Youth Appreciation Awards 2023-2024

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

As we enter the holiday seasons of Advent and Hanukkah, help us to let go of those things that weigh us down (that bell and gavel look awfully heavy Joan) and overwhelm us during this sacred time. Rather than make lists of things we need to do, may we create “not-to-do” lists which could include things like spend too much time shopping, over scheduling ourselves, or lug around a bell and gavel all meeting.

In all seriousness,

Lord, may we give ourselves the grace to say “no” to some of the busyness and chaos of the season. Help us to create time and space to just breathe and enjoy this special time of year.



  • Craig Dring thanked everyone who purchased a Poinsettia from the TOP Optimist Club. They sold 152 poinsettias and they were picked up today.
  • Karly Frydryk announced that there are 70 trees left on the tree lot.
  • Christy Gariety said that Adopt-a-Family was a success with 50 kids covered. She and her co-chair Sue Jessee thanked all members who participated, and they are very happy all of the gifts were dropped off on time at the school for the parents to retrieve.

Happy Birthday Nancy Lehren Joan Gruss

Today was Nancy Lehren and Joan Gruss’s birthday. Bob Duffy led us in singing Happy Birthday. He has not improved even with all of his experience directing and neither have we!

At today’s meeting there were three CHS students receiving CNO Youth Appreciation awards. They brought with them about 12 additional family members and there were about ten others from the school. I’m thinking all of these people had to wonder just what is wrong with the members of our club. The singing was so bad they obviously think no members were offered choir classes while in school. And they must find it amazing that we had the brain power to honor their achievements since we can’t sing a simple song!

At least all these students, family and faculty will have a story to tell!

Have a great year Joan and Nancy!

Youth Appreciation Awards 2023-2024

Joan Cordonnier introduced the coordinating principal of Centerville High School, John Carroll. Carroll introduced guidance counselors who presented three CHS students with the annual CNO Youth Appreciation Award.

From John Carroll:

Good afternoon. First, I would like to thank the Centerville Noon Optimists for providing this opportunity to present today and honor three of the most outstanding students from Centerville High School.

For the students here, I hope you recognize you need to have three things to be a member of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club: a big heart, a pretty good sense of humor and a little bit of sarcasm. I’d like to welcome everybody and I’m super excited that the Optimist Club invites us and provides this time for us to recognize the students from our high school.

There are many students that we could recognize. When I sent the email to the counselors for their selected students, I heard back in less than a day from all three of them, which means the students that are here with us today are really the best of the best and represent all of the attributes that the Optimist Club celebrates.

Since 1957, Optimist Clubs have recognized youth for their talents in all areas of our school program and their service to our community. Today, I have the honor of introducing three outstanding members of the CHS class of 2023 who have been nominated for this year’s Youth Appreciation Award. I honestly can’t wait for you to hear about these students as I know they embody the values of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club.

All three of these young adults have an extremely strong commitment to both their school and their community. They have excelled in rigorous academic programs while also demonstrating exceptional leadership, and community service.

I would like to make some introductions of guests joining us to celebrate. Please welcome our CHS administration and counseling staff:

  • East Unit Principal – Mr. Jack Durnbaugh and counselor Mrs. Meghan Leiker
  • South Unit Principal – Ms. Jen Riegel and Counselor Mrs. Christina Weaver
  • West Unit Principal – Mr. Jeff Wolff and Counselor Mrs. Stella McCrory
  • And please also welcome our awesome superintendent Mr. Jon Wesney

At this time, I would like to have our award winners introduce their guests today:

  • From East Unit- Lila Hilliard
  • From South Unit – Maryna Crawford
  • From West Unit – Colin Kirts

For students and their guests, I would like to share a little about our club. The motto of all Optimist Clubs is “Friend of Youth,” and this club strives to uphold that motto by providing numerous activities for the youth of our community. Examples of this support include: the Halloween Haunted Trail, Fishing Derby, Oratorical Contests, Sponsorship of Youth Clubs like Jr. Optimist and Octagon Club and many other activities.

In keeping with this motto, each year the Centerville Noon Optimist Club also hosts this Youth Appreciation event to recognize young people who are outstanding citizens and actively involved in their schools, places of worship, and communities.

At this time, I am going to invite each counselor to the podium to introduce this year’s Youth Appreciation Award winners.

Lila Hilliard

From Meghan Leiker:

Hello, I am Meghan Leiker, the East Unit counselor, and it’s my honor to have been able to nominate my student, Lila Hilliard, for the Noon Optimist Youth Appreciation Award. Lila is a student I’ve worked with during her high school career, both inside and outside of school. She is a young woman who exudes kindness, heart and a bubbly personality you can’t help but love.

Lila has quite the resume as she is a participant in a number of CHS clubs, performance groups and mentoring programs. Her musical talent is surely a gift; Lila has held lead roles in school plays, winning awards for being outstanding lead actor and being a member of the elite, A Capella singing group, Forte’. She is also a producer, anchor and reporter of her Mass Communications program, Friday Focus, that airs each week for the school to watch. CARE team, Lunch Buddies and volunteering as an Elk Connector round out her experience serving as a mentor and support system for her peers and young students.

I reached out to a few of Lila’s teachers. Mr. Hamen has this to say: “Lila is the kind of person who goes out of her way to support others, whether that’s sharing a thoughtful message, offering to help someone in need, or even simply bringing humor to a stressful moment. Lila has a knack for sensing other people’s situations, and she gives empathy generously and without judgement.”

Her Mass Communications teacher, Mr. Leiker, summed it up best by saying “she has a servant’s heart and truly cares about others.”

Finally, my favorite thing about Lila is her involvement with my family as our babysitter. Now, my kids are only 5 and 2, but she has made quite an imprint on their lives already. My 5-year-old is suddenly taking an interest in how his hair looks on nights when we are expecting Lila. I’m not allowed to open the door until he’s ready…

Lila, it has truly been so fun getting to know you these past couple of years and seeing another side of you and your heart. You are truly a blessing to the school, community and my family. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard, you raised a good one and you should be proud. Congratulations Lila on receiving the Noon Optimist Youth Appreciation award.

Lila said, “This is really incredible. I’m so happy to be here. Thank you, Mrs. Leiker with all my heart. This is amazing. I want to thank all my teachers for helping me get here. I never thought I would get this. My parents right here and both my little sister and older sister, have all helped me become who I am today. I really love Centerville. It’s a very open place where I feel like I can be myself and I think that’s really important. Thank you again, this is amazing.”

Maryna Crawford

From Christina Weaver:

Hello, I am Christina Weaver, the South Unit counselor.

Maryna Crawford is an exemplary student and individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication and passion in her pursuit of the arts, academics, and community service. As I have gotten to know Maryna, I have been consistently impressed by her ability to excel in the face of challenges, her steadfast commitment to her diverse interests, and her genuine enthusiasm for making a positive impact on the world around her.

Maryna is a true leader in our community, always eager to lend her talents to a wide range of activities and organizations. As a prominent member of the Centerville Coeds Dance Team, she has excelled not only in her own performances but also in her role as a Costume-leader, helping to foster a sense of unity and camaraderie among her fellow dancers. Beyond her contributions to our school’s dance program, Maryna has consistently sought out opportunities to give back to her community. She has volunteered her time and expertise as a youth dance coach, helping children develop their skills in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Maryna’s academic achievements and involvement in the National Honor Society and the National Honor Society for Dance Arts are a testament to her dedication to learning and personal growth. As the Centerville Board of Education Student Representative, Maryna has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to improving the educational experience for her peers, diligently researching and addressing pertinent issues within our school system.

In addition to her remarkable accomplishments in the realms of dance and academics, Maryna has also shown a keen interest in community service and engagement. Her volunteer work with Centerville Safetyville Square and A Happy Hour Marathon, as well as her leadership in the Centerville Performing Arts Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat event, highlight her selfless nature and desire to make a positive impact on the lives of those around her.

As if that wasn’t impressive enough, outside of school, Maryna has demonstrated her strong work ethic through her part-time employment as a certified lifeguard at Dunsinane Pool and her ongoing commitment to babysitting. These experiences have undoubtedly contributed to her ability to balance a demanding schedule while still excelling in her academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Maryna’s impressive array of skills, experiences, and personal qualities make her an exemplary candidate for the Noon Optimist award. I firmly believe that she will continue to thrive and make meaningful contributions to our community.

Maryna’s said, “Thank you guys so much for having me here today and to my lovely counselor and Mr. Carroll, my principal, for nominating me. Thank you to my parents for supporting me and my crazy, crazy schedule. Yeah, I just want to thank you guys so much for this honor. Centerville and the community around me have been amazing and for giving me so much opportunity to give back and a desire to give back. Thank you for that.”

Colin Kirts

From Stella McCrory:

Hello, I am Stella McCrory, the West Unit counselor. I am pleased to introduce Colin Kirts.

Colin is a kind and caring man, a good student, and is active in his school and his community. As a fourth-grade student, Colin became interested in wrestling because his friends told him how much fun it was. So, he gave it a try and nine years later, Colin is still enjoying wrestling. He’s about to be in his fourth season on our high school team. Colin was voted Best JV wrestler.

He’s visited our local elementary schools to greet the students at the start of their day, which as you can imagine, is a big deal for young students.

Colin completed classes and was confirmed at Incarnation Parish. His parents, Jennifer and Kyle, taught him from an early age to serve others as a family. They volunteered during Thanksgiving season through the wrestling program. Colin was introduced to the Optimist Club during his freshman year. He has volunteered more than 60 hours for the CNO Avenue of Flags fundraiser.

Colin is a hard worker. He has been a referee for youth soccer and TOP sports.

Colin worked for Dorothy Lane Market and then moved on to food service. He currently works at the Paragon Supper Club, so maybe some of you can stop by and leave a big tip.

Colin is in the CHS Culinary Arts program. Apparently, he can make a mean burger. He placed third in the best hamburger competition at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. He tells me he enjoys cooking, particularly pasta. In order to do my part, I’m graciously volunteering to taste test, should he ever need it. Colin’s culinary arts teacher said that he sets himself apart in class by being a self-starter, taking pride in his work and by being a great team player. He can work with anyone successfully.

Colin’s wrestling coach reports that he gives great effort and motivates his teammates to do the right thing. His close friend says that Colin is a “good dude,” who really cares about people. Colin is a well-rounded young man with many interests. A characteristic that really stands out to me is his commitment and dedication. Colin plans to attend Sinclair next year for firefighter and EMT studies, so he will continue a life of service to his community.

Colin said, “I’m very grateful to receive this award. I’ve been working with the Optimist Club for four years. It’s been a very exciting journey and I’m so grateful for my mom and dad for getting me involved, and my entire family in general. So, thank you very much.”

John Carroll’s Closing Thoughts

From John Carroll:

In closing, I would just like to say that it is a joy to work with all the students at CHS. The three students honored today have set themselves apart during their time at CHS. I am sure you will all agree that their futures are very bright! Might I insert a gratuitous plug and state that you would all make outstanding Optimist members in the future! If your journey returns you to the area, keep the Centerville Noon Optimists in mind!

I want the three of you to know that, when I asked counselors who we should recognize, your names were offered without hesitation! I hope you accept that as a huge acknowledgement of who you are and what you have meant to our school and community. Congratulations and thank you!

I invite any CNO members to come and get a tour of the high school. I would be happy to show you various things around the school. He knows it might feel like a one-way street sometimes, so come and see what is happening.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Chuck SeyfferleTom Novak
Cristy KetteringStan Fronzaglia
Scott SowderGary Smiga

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Melanie AsbellLacy Owens1st Reading
Amy CreechDeb Ulrich2nd Reading
Laurent MuvunyiKatie CallowayInduction
John CurranJoan CordonnierInduction

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week.

Sergeants at Arms

Diane ArehartParked in the BMV lot at the tree lot (BMV may have been closed at the time)
Larry EnglandDelivered two trees to the wrong homes on the same trip

Membership Anniversaries

Roberta TaylorDecember 6, 199528
Paul BoeckmanDecember 9, 199429
Roland RappDecember 10, 200221


Joan GrussDecember 5
Nancy LehrenDecember 5
Tia PappDecember 5
Bill DeShurkoDecember 6
Matt SomerlotDecember 7
Sarah UmbreitDecember 7
Jeff UmbreitDecember 8
Patrick ArehartDecember 10
Megan DaltonDecember 10
Penny CulhaneDecember 11

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received this week

A copy of Thank You Notes the club received this week are here

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here