Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum, Wayne Witherell

Phather Phil Prayer Read by Bob Burkman

By Philip E. Robinson (aka Phather Phil), September 6, 2016

Heavenly Father, it would be great if we could say something profound in our prayers. They might even be remembered if we said something funny and maybe thought provoking if it were sad. If we think about it, we could do all of these but therein lies the rub – thinking. It’s what separates us from all other life. What a powerful tool you have given us Lord. Thinking is the hardest work we can do and it’s possibly why so few of us engage in it. So Lord, grant us the wisdom to plan each day with a time set aside for thinking. Let the mind gallop over the chunky peanut butter stuff, let our imagination soar to heights that only wild imagination can reach. Plan a worthy purpose for our life and motivate us with the knowledge that the worst thing we can do is not to try.


Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to participate in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.

New Member Recruiting

At the recent Ohio District Convention, the following members were recognized for recruiting new members during their membership with CNO:

  • Judy Johnson – 1 new member
  • Steve Rau – 1 new member
  • Craig Dring – 5 new members
  • Barbara Santo – 10 new members
  • Myron Rheaume – 15 new members
  • Kelly Stone – 50 new members

OI Foundation – Dime a Day

Thanks to the following members for participating in the Dime a Day campaign raising funds for the Optimist InternationI Foundation, the charitable giving branch of Optimist International. Your funds help with all the great work they do.

The foundation is about helping Optimists help kids and their mission is, “Seeking, receiving and managing funds and real personal property for the benefit of Optimist International and its Member Clubs in its charitable, literary and educational activities.”. Their vision statement is, “We envision a Foundation that can provide significant funding for Optimist International’s youth and service programs and is proudly supported by individual Optimists, their Clubs, and the community at large.”

  • Gail Aiken
  • Brandon Barrett
  • Pat Behn
  • Mike Bevis
  • Bob Burkman
  • Katie Calloway
  • Joan Cordonnier
  • Mike Creech
  • Stan Fronzaglia
  • Karl Frydryk
  • Christie Gariety
  • Rachel Goetz
  • Evelyn Griffin
  • Wendy Hattan
  • Don Kelley
  • David Ladd
  • Bob Lawson
  • Nancy Lehren
  • Carrie Million
  • Ellie Parker
  • Jean Pummill
  • Charla Rheaume
  • Myron Rheaume
  • Carol Smerz
  • Carolyn Taylor
  • Ron Tinnerman


  • Sue Jesse announced that the annual CNO Officer Installation dinner will be at the Presidential on September 27, 2022. No lunch meeting will be held that Tuesday at Yankee Trace. The deadline for registration and payment is 9/16/2022. You can register online (credit cards) or in person (credit cards, checks or cash) after a lunch meeting.
  • Greg Griffin announced it is 80 days until the Tree Lot opens. The trees are ordered. The committee needs two more team captains. They will train you.
  • Gail Aiken announced it is 34 days until the Haunted Trail. They need lots of volunteers for trail guides, to hand out donut holes and other tasks that don’t require walking the one-mile trail. You can register online here.

Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum, Wayne Witherell

Liz Fultz introduced Wayne Witherell a volunteer tour guide at Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum.

Wayne Witherell is retired as an Air Force civilian from Wright-Patterson AFB. He specialized in logistics, strategic planning and organizational development. In retirement he’s become involved in several organizations as a volunteer. In addition to Woodland Cemetery, he is a museum guide at the Dayton Art Institute and a member of the Dayton Region Walk of Fame committee.

About Woodland Cemetery

Founded in 1841, Woodland Cemetery is one of the nation’s five oldest rural garden cemeteries offering a unique cultural, botanical and educational resource in the heart of Dayton, Ohio.

Over 3,000 trees and 165 specimens of native Midwestern woody plants grace the Arboretum’s 200 verdant acres of rolling hills. Many of the trees are more than a century old; nine of which, have been designated Ohio Champions by the Ohio Forestry Association.

Their mission is to, “To commemorate the dead, entrusted to our service with care and dignity.  Comfort the bereaved with understanding in a tranquil, beautiful, natural landscape.  Preserve the heritage and wonder of Woodland in perpetuity.”


Wayne Witherell started giving tours at Woodland Cemetery in 2018 as a volunteer. His presentation was stories about interesting monuments and famous Daytonians buried there.

Originally the cemetery opened with 80 acres, but now has 200 acres. They have room to handle burials for at least another hundred years.

There is a Civil War Section. Both Union and Confederate soldiers were buried in the cemetery. You can see canons from the Civil War at the cemetery.

Until modern equipment existed, they could not bury people when the ground was frozen. They had a receiving vault for those waiting to be buried. Since temperature is no longer an issue, the receiving vault is being converted to a mausoleum for 16 people.

The cemetery has an area called Lookout Point, which is the highest point in Dayton. Before telephones, lookouts were used to spot fires in the area and this was one of many in Dayton

There is a historic chapel being refurbished that was built in 1887. Its stained-glass windows were made by Tiffany’s in New York. The original tiles of the building were also made by Tiffany, but the tiles could not be saved. The new tiles are being made in the same style. The chapel was used until 1970 when the mausoleum was built with its own chapel. After renovations the historic chapel will be a secondary chapel.

Some Noteworthy Individuals at Rest at Woodland Cemetery

For a complete list with pictures check out the virtual tour on the Woodland Cemetery website.

  • Allen Cullum, 1805-1843, the first person buried in Woodland Cemetery
  • Loren M. Berry, 1888-1980, L.M. Berry Company, Creator of the Yellow Pages
  • James M. Cox 1845-1932. Started Cox Media
  • Colonel Edward A. Deeds, 1874-1960, founder of DELCO and worked for NCR
  • Charles F. Kettering, 1876-1958, famous and prolific inventor
  • Wilbur Wright, 1867-1912, co-inventor of the powered flight
  • Orville Wright, 1871-1948, co-inventor of powered flight; First person to fly with a flight of 120 feet in 12 seconds
  • James Ritty, 1837-1918, Inventor of the cash register, invented to stop employee theft; He sold the invention to John Patterson
  • John H. Patterson 1844-1922, founder of NCR
  • Adam Schantz, 1939-1903, invented a water purification system that created safe water for many brewers
  • Charles Soule, 1811-1869, artist with works in the Dayton Art Institute
  • Johnny Morehouse, died 1860, it is the second most visited monument; Johnny drowned and his monument is a statue of him and the dog that tried to save him but Johnny died before his dog could bring him to the shore

Thank You

Thank you, Wayne Witherell, for interesting stories and pictures of Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
David CordonnierJoan Cordonnier1st Reading
Jon WesneyJesse Lightle2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Wayne WitherellSpeaker

Happy Bucks

Myron RheaumeHappy to be at the meeting with his wife Charla and son Scott, they are all three CNO members
Myron RheaumeCelebrating 57th Wedding Anniversary with Charla
Myron RheaumeGrandaughter Keirra just graduated and has been hired by a major movie studio, Marvel Studios, and will be the assistant to the second director for a movie starring Chris Pratt on Netflix
Sue BrubakerShe recovered her 50/50 winnings from her husband Mike when she had to leave a meeting early – Andy Higgins told her, so Mike had to fess up
Liz FultzNew member Jon Wesney and she are both graduates of Morehead State
Bill WilliamsAs of 8/31/2022 his wife and he are both retired
Beth DuncanJoan Cordonnier is now CFO of Beth’s company Lizard Apparel and Promotion
Brian NicholasHad a great fishing trip with his adult children without their children – an experience he suggests for everyone
Tom NovakMitch Bodenmiller has a new position at work and will be on the CNO Board of Directors

Sergeants at Arms

Diane ArehartCaused a soda can to explode when she slammed a brick of ice into it while chilling drinks at the golf outing
Myron RheaumeWore his name tag on his sleeve
Mitch BodenmillerFined because he joined in 2021 when there were no fines because of COVID, so he has some catching up to do
Joan CordonnierIs not claiming new member David Cordonnier as a relative

Membership Anniversaries

Gail AikenSeptember 8, 199329


Roberta TaylorSeptember 7
Paula HarrisonSeptember 7
Karl FrydrykSeptember 8
Doug RenoSeptember 8
Sam PfabeSeptember 11

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see this Week’s Thank You Notes

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here