Volunteer Centerville

Bob Burkman’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, I recently read that, in all likelihood, most of the children born today will live into the year 2100 and beyond. We all have a massive responsibility to educate and guide these young people toward a bright future. As Optimists, we donate our time and talents to accomplish that aim.

Today, we will learn other ways our community provides opportunities to support our fellow citizens and our youth. So Lord, for this New Year and beyond, give us the motivation and the strength to use our talents for the betterment of our children and our community. And, as we go about our lives, share a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring to improve the life of a child.



  • Joan Cordonnier announced that the Ohio District Conference is on February 9, and 10, 2024. You can sign up online using the Member Calendar. Remember that CNO will pay for your fees. Be sure to choose payment type of “Third Party” and Roland will send your payment in for you.
  • Bill Stone, past Ohio District Governor, announced that Mike Bevis has sponsored 116 members so far. He sponsored his first member in 2003.
  • Gary Hansen announced that the Youth Recognition event will be on June 11, 2024. The first meeting will be held on January 25, 2024, at his home. He is hoping for the return of previous members and they can use new members.
  • Gary Hansen announced that the Will Cale Scholarship Committee is looking for new mentors. There are 7 student candidates this year.
  • Beth Duncan announced that a Euchre party will be on 1/26/2024 at ContempoRoast. The cost is $5 and pay at the door. Please register ahead of time using the member calendar.
  • Liz Fultz announced for Ron Thompson that the Oratorical Contest needs three judges and a timekeeper. Let her or Ron know if you would like to help.
  • Jane Fiehrer announced that Rachael Goetz has agreed to be the co-chair of the Visual Arts Contest and they are looking for additional committee members to help and to judge the art. Each year children send in photos of their painting and drawings. Awards are given for each type of art.
  • Mike Bevis announced that the golf outing is 6 months from now on July 15, 2024. They are looking for additional committee members.
  • Mike Bevis announced that the marketing committee is asking committee chairs to please submit their forms and announcements that will face the public. They are trying to make everything correct and consistent for a unified marketing message and correct logos.
  • Kristen Marks, the essay contest chair, announced the deadline for entries for the Essay Contest are due on February 1, 2024. Let English teachers know about it so they can announce the contest to their students.
  • Bob Burkman announced that flag renewals are happening now and that you can give him your renewal forms and checks.

Volunteer Centerville

Mariah Vogelsgesang introduced Kate Bostdorff and Drew Simon, who were here to present the improvements to the experience people have when they volunteer for the City of Centerville.

Kate Bostdorff Bio
Kate Bostdorff is the City of Centerville’s Communications Director. In addition to her work documenting and promoting local government, she is also an Emmy Award winning reporter. Kate spent several years as an evening anchor at WHIO-TV, the Number One CBS affiliate in the country. Kate recently received her MBA from Ohio University. She completed her undergraduate studies at Ball State University and spent a year as a Fulbright Scholar in Palembang, Indonesia. Her son, Charlie, just turned 7 years old.

Drew Simon Bio
Drew has been with the City of Centerville since May, 2022 as the Community Resources Coordinator.  He oversees the City’s volunteer program and takes the lead on planning City events like the Summer Concert Series, Party in the Park, Fall Fest and many others. Prior to his service with the city, he worked for over a decade in local news with WHIO and the Dayton Daily News. He also worked more than 13 years on the Dayton Dragons entertainment staff hosting in-game entertainment. Drew and his wife Heather have three kids and live in Bellbrook.


The presentation today is titled “Volunteer Centerville – Revitalizing our volunteer program for the future.”

You can view the slide deck of the presentation here.

The original volunteer program established in 1984 was called the CIVIC Municipal Volunteer Program.

The city has a lot of potential volunteers respond with, “I just can’t commit to come every week.” They are changing the program to work around the schedules of community members. There will be a bigger menu of options for those willing to give back to their community.

Stubbs Park concerts are having record attendance. The group “Simply Queen” had 5000 people attend which filled the entire hill in front of the stage. The city realized with the growth of events they needed to modernize their system.

Yankee Trace golf course had 71,000 rounds of golf played last year.

To learn even more details and to sign up online use this web page for Volunteer Centerville.

Areas of the Community With Volunteer Opportunities

  • Yankee Trace
  • Police Department
  • Municipal Building
  • Boards and Commissions
  • Approximately 160 Volunteers city wide

Modernizing the Application and Onboarding Process

The process used to be two separate applications that could be printed or emailed. Now it is a single online application.

Previously onboarding volunteers involved a phone call, a handbook and each supervisor took it from there. Now there is a more detailed 1-2 hour onboarding training session and ID Badges are given to volunteers.

Perks for Yankee Trace Volunteers

  • Unlimited standby golf
  • Golf shop/restaurant discounts
  • Volunteer Centerville polo shirt for each volunteer
  • Quarterly Pro Session

Perks for Other Event Volunteers

  • Volunteer Centerville polo shirt for each volunteer
  • Food voucher for events worked

Leadership Programming

These meetings are held to educate people about what the city is doing being behind the scenes.

  • Community Leadership Forum
  • Quarterly Lunch and Learns
  • Volunteer Inclusion with Leadership Circle

Volunteer Feedback Will Now Be Gathered

  • Quarterly volunteer feedback
  • Annual feedback review by supervisors

Reaching Out and Applying Online

Centerville’s goal in coming today in addition to educating us is that they are hoping to gain volunteers from CNO members or people they know. You can find the volunteer form on this web page.

They want to get families, young professionals and others that just want to help. They will work around their schedules.

The online form was launched a week ago and it has already received five applications.

Thank You

Thank you, Kate Bostdorff and Drew Simon, for educating us about the way volunteering now works with the City of Centerville.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Anita KoernerCarol Smerz
Don StaffordCarol Smerz
Drew SimonSpeaker
Kate BostdorffSpeaker
Myles KirkseyBlanca Criner
Peter AdamsDebe Dockins
Sam HaroldKelly Stone

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Beth HallDiane Arehart3rd Reading
Scott SowderGary Smiga3rd Reading
Jeff MoggMike Bevis2nd Reading
Dave BallGary Hansen2nd Reading
Bridget HerzogMike Bevis1st Reading

Happy Bucks

Tia PappCelebrating 3rd Wedding Anniversary with Michael.
Mike CreechSaw his granddaughter march in the Rose Parade in California.
Mike CreechHad a great time with his brother in San Francisco, they went to wine and beer tastings. He also drove up the Pacific Coast Highway and was in California for two weeks.
Bob MyersExplained to fellow sergeant Mike Creech that last week when Mike was gone he was able to handle sergeant duties all by himself.
Andy HigginsHis mother-in-law just celebrated her 96th birthday.
Blanca CrinerBeing able to bring her guest, Miles, who has volunteered at Tri-Star soccer.
Gary HansenThe Detroit Lions won their first playoff game since before his 31-year-old son was born.

Sergeants at Arms

CNO Attendees that did not sit at the CNO TableAttended the MLK breakfast yesterday and did not sit at the CNO table.
Kelly StoneShe was not wearing her CNO pin in the OI magazine article honoring she and Bill for being in the William H. Harrison Society for Optimist Foundation giving.
Bill StoneHe was not wearing his CNO pin when he was in the background of a promotional photo for UD.
Carrie MillionTold a sergeant that they were not allowed to fine her. She was incorrect since she was fined.
Karl FrydrykFining a sergeant right after being made a temporary deputy sergeant a few weeks ago.

Membership Anniversaries

Mike CreechJanuary 17, 20222
Ray DaleyJanuary 17, 20222
Cindy GabouryJanuary 17, 20222
Bob MyersJanuary 17, 20222
Casey DixonJanuary 20, 20213
Emily DukeJanuary 16, 20195
Morgan SchiffhauerJanuary 18, 20195
Dick LeeJanuary 18, 20177
Pam MillerJanuary 18, 20177
Lynne ReillyJanuary 18, 20177
Deb UlrichJanuary 18, 20177
Gary DeMarcoJanuary 20, 20168
Jeff KujawaJanuary 22, 20159
Mike YoderJanuary 22, 201410


Lisa MaciejewskiJanuary 17
Barbara SantoJanuary 17
Myron RheaumeJanuary 20
Gary SmigaJanuary 21
Mark MetzgerJanuary 22
Connie RischJanuary 22

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received this week

A copy of Thank You Notes the club received this week are here

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here