.
  • Joan Cordonnier announced for Sarah Umbreit that volunteers are needed for packet pickup day and the day of for the Americana 5K run. Contact Sarah Umbreit if you would like to help or signup online on the Member Calendar.

Sons of the American Revolution

Sons of the American Revolution (Richard Montgomery Chapter of Dayton, Ohio) came to today’s lunch to honor our Avenue of Flags program. They presented CNO with a Certificate of Commendation for the Avenue of Flags program.

This article has been updated, because our special guests made a video of their visit on 6/13/2023. View the video here.

The following members attended today’s meeting and all were dressed in attire from the time of the American Revolution.

  • Lee Emerick, President
  • Steve Kaplan, Vice President
  • Scott Grigsby, Secretary
  • Alan See, Color Guard/Social Media
  • David Chadwell
  • Kevin Daniel
  • Rob Pruitt
  • Ron Helms

The group did a presentation of the colors. There were eight different flags: Betsy Ross Flag, Ohio State Flag, Army Flag, Navy Flag, Marine Flag, Air Force Flag, SAR 250th Anniversary Flag and The Richard Montgomery Flag.

After they completed their presentation, we said the Pledge of Allegiance. It felt more special than normal.

Lee Emerick, the president of the local chapter, thanked us for putting out the flags. He recently noticed all the flags in front of the Centerville Library and Centerville Police Department. He made some inquiries and found out it was CNO, and he was put in contact with President Beth Duncan who arranged today’s ceremony. He said as a member of Sons of the American Revolution, he tends to notice American Flags.

A certificate was presented to Tom Novak and Bob Burkman. There is a picture of the certificate in the link at the bottom of this article which includes all the pictures from the meeting.

The certificate was signed by chapter President Lee Emrick and the Chairman Alan See reads:

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

This Certificate of Commendation is presented to Centerville Noon Optimist Club “Avenue of Flags”. In recognition of Exemplary Patriotism in the display of the Flag of the United States of America.

June 13, 2023

Avenue of Flags Volunteers Represented

Tom Novak knew ahead of time about the Sons of the American Revolution coming today. He sent out an email encouraging volunteers to wear their flag shirts. I bet more than half of the people at the meeting were wearing the same shirt!

Thank You

Thank you to members of the Sons of the American Revolution for the ceremony and the certificate for our Avenue of Flags program. It was a special experience.

Get to Know Your Fellow Members Game

President Beth Duncan had a clever idea to help us get to know each other better while having some fun.

She had slips of papers at each seat today that said, “Get to know your fellow Optimist! Write out something people may not know about you! And see if we can guess who it is!” There was a bag to put entries in.

Beth went around the room one table at a time and pulled a slip out of the bag and read a member’s answer. Then we had to guess which person at that table matched the answer. It was a lot of fun learning all the interesting things about other members.​

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Alan SeeSAR
David ChadwellSAR
Dr. Charles OppermanJesse Gaither
Keara HattonMyron Rheaume
Kendal CookeBarbara Santo
Kevin DanielSAR
Lee EmerickSAR
Matt GoekeChris McAlpine
Nancy HensonJackie Powell
Phil SpeelmanStan Fronzaglia
Rob PruittSAR
Ron HelmsSAR
Scott GrigsbySAR
Steve KaplanSAR
Yvonne KaszubowskiRenee Glenn
Patricia JohnstonCindy Gaboury

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Dr Charles OppermanJesse GaitherInduction
Phillip SpeelmanStan Fronzaglia1st Reading
Nancy HensonJackie Powell1st Reading
Matt GoekeChris McAlpine1st Reading

Happy Bucks

Don KelleyHis mother and grandmother were both members of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Lacy OwensFinally has her Real Estate Brokers license
Scott LangerGrandson now fits in the onesie that CNO sent him – very cute picture of him was shown at today’s meeting of him in the outfit
Joan CordonnierGrandaughter is now eight years old and is just as ornery as any Cordonnier kid (she was born prematurely)
Vida McDowellToday she raised $171 with the raffle for a gift basket similar to what will be at the golf outing
Cindy GabouryHer company, Audio Etc, won the 2023 Dayton Magazine Best of Home + Design Audio/Video Category
Ellie ParkerHappy Dr. Charles Opperman is joining CNO

Sergeants at Arms

Ray DaleyKnocked over a sign by the sergeants
Stan FronzagliaDid not help Ray Daley pick up the sign that was knocked over, he just watched
Erin LauritoFined herself for not wearing her Avenue of Flags shirt as requested of flag volunteers for today’s meeting
Karl FrydrykComing in second instead of first a the Miami Valley Masters golf tournament

Membership Anniversaries

Sam PfabeJune 17, 20158
Denise GreenJune 19, 201310
Kathy LinderJune 19, 20194
Michelle TagliamonteJune 19, 20194
Wes CleavesJune 22, 199330


Charla Rheaume – June 16
Deanna Nesbit – June 16
Ron Kuker – June 19

CNO Donations – 2013 through April 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes the Club received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here