Avenue of Flags Kickoff 2024

Bob Burkman’s Prayer

Gracious Lord, as we prepare for our Avenue of Flags holidays, we thank you for our country and for the men and women who had the courage to form this nation. We thank you for the flag that flies over our nation and gives us hope. We ask your blessing on our nation and its leaders. Lord in your Mercy.


Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now sign up to volunteer or to take part in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Joan Cordonnier was asked by Centerville City Schools to announce that they are looking for school bus drivers. Contact Joan for more information. This web page has a contact to send an email to as well.
  • Paul Boeckman announced that the Safety on Wheels (AKA Bike Rodeo) event will be held on May 19, 2024, at Forest Field Park. Volunteers are needed from 12:30 PM to 3 PM. For details and to sign up use the Member Calendar.
  • Bob Lawson announced that the Fishing Derby will be held on June 1, 2024, at Oak Grove Park instead of the RecPlex this year. They need several more people to help, especially since the lake is bigger. No fishing experience required. There are many jobs that do not require you to touch fish or bait. For details and to sign up use the Member Calendar.

Avenue of Flags Kick Off Skit

Joan Cordonnier introduced Tom Novak, one of the three co-chairs of the CNO Avenue of Flags (AOF) Committee. The other co-chairs are Mike Brubaker and Bob Burkman. The seven flag holidays celebrated with the delivery of flags are Memorial Day, Flag Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Patriots Day and Veterans Day. There will be over 3400 flags delivered for Memorial Day and the number of subscriptions will increase with each holiday.

Tom explained that they have people and groups outside of CNO members help deliver flags. One of his guests today was Cydney Harkness, who is a subscriber who delivers flags in her neighborhood. Organizations like the Knights of Columbus earn money for their organization by assisting CNO. Tom had two guests today, Walt Spaulding and Dan Spiller, who are members of the Knights of Columbus.

To learn even more facts about the Avenue of Flags fundraiser, check these previous CNOtes articles.

Avenue of Flags Skit

Maha, a long-time club member, shared some thoughts about the early years of the Avenue of Flags program. She mentioned that there were just 800 subscriptions in 2012. As she’s speaking, Johnny Appleseed (played by Tim Clemmer) interrupts, thinking he’s at the wrong event. After some confusion, Maha explains the Avenue of Flags program to Johnny, showing visuals of how residents and businesses participate, the routes and teams involved, and the efficiency of the operation.

Unexpectedly, George Washington (played by Bob Burkman) arrives, announcing his candidacy for President in the upcoming election. Washington is played in by Bob Myers to the tune of “Hail to the Chief” on his trumpet. Washington introduces Betsy Ross (played by Beth Duncan) as his running mate for Vice President. George encourages CNO members to volunteer for the Avenue of Flags program, emphasizing the program’s growth and need for more volunteers.

The skit was informative and funny. You can read the entire script here. Check out the slides shown during the skit using the link at the bottom of this article.

Credits for today’s performance:

  • Written by Tom Novak
  • Narration performed by Maha Kashani
  • Johny Appleseed performed by Tim Clemer
  • George Washington performed by Bob Burkman
  • Trumpeter playing Hail to the Chief performed by Bob Myers
  • Betsy Ross performed by Beth Duncan

Additional Volunteers are Always Welcome

Let Tom Novak know if you can help with delivery or pickup of flags. Helpers go out as two person teams. They are very excited to get volunteers that have flag friendly vehicles, like mini-vans, SUV’s and pickup trucks. If you do not own a flag friendly vehicle you can still help; you will be paired with someone who has a compatible vehicle.

Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day History

Memorial Day was originally named Decoration Day. Memorial Day started on May 30, 1865, to honor the 620,000 people who died in the Civil War. May 30th was chosen because there were no battles on that day. Memorial Day got its current official name in 1967. Currently Memorial Day is on the last Monday of May each year because of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. Signed into law on June 28, 1968, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act took effect on January 1, 1971. Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May as a tribute to the people currently serving in the Armed Forces.

2024-2025 Officers and Board of Directors Nominations for CNO

CNO Secretary, Jean Pummill, reported that the nomination committee of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club, comprised of past presidents, the current president and incoming president have nominated the following members for the Optimist Year starting October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025:

  • President Elect: Sarah Umbreit
  • Vice Presidents: Mike Creech and Denise O’Neil
  • Board of Directors for 2-year terms: Andy Higgins, Greg Hoffbauer, Erin Laurito, Bob Myers, and Paul Stull
  • Board Members with 1 year left to serve: Dennis Dockins, Jim Mogan, Steve Rau, and Deb Saunders. Since Mike Creech has moved into the Vice-President position before his term expired, the Nomination Committee has chosen Karen Charnesky to finish out his term.
  • The incoming president chooses the Treasurer and Secretary. Roland Rapp has been chosen as Treasurer and Jean Pummill as Secretary. They are both currently serving in those positions.
  • Paul Boeckman will be president which was decided a year ago.
  • Past president Representative: Karl Frydyk
  • Joan Cordonnier will serve as the Immediate Past President

This is the final week we will here from nominated board members.

Karen Charnesky, Nominated for the Board of Directors

Karen Charnesky has been a member of CNO since 5/2/2023.

Karen spoke:

For those of you who don’t know me, I have been a Dayton area resident for three years and I have been a member for just over a year. My first meeting was a blast. I loved it. I only knew that you were the people who celebrated this great country by putting up flags everywhere, and I knew that I loved it, and I had to be a part of it.

Once I joined, I understood this is such a delightful group of people with the most honorable mission of serving children. The fact that your mission and vision aligned with my own made me feel at home. As I step into this position, I hope that my contributions will follow in the path of those who have already made a huge impact. I am honored to be nominated for the Board of Directors. Thank you.

Bob Myers, Nominated for the Board of Directors

Bob Myers has been a member of CNO since 1/17/2022.

Bob spoke:

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been a Dayton resident since my birth in 1954. I went to the University of Cincinnati. I was a practicing pediatrician right up the street at Yankee and Lions. I was on the Children’s Hospital Board, so I have had previous board experience. My wife was the executive director of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and for about 10 to 15 years, I got to participate in raising money for charity. You volunteer in one of three ways: your time, your talent, or your treasury. So hopefully, I’ll be able to help with that.

I have learned a few things. I’ve learned how to deliver flags and the whole process. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I cut the little yellow plugs in my garage; 5000 of them so far. I  learned to play taps at the Wall that Heals Memorial. I’ve learned to challenge previous presidents on their role here. And I’ve learned that all of you are sincere, cordial, and friendly throughout. Oh, I was also a Sergeant of Arms once. Anyway, I’m honored and humbled by this nomination. Thank you.

Paul Stull, Nominated for the Board of Directors

Paul Stull has been a member of CNO since 1/1/1970.

Paul spoke:

I just want to say that I’ve been a member of the club for some time now. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to participate in many of the programs and activities that the club does and to see the kids engage in these events and grow and learn, and hopefully become a better person because of it.

Another thing that has impacted my life a lot are the many friends that I’ve made, serious friends, now that I have acquired since belonging to the club. And I just want you to know that I come to these meetings not for the food, but for the fellowship. Thank you.

Election Results are Official as Recommended by the Nomination Committee

Don Kelley made a motion to accept the nominations as presented and Art Hung seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous consent for the year starting October 1, 2024.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Bradley MillwardArt Hung
Cydney HarknessTom Novak
Dan SpillerTom Novak
Doug OrfTom Novak
Jacob DiceGail Aiken
John HarknessTom Novak
Theresa CurryArt Hung
Tom GarietyChristy Gariety
Walt SpauldingTom Novak

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Doug OrfTom Novak2nd Reading
Spencer MillerChris McAlpineInduction

Happy Bucks

Scott LangerCelebrating 34th Wedding Anniversary with Julie.
Evelyn GriffinRachael Goetz had an excellent presentation about the Visual Arts Contest at the Ohio District conference last weekend.
Evelyn GriffinCraig Dring had an excellent presentation about Tri-Star sports at the Ohio District conference last weekend.
Sam Routsong$5, Being a role model for the Men at Work campaign for “Clothes that Work” which has the mission to clothe, educate, and empower individuals for employment success. You can vote for Sam for $5 at clothesthatwork.org.
Debe DockinsAll six of the Oratorical contestants from the regionals competed last weekend in Columbus at the Ohio District Oratorical Contest. They were fantastic. The Centerville 8th grader we saw at lunch a few weeks ago earned 3rd place.
Mark MetzgerAll the muck is finally gone from the ponds at RecPlex.
Fred PolizziFour skilled trade scholarships are being awarded this year.
Jeff BuschHis son’s baseball team won the GWOC conference tournament.
Jeff BuschHis son is getting his temporary driver’s permit today, so beware.
Larry LyndeThanks to the social committee and everyone who helped put on a great Kentucky Derby Party last Saturday.
Mike CreechHis 6th grade grandson was chosen by the Mason Education Association as one of two students recognized as a “Shining Leader.”

Sergeants at Arms

Nancy LehrenDid not pronounce Matt Goeke’s name correctly as a sergeant. Apparently former sergeants do not have immunity even just one week off the job.
Karl FrydrykTelling a terrible joke last week.
Anyone who is a past educatorThank you for being an educator and here is your chance to give even more.
Gary AndersonWearing pretty casual clothes to today’s meeting.
Anyone that won any bets at the Kentucky Derby PartyPay a buck if you won some bucks.
Sandy StevensA picture of Dick and Sandy Stevens was on the Dayton Foundation website and neither was wearing a pin. Since Sandy surely dresses Dick, she is fined $2.
Scott LangerHe was late to today’s meeting.
Greg GriffinThe guest name tag for Christy Gariety’s guest was not spelled correctly. Her guest was her husband Tom Gariety.
Art HungSaid “Happy Tuesday everybody!” for his Happy Buck which infringes on Maha’s copyright of the that greeting.

Membership Anniversaries

Craig DringMay 7, 199727
Dave KayMay 8, 199232
Paul BowellMay 8, 200024


Beth DuncanMay 9
Julie RadoMay 9
Jon FoxMay 10
Jessica KingMay 11

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here