The Wall That Heals and AOF Kickoff

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

We seldom realize that each and every day we make an impact on the world around us. Sometimes those impacts are small. Sometimes they are big.  Sometimes they ripple out around us and slowly fade away. Other times they have lasting effects of a magnitude we could never imagine.

Lord, help us to be cognizant of the impacts we are making and to make an effort to ensure they are as positive as possible.


Great Ohio District of Optimist International Awards

  • Erin Laurito, pin for sponsoring her first new member
  • JoAnne Rau, pin for sponsoring her first new member
  • Dick and Sandy Stevens, pins for donating for Dime-a-Day to Optimist International Fund
  • Greg and Mindy Hoffbauer, pins for donating for Dime-a-Day to Optimist International Fund
  • Greg and Evelyn Griffin, pins for donating for Dime-a-Day to Optimist International Fund


  • Paul Boeckman announced that the Safety on Wheels program will be on May 21, 2023. A total of 18 volunteers are needed for two-hour shifts from Noon to 2 PM and 2 PM to 4 PM. Centerville Noon Optimist members will help with registration and running the different obstacle course stations. There will be raffle prizes, including new bicycles, given out throughout the event. Sign up on the website here.
  • Bob Lawson announced that the Fishing Derby will be held on June 3, 2023. There are several jobs and some jobs that do not require fishing skills. Sign up on the website here.
  • Tom Novak announced that Avenue of Flags needs many more delivery volunteers. Especially if you have a flag friendly vehicle and have some time to support our fundraiser, let Tom know! The poles are 10 foot long, so trucks, vans and other longer vehicles are great.
  • Beth Duncan said a special thanks to the Social Committee for an AWESOME night at the DERBY PARTY! Seventy people attended and it was so much fun. The food was phenomenal, and we also enjoyed Charlie Tapp’s infamous Mint Julep’s! We have these folks to thank for the party: Debe Dockins, Karl Frydryk, Charlie Tapp, Sue Brubaker, Sue Jessee, and Val Huff.
  • Beth Duncan announced that the City of Centerville Schools After-School Achievement Club Program needs volunteers from October-April on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00 at Cline Elementary. Click Here for more information.
  • Debe Dockins said that the top three photos of the CNO Photography Contest are framed and on display at the Centerville Library near the front door. Visit the Centerville Library and vote for your favorite.

Happy Birthday Beth Duncan

Today was President’s Beth Duncan’s Birthday. Bob Duffy led us on this auspicious day. It was extra loud and extra bad. Is this the first time a sitting CNO president had their birthday on a Tuesday?

Beth was adorned with a birthday sash and a birthday tiara.

Beth thought the Bell and Gavel were protected by two giant mylar birthday balloons. However, this didn’t prevent Scott Langer from stealing the bell by taking it apart and sliding the knotted balloon ribbons off.

Joan Cordonnier handed Beth a “Duncan” Hines Epic S’more Kit, and said, “Who wouldn’t want s’more Beth Duncan?”

Joe Madden gave Beth a Duncan yoyo he found buried in a drawer, and said, “As you can see it doesn’t work either.”

Joan Cordonnier announced a Mass Happy Buck for Beth’s Birthday. A massive haul was gathered for the Optimist International Foundation.

Have a great year Beth and we appreciate all the time you have donated to your club especially as our fearless President!

The Wall That Heals

Beth Duncan introduced Liz Fultz, who informed us about the The Wall That Heals, which is a traveling three-quarter size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. It is also a mobile education center and is a program of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (founders of the wall). The exhibit will be at Yankee Park located at 7500 Yankee Street.

Online Resources

From Liz Fultz:

Thanks to a generous grant from the Centerville Washington Foundation the Washington-Centerville Public Library is hosting The Wall That Heals this July. It’s traveling here at a significant time, since 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of when the U.S. removed the last combat troops from Vietnam.

The Wall by itself is 374 feet long, and this is the only traveling wall replica that comes with a Mobile Education Center. The library doesn’t have enough space to hold all of this, so the Park District has graciously agreed to partner with us and host the exhibit at Yankee Park.

There will be a motorcycle escort from Sinclair Community College on Clyo to the final site at Yankee Park on Tuesday, July 25.  The Wall will be set up on Wednesday, July 26, with it officially opening the morning of Thursday, July 27.  The exhibit will be open continuously, 24 hours a day, until it comes down on the afternoon of Sunday, July 30.  Throughout the exhibit, groups will be able to sign up to get a tour led by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund staff.

People will be coming from all over to see this exhibit. I have already received questions about it from people in Columbus.

How Can I Help? Talk It Up!

Please help spread the word so that as many people visit as possible. There is an opportunity for those who served in the war, came home, and then later died to be recognized at The Wall That Heals through the In Memory program. They can apply online at

How Can I Help? Volunteer!

In order to pull this off, we are going to need over 200 volunteers.  There are lots of jobs and Training will be provided. Sign up to volunteer here.

How Can I Help? Donate!

As I mentioned, the Centerville Washington Foundation has made it possible for us to bring The Wall here, but there are going to be other costs associated with this – programs, pencils for rubbings, vests to identify volunteers, snacks and water, chair and bench rentals, and so on.  There are sponsor flyers on your table that include information about making a donation.  If anyone is interested in making an in-kind donation, please let Debe or Liz know.

The Wall That Heals is going to be a great opportunity for our community to come together to honor those who served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.  More information is available at

Avenue of Flags Fundraiser Skit

Beth Duncan introduced Tom Novak, one of the three co-chairs of the CNO Avenue of Flags (AOF) Committee. The other co-chairs are Mike Brubaker and Bob Burkman. The five flag holidays celebrated with the delivery of flags are Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Veterans Day.

This year the committee put on a skit with these characters:

  • George Washington, performed by Bob Burkman
  • Benjamin Franklin, performed by Mike Brubaker
  • Betsy Ross, performed by Beth Duncan
  • Narrator, performed by Tom Novak

The skit was informative and funny. You can read the script here.

To learn even more facts about the Avenue of Flags fundraiser, check these previous CNOtes articles.

Additional Volunteers are Always Welcome

Let Tom Novak know if you can help with delivery or pickup of flags. Helpers go out as 2 person teams. They are very excited to get volunteers that have flag friendly vehicles like mini-vans, SUV’s and pickup trucks. If you do not own a flag friendly vehicle you can still help; you will be paired with someone who has a compatible vehicle.

Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day History

Memorial Day was originally named Decoration Day. Memorial Day started on May 30, 1865, to honor the 620,000 people who died in the Civil War. May 30th was chosen because there were no battles on that day. Memorial Day got its current official name in 1967. Currently Memorial Day is on the last Monday of May each year because of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. Signed into law on June 28, 1968, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act took effect on January 1, 1971. Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May as a tribute to the men and women currently serving in the Armed Forces.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Jill GuibersonDon Kelley
John CurranJoan Cordonnier
Mark NickleyRon Tinnerman
Patty SalmicBlanca Criner

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Karen CharneskySuzanne WertsInduction
Mark MetzgerDebe Dockins3rd Reading
Scott HertensteinMike Bevis3rd Reading
Sonja HertensteinMike Bevis3rd Reading

Happy Bucks

Mike Bevis$2, Carol Smerz and Dave Mitchell did the spring pre-check of Avenue of Flag sleeves for 230 locations on the Yankee Trace route.
Tom NovakTo all the helpers that performed the spring pre-check of Avenue of Flag sleeves.
Ron TinnermanScott Langer is no longer a sergeant.
Gail AikenGrandson Ben Seeley came in first for the JV team in the shot put during the GWOC meet.
Mike CreechDaughter Julie was promoted to Major in USAF. Mike and his wife Sue were able to attend the promotion ceremony and pinned her oak leaf on her.
Gary AndersonGrandson is being celebrated at the Dayton’s Dragons where he’ll get to run the bases and the family gets a luxury suite. They are not exactly sure of the reason, but he will love it. Garret also gets to bring his best friend. They both have juvenile diabetes.
Jim MoganGranddaughter Channing just graduated Summa Cum Laude from Reinhardt University in Canton, Georgia.
Charlie TappThanks for the fantastic Kentucky Derby Social to Debe Dockins, Karl Frydryk, Sue Brubaker, Sue Jessee, and Val Huff.
Myron Rheaume$3, Granddaughter Kira fielded three job offers from major film studios and has accepted one. They wanted her for how well she did on a recent film made for Netflix.
Myron RheaumeGranddaughter Kira is getting married.
Bob LawsonThanks for all of those that helped with the fishing station for the Family Adventure Day at the RecPlex.
On behalf of Beth Duncan Birthday$$$ Everyone put in a happy buck for President Beth’s Birthday, which is likely a record donation from a lunch meeting for Happy Bucks for the Optimist International Fund.

Sergeants at Arms

Scott LangerLate to meeting
Several members had phones going offThe new sergeants Erin Laurito and Carol Smerz are giving fair warning that starting next week you WILL BE FINED if your phone goes off during a meeting.
Charlie TappRunning out of Mint Julep Juice at the Derby Party.
Charlie TappWinning the Kentucky Derby hat contest with a simple blue baseball cap.
Anyone that has an AOF route that is not wearing their AOF t-shirt todayNot wearing an Avenue of Flags shirt for today’s flag kick off.
Sitting at a tagged tableEveryone that sat at one of two tables that were tagged with an Avenue of Flags sleeve yellow cap is fined.

Membership Anniversaries

Brendan CunninghamMay 15, 20185
Wendy HattanMay 15, 20185


Beth DuncanMay 9
Salli DuncanMay 9
Julie RadoMay 9
Jon FoxMay 10
Jessica KingMay 11
Tim BemisMay 15
Cadance LowellMay 15

CNO Donations – 2013 through March 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes the Club received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here